Predecessor Mission

Started by shiba, March 27, 2009, 03:58:49 AM

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Art Blade

I once did what is on your mind, Yxklyx. I went to Bowa, then returned to Leboa only to finish the Predecessor missions one after another, nothing else. So no, you don't need missions in between and yes, you can do them whenever you like. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Didius Falco

G'Day All,

I've been lurking for quite a while now, and registered a few days ago, but this is my first post.

I'm having the same problem with the lack of Predecessor missions, with a twist.

I bough a DVD Retail version of FC2 to install on my Win XP PC. In the DVD case there was a notice with a registration key that said that if I created an Ubisoft account and then entered that code, it would unlock the Fortunes Pack.

I did so, and got a "Bonus Content Enabled" message. The extra weapons and vehicles w@&k fine, all the time. Still no Predecessor Missions, though.

Here is where it gets weird - I just fired up FC2 and allowed it online access (I usually have my internet connection disabled in XP; I use linux for using the 'net). Lo and behold, the Predecessor Tapes listing appeared in the pause menu, and the envelope icon shows up on the map Legend. This is a brand new game (my 4th time through) and I'm currently collecting diamonds, after having done the 4 Gun Shop missions. These are the only missions I've done, aside from the malaria meds one from the priest. I've yet to get a call, but I haven't been in town yet.

I then quit FC2 and restarted it without giving it access to the 'net. The Predeccessor Tapes are now missing from the pause screen tabs, and the Envelope icon is missing from the map Legend.

I had already added the Registry keys that were made available at this  (thanks for that!!)forum.

Frankly, I'm stumped. I do know that I'm not happy with the thought that I'd have to be online in order to get those extra missions.

I've read every post in this thread, and found no solution, though I'm impressed with the amount of effort put into trying to solve it.

Unfortunately, I have no solutions to add, but I thought I may as well add to the information available about this problem, in hopes it may lead someone else towards a solution.

Thanks for taking the time to read this long post by a gamer that has hit the 50 year mark, but still enjoys gaming as much as ever I did. 

Art Blade

Welcome to OWG, Didius Falco, old chap!

I'm pretty sure you already know you're just a perfect match here at your young age  ;D I like the fact that we keep gathering the real boys here ;D (OK, younger members are just as welcome ;) )

Thanks for that interesting post of yours. My first thought was that there wasn't a necessity for being online when playing FC2, unless you use that FC2 launcher program. I used it at first but wanted to play offline so I discarded it.. you can fire up FC2 just fine using the game's exe which is what I do. My predecessor missions w@&k offline, so I have no idea why yours don't. Indeed, strange..

Anyway, now that you're "in," I do hope to read some more from you. After four playthroughs, there have to be some stories waiting to be told by you ;D  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hey Didius Falco, thanks for posting. Welcome to the Old Folks' Home :-()

Sorry to hear about that weird prob you're having. Incidentally, I believe the Predecessor missions don't come with the Fortune Pack. Like you, I bought a retail version of FC2, then sometime later got the Fortune Pack on disk through e-bay Australia. There were no Predecessor missions until I downloaded and applied the registry patch from this esteemed site.

Did you try this one?;sa=view;down=6

If not, try downloading and just running that. I've never had a problem with it, and I play offline all the time. Hope that helps :)

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to hearing some merc tales! :-X


Indeed Didius Falco, welcome to OWG.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I'll add my welcome too  :-X

As to the predecessor missions - they must be embedded in the game from the beginning.  Although my memory fails me on occasion, I recall just entering the codes to gain access to the missions which means that the code is already in the game.  It is difficult to believe that the developers would remove the predecessor code (too much trouble). 

I do know that the patches that were issued changed working parts of my game into non-working problems - i.e., the boots tape.

In any case, good luck on a solution, and please post if you find the answer  ;)

Didius Falco

I tried using just FarCry2.exe, but no luck. I also got the first phone call, saved and reloaded with the 'net disabled and still had access to the first tape mission, but no Predecessor Tape tab in the menu and no envelope icon in the legend.

I have to say though, I'm caring less and less - they seem really easy missions (I've done two, but haven't gotten the third one yet...), so I might just give 'em a miss.

I may have one more look through the Ubi forums and maybe enter a support ticket. At the least, it'll keep Jason employed...

I do have a couple of interesting stories - I'll look for an appropriate thread to post 'em in.

It's less than 2 weeks until Mafia 2 comes out, and my mouth is watering for that one. I think I'll finish up this round and reload Mafia and play it to get in the mood. <G>

On Edit: I've submitted a Tech Support Request. I'll pas along anything I find out.

Art Blade

Thanks for the heads-up. Hehe, good ol' Jason..

Meanwhile I read a couple of your posts and got a good chuckle out of them, nice :) Keep them coming. You don't necessarily need to find suitable topics, you may as well start some on your own if you don't seem to find any.

Mafia 2? Man, I'm already loaded with new games, but that one is something I'm likely to add to my collection  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


You do have quite the collection of games, Art!  :-X

Art Blade

haha, true.. I think it's the first time that I've got more games than I can play so they start to queue up. At least I already have them and it's good to know that there is more than just what I am currently playing.  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Think squirrel - stock up for the lean times :-()

Art Blade

exactly  ;D And: Never miss a chance  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Rangoon on January 16, 2010, 02:25:57 PM
Hi. I just registered, having stumbled across this forum and this specific post while trying to solve my own FC2 issue.  First of all, I love openworld-style games/sims, so it's great to know about this place.

On to the point.  I am running the Steam version of FC2 (Windows Vista 64-bit) with the Fortunes Pack.  I had initially purchased the Gamestop Preorder DVD version, and had that working with the bonus missions just fine.  However I then purchased the Steam version, uninstalled the DVD version and installed the Steam version.  Now I am unable to get the bonus missions to w@&k.  I tried the registry fix noted above, and adjusted the location since Steam games are installed in a Steam folder (not Ubisoft).  Well the machete textures did show up, however I still see no indication that the bonus missions are working.  The map legend still shows no envelope icon, I have received no phone call, and nothing new shows up on the map. 

Is there anything else I might try?  I did try inputting all 13 codes I have come across regarding these missions, but none of them are valid for me.  I tried my original code, too, of course, which was SpujeN7x (one of the 13 I've found here and elsewhere).  The codes mentioned in this thread are among the 13 I'd found.

Any suggestions?  I've tried the Ubisoft forums, Steam forums, Steam support, and Ubisoft support.  One of the other forums directed me here.

Hullo fellow sandboxers - Great site you got here!

Until yesterday morning I had no idea what the 'additional content' was due to only using the map-editor for the first year I owned this game and a couple of odd hours in multiplayer running a test server.

After spending 200+ hours constructing a custom-map I decided it might be time for me to play through the SP game in order to better understand the nuances. So after a couple of days running around getting a better feel for the engine, I thought I might want to see what the additional content was... Which brings me here.

Like many others here I was really hoping that the bugs would be well worked out 2 years after release. It's getting, if not already passed it's used by date and one of the few things that will keep it alive for years to come is community interest.
Before yesterday it didn't matter to me that I didn't have additional content unlocked, but after reading about the problem I became increasingly interested in a solution, so I tried the reg fixes, intel missions, codes etc.

Sure enough I have exactly the same problem as Rangoon with a couple of minor differences to begin with but identical symptoms. I purchased FC2 from steam without the DLC, then purchased the DLC before it went free/packaged. I remember that there was 2 CD keys, 1 for the game, 1 for the DLC. (The DLC Key has vanished since they merged.) - Also I'm on Win7x64.

After reading 34 pages on the subject I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said but I'll try to nut out a solution...
:D  - How dissapointing that after 10+(?) months there is no definitive sign to a workable solultion for this problem...

Two Questions (Sorry if they've already been covered I wasn't going to read through 33 pages again.) :
1. Can anyone confirm/eliminate that this is isolated to 64-bit OS's?
2. Does anyone know of anyone at all that has the steam distribution that CAN access the bonus content
Da-Worf~izm. - "A pathological condition of arrested growth having various causes."


It's definitely not limited to 64-bit OS, my previous 32-bit XP experienced it as well.


Same story on my PS3 and Vista x64.  I suspect that Ubisoft has no intention of providing a solution, else they'd have done so long ago.

Welcome to OWG by the way - always nice to "see a new face".


Yeap, welcome to OWG DaWorFizm!

Funny how people have very different approaches to a game. You said you spent 200+ hours creating maps and after a year or so you decided to give SP a go...   ???

That`s diametrically opposite to my approach  :-()

I`d never get a game if not for the SP, which I plunge in as soon as I fire the game for the first time. I might even play with the map editor and maybe, just maybe, try a MP match, but I most definitely will spend hundreds of hours on SP instead!

Hope you enjoy the SP!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

Welcome to OWG, DaWorFizm  :)

Sorry to hear about your issues, and no, I am not going to read through 33 pages of this topic to make sure you didn't miss anything  ;D

As far as I remember, there is no pattern. Might hit everybody or anyone, regardless the OS/platform.

Now, since you're here, and since you're "new" to FC2 (SP), you might enjoy the truckloads of unique stuff we've gathered here. People who visit us for FC2 usually find bits and pieces they never knew existed, so I hope you're going to enjoy the site. We're featuring a couple of those games you're currently playing, so maybe we can interact a little and exchange thoughts and stories -- we do like to read (and post) stuff like that  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on October 08, 2010, 07:30:14 AM
... People who visit us for FC2 usually find bits and pieces they never knew existed, so I hope you're going to enjoy the site.
Indeed - one of the best places to find FC2 tips is in Art's index that can be found in the left column.

FC2 funny tactics/tips


Welcome to the forums  DaWorFizm.  :)

I'm afraid I can't add anything to the comments the others have posted.  My approach to the game has been to play around the flaws because the level of my tech skills follow a declining curve that when faced with poking at the programming rapidly declines to zero.

I don't fix it, I just drive it as if I stole it!  (Wait, since FC2 came free with my computer...  I guess I did kind of steal it.  >:D )
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm already feeling quite at home here.

-I doubt I'll spend much more time on this due to the consensus of it being a dead issue,  I'll just push it aside for now and keep an eye on it. (So as not to hijack the thread I'll go post replies elsewhere.)
Da-Worf~izm. - "A pathological condition of arrested growth having various causes."


Don't worry too much about hijacking threads - we do it all the time  :-()

We'd rather see people posting in a technically incorrect area rather than not posting at all.  Here at OWG the rules are simple:

  • Post a new topic if an appropriate topic is not quickly apparent.
  • Conversations can get off tangent - that's OK - the OWG thread police (Art) will magically find a good place to sort it out - he remembers everything that anyone has ever said since the beginning of OWG time.
  • Have fun (this is the most important part)  ;)


I'd say 3 then 2 then 1...  ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

It's interesting how some things develop. Like, having a reputation. Just do some things and people start guessing what you'd do if this or that comes up.. just wait, folks  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: JRD on October 08, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
I'd say 3 then 2 then 1...  ;D

Hehehe ;D ;D

For me it's like 3 and then ramble off on so many 2s that 1 only occasionally gets gotten around to ;D

Art Blade

I might innocently slip a 5 in there so I can bridge to 4..
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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