Just noticed there are forums here, lol

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 06, 2009, 12:54:14 PM

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OK, so I'm here, where's the party?

Anyway, pzrzao, sent you a PM on FarCry2Game.com about the Ferenc buddy mission that links to the wrong info.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It's a party of 3 now!  Good to hear from you D_B,  pzrzao and I were about to think this was a site for Army of Two! lol

Do you like that other forum you mentioned?  I miss farcry2world - not sure what happened, but I haven't actively looked for another forum - been spending too much time playing Killzone 2, and pzrzao's site with your maps has been giving me my FC2 fix.

http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Great to see you here D_B, and I'm sure the site will grow - I've not tried to promote it via Google or others yet - until we flesh it out a bit more.  Also, thanks for the corrections on that buddy mission - glad that you caught it.  I think that I know what happened - when I create a new page, I simply copy an old page to a new title and start changing things.  This one must have slipped through - I'll fix it as soon as I get a chance.

Also, What do you think about hosting your maps on this site?  I'll need to check the regulations regarding file size, but it sure would be nice to have a direct download link without having to go through megaupload.  Not that it is bad, it would just be more direct.


Quote from: spaceboy on March 06, 2009, 05:05:51 PM
It's a party of 3 now!  Good to hear from you D_B,  pzrzao and I were about to think this was a site for Army of Two! lol

Do you like that other forum you mentioned?  I miss farcry2world - not sure what happened, but I haven't actively looked for another forum - been spending too much time playing Killzone 2, and pzrzao's site with your maps has been giving me my FC2 fix.

That's a good one spaceboy!  The other site is OK, but nothing like the addiction I had for farcry2world.  I sometimes wonder what happened to all the people that posted on that site.  I'll bet that they miss it as well.


Thanks pzrzao.  I think the site is totally cool and I love how fast everything loads even the maps and mission tips.  I'll bet the posters from farcry2world would love it esp. spearhead and others that were contributing along with you and D_B to the maps.

There were a lot of posters from the UK and other countries as well so it felt pretty cool to be part of a truly global community that just wanted to talk about a game they were enjoying.  I tried to check out Amazon forums and there isn't anything recent on FC2 and other posts for general or other games becomes a huge PS3 vs. Xbox argument. 
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


It's kind of funny how some people tend to focus on the trivial things that really don't matter (PS3 vs x Box)!  I'vs still not had a chance to check out KZ2 much except for a few screenshots.  Looks like a lively game that has great potential though, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it.

I think that I'll also get the PC version of FC2 if I can find a good deal.  I don't have a PC that can run it well, but I thought that I'd w@&k my way through the world taking screen shots of the areas, guard posts, special features, etc so I can add them to D_B's maps.  It would be cool to see a snapshot of the area when you click a camera icon on the  map. 


Sure, I'd love to get the map hosted here, megaupload was just a sort of transitional site to use. Funny how FarCry2World dies just a few days after I get the map hosted there. Planet Far Cry is a joke - it doesn't even mention FC2, I don't think it's been updated in months.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Cool... I checked the hosting site guidelines and they reserve the right to delete large files so in addition to the full unedited version you have on megaupload, I also cropped to each main map which have a file size of approximately 7 mb each.  They are available in a Downloads section under the Overview maps menu above.

I'll also post direct download links under the Announcements forum.

I agree - strange thing about farcry2world!  Coincidentally just a day or so after I posted the link to this site - too bad, I bet we would have had quite a few visitors.


pzrzao, remember there were quite a few folks that were part of tactical warfare clan site.  You may want to see if you can post a forum note or link there.  Of course a lot of those guys might have been focused on multiplayer, but I know a lot were SP fans as well...  I know one of the guys was IM lightning and he was a moderator at fc2world so he may know the inside scoop as well.
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Thanks for the reminder spaceboy - I do recall IM_Ligntening - as to the tactical warfare site, is that the one that farcry2world now redirects to?


No.  It was redirecting to clanthemes.com  last I checked. 
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Glad the map can be downlaoded here too. I suppose I could put it up on file planet as well, with a shout to this site, maybe get a few more visitors.

I looked at the buddy & other missions, looking good so far. Just that the Ferenc mission to the chemical company, I'm pretty sure the formula was on the table in the little building, not the larger building where you find the defoliant later in the game. I should have screenshots, I'll check them tonight.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


You're probably correct; I do recall picking up the defoliant from the table in the large building - forgot all about that one.  I'll wait for your confirmation and then fix.  By the way, I assume that you're using the PC version to determine these gems.  What technique are you using to perform some of the things that you've posted? (I seem to recall you mentioning something about a way to move rapidly through the world not getting shot at with every turn of the jeep).


Yes, the formula is in the shack, on a table, not in the big building. The defoliant cannister is in the big building.

Yes, I'm using the PC version, and a trainer plus a special command line. The trainer can be had here http://www.radiance-team.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=135 or game copy world or mega games, but I always like to go to the source for stuff like that. The trainer modifies your computer's memory and allows you to do lots of fun stuff. First off is god mode which is helpful, especially when using fast run & high jump modes to get around quickly. High jump will kill you if you don't have god mode on.

The cammand line switch turns off the AI so that they don't notice you. All they will do is react if they hear you, but won't attack. That way, you can walk around and not worry about the AI, and can see where they are in their "default" positions. I'll have to look up the command line when I get home.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Ok, thought there was something weird going on with the stars, I'm using IE7 and they sometimes are all over the place, and not even matching what the map is. Then, it seems that once I open a map with stars, the rest of the maps after that have all the same stars in the same places.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I appreciate the feedback - the stars and colored paths are graphic drawing overlays that I created in MS Frontpage.  Curiously, the drawing tools are not available in the successor to Frontpage, Sharepoint Designer.  I may need to rethink the use of the overlays if I can't get them to w@&k properly.  In the mean time, would you mind checking how the following render on your PC?  (They all have overlays)





Quote from: pzrzao on March 06, 2009, 05:11:39 PM

That's a good one spaceboy!  The other site is OK, but nothing like the addiction I had for farcry2world.  I sometimes wonder what happened to all the people that posted on that site.  I'll bet that they miss it as well.

Well... one of the former addicteds to farcry2world has just been introduced to this new site... new addiction to come I imagine!
You can count me in to discuss, contribute, play, laugh and promote this site from now on guys!
Good to see known names here like spaceboy and D_B
Its bookmarked already!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


It's great to see you online as well jrderntl, warm welcome to the site, and I hope that more of our farcry2world comrades find their way here.  I'm visiting a few other sites as well, and will promote out place especially when I recognize the names.  One other name I remember was spearhead22 - have not seen him anywhere.


Quote from: pzrzao on March 12, 2009, 08:21:38 AM
I appreciate the feedback - the stars and colored paths are graphic drawing overlays that I created in MS Frontpage.  Curiously, the drawing tools are not available in the successor to Frontpage, Sharepoint Designer.  I may need to rethink the use of the overlays if I can't get them to w@&k properly.  In the mean time, would you mind checking how the following render on your PC?  (They all have overlays)




They all look fine to me, and the ones on the menus seem to be working now, or I can't find the ones that had problems before.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the feedback D_B,  I've finally a bit of extra time this weekend and am planning to do a few more mission descriptions.

🡱 🡳

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