A "wow!" moment

Started by gvse, October 31, 2009, 06:33:45 AM

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Hey folks,

I am really impressed with the in-game AI. Imagine this scenario. I have planned a night mission where spec ops are to conduct sabotage around PLA-held airport on Skira. I have placed PLA soldiers in strategic positions, put some empty helis, trucks and jeeps as it's night time and PLA feel secure at their base, and some of them stay indoors drinking coco and watching cartoons ;).
Then here I come with my team and the whole hell breaks loose: the enemy starts firing at me and that's what you'd normally expect them to do. But! They actually get into the empty jeeps and make flanking maneuvers. Some of them follow closely behind the jeeps on foot to get better cover. Pretty good, I say, but then bust this! I am constantly forced to switch my position as I have already lost one man and I am wounded, and so I find an opening and crawl to the now-deserted traffic control tower. Before I get there a truck emerges so i shoot the driver but then PLA exit it and start shooting at me. I did manage to finish them off and make it to the tower for some more medical treatment.
And here comes the high point. Once I am in the tower I hear that a heli has taken off. It has flown over the tower and landed on the opposite side, and PLA exit it and start shooting at me!!! I didn't realize what was going on initially but then it dawned on me that it is really happening so I went to the other side of the tower just in time to see the heli landing and spec-opes exiting it. I took some lead but I stayed behind cover and managed to survive.
I am not making this up. I did not script the mission, giving the PLA orders to climb into vehicles once they see me; this is how they act on their own! All I did was give them  a "search and destroy" command on identifying me. This was absolutely fantastic!
I did use the ultimate AI mod and the improved dispersion mod, and I am not sure how the mission will go without these. Anyways, brilliant!  ;D


... and some people claim its a game with dumb AI... great action gvse...  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I guess that like in other other game they have their moments of dumbness (though I haven't noticed any glaring mistakes, and I play this game every day), but on the whole DR offers the best, most balanced firefights. In FC2 you often feel that mercs see too well, are much too accurate and can soak up way too many bullets; A2 is decent but the aiming system is clunky and so I have fallen out with this game; in DR you can pull off stealth, the enemy is not fiendishly accurate, you can come under a hail of bullets and you know you got to find cover, which feels very exciting, and the maneuver they have pulled off at the airport was class!

Art Blade

nice story and I can only second the brilliance of the AI. I don't use any mods and they do the same. That is why you can script vehicles to be not mountable, until you want them to be, so the AI doesn't use for example your getaway vehicle  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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