Medal of honor

Started by deadman1, December 15, 2009, 01:03:05 PM

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Art Blade

Hehe, you could just tell him to turn himself over and in as you're going to accept him as a PoW should he continue his mindless threat.  ^-^
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol, maybe I'm brainwashing him - he called yesterday all excited because he was really getting into a game that I'd recommended to him about a year ago - Far Cry 2.  He's just made it to the barge mission last night when he called.  ;)


OK final verdict on MOH MP, It´s not a game for me, I played about 30 min today and most of that time I spent respawning  ::). The learning curve is really steep and it would take me a very long time to get anywhere. The good thing is that although I had the graphics maxed out, I didn´t notice any lag at all. That bodes well for the SP when it´s released next week.  :-X


Do you mean that the entire game is a no-go for you, or just the MP part?


Quote from: PZ on October 05, 2010, 10:25:48 AM
Do you mean that the entire game is a no-go for you, or just the MP part?

Just the MP part. I think the SP will be a little more forgiving otherwise it´ll be almost unplayable.

Art Blade

@ PZ -- does your son know how to find us in case he wants to post stories or find tips, regarding FC2? :)

Funny, we'd have a PZ and a pz hanging around here, then  :-D

@ deadman -- I hope they don't screw this for the SP. Good luck :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol, Art  ^+-+

@deadman - thanks for the impressions - I dislike games in which most of my time is spent spawning.


The funny thing is, the MP part of MOH was made by DICE. The same company that made BFBC2 and that game wasn´t as hard to get started with. In BFBC2 you can play as a medic and level up quite quickly while staying behind the line so to speak.


That's good enough for me deadman  :-X
I can't stand being at the mercy of twelve year olds who play games 8 hours a day  :D


Especially when they lurk in the spawn areas ready to kill you as soon as you materialize.

Art Blade

And crowning all that by yelling "NOOB" at you the moment you die right on top of the spawning point.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


You could yell back, "Well at least I have an extensive store of life experience" but I doubt this would have much effect ;D

Sounds like SP might be the go, deadman :-X


Or you could yell "at least I have pubic hair!" to which they would probably say something like "yeah, but it's gray!!"  :-()



Quote from: mmosu on October 05, 2010, 07:14:23 PM
Or you could yell "at least I have pubic hair!" to which they would probably say something like "yeah, but it's gray!!"  :-()

^+-+ :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Single player released in USA today - saw it when I logged into Steam.  Still undecided about getting it.


Well, my son called me last night at 11-ish informing that he had already finished the game (after only 10 hours) - he insisted that I get the game.  I asked him how it was and he said that it was one of the best games he has ever played, citing the authenticity of the action - particularly the tier 1 operators.  He reported that it was linear like the Call of Duty games, so I was initially not impressed, but then he said that the graphics are amazing - cinematic in their quality.  I further asked how the sniping was, and he said that he'd not experienced anything that compares.  Demonstrating the detail, for instance, he said that you could sit atop a hill and pick the limbs off of the opponents, and the rest of their group would try to hide and look around to see where the shots were coming from (wouldn't FC2 have been much better if the mercs didn't all immediately respond like the Borg collective  :-() )

I'll probably break down and get the game despite it's linear nature.


I'd really like to play this as well, but it's not in the cards to purchase right now,  I'm going to try to rent it sometime this winter hopefully.  Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.  forums and member created pages


Stopped by Fred Meyer on the way home last night and picked up this title - was on sale for 10% off.  I didn't have much time, but I popped it into the console and fired it up.  Although a linear corridor shooter, the aiming is fantastic - I've never experienced better in any console game.  One part I like is that a single bullet is enough to kill the target - reminds me of how funny it was to empty a clip of ammo into the chest of an FC2 merc and have him still come running toward me.  :-()

Of course, I'm playing on easy so it takes more than one bullet to kill me  :-()

The graphics are stunning so far, and I'm looking forward to playing more so I can make a more objective determination of how the game plays for me.


Games like this and Modern Warfare are certainly a blast to play... once!

Maybe if you really enjoyed it, twice, but it gets old quite soon... a campaign is usually 10-15 hours long (short?) in the said linear corridor nature, so even if you play it two or three times, it won't last too long... that's when the MP part gets in, it will certainly extend the fun for a while. Right now all MW fanboys are histerical playing MoH.

Don't take me bad, I really hope you enjoy the game and I actually consider getting those titles eventually (from the discount bins  ;D ) ... also think that both MW and MoH will be much better than Crysis, for instance, as you are fighting humans using "real guns" in a "real combat situation"

I'm curious to read your thoughts about the game and the AI  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Well, I doubt that I would have made the purchase if my son hadn't wanted me to experience it so much.  With Fallout New Vegas coming out tomorrow, I know that I'll be occupied with a game that is more to my liking.  However, I plan to get Fallout NV for the PC while I have MoH for the console.

I agree with you completely about the linear, corridor nature of the games that last only about 10 hours or so.  Very little replay value in my personal experience.

I am looking forward to playing it through at least once.


Ok so I just finished the game, talk about short and sweet. I really liked it though, the graphics were really nice and the combat was challenging enough for me  :). I wouldn´t want to play some of the levels on higher difficulties than easy. I get the sence that this game was made with the MP as the main focal point, mainly because of the short SP campaign. Even MOH:pacific assault were longer that this. As for replay value not so much for me atleast, ask me again in a couple of years and I might give you a different answer  ;). That´s the drawback from having played sandbox games like FC2, FO3 and the Stalker series, you become used to being able to go anywhere, do anything (almost) and these more linear games loose their replayvalue a little bit. You might have to wait a while so you don´t remember everything and you might get a somewhat fresch experience when playing them.


Wow, that was quick - my son reported something similar - he took 10 hours or so to get through.  I'm still close to the beginning because I've not played since the last time I posted about MoH, but am planning to spend a couple of hours this weekend.  Even though it is disappointing to hear of the short SP campaign, the graphics have been stunning for me so far, and that is a large part of what I like in a game - the "eye candy"

🡱 🡳

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