No Rescue Ready Buddies

Started by Zomby Woof, April 10, 2009, 08:35:28 PM

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Ceres Tauri

Quote from: Art Blade on October 09, 2009, 07:07:36 PM
Look for the blue stars :)

Alright, so I should go to the brewery and Sediko t unlock whomever is left of my buddy list.  Last one unlocked in Sediko so I'll slide over to the brewhouse and buy my buddy a truckload of beer.  They just leave the whole place wide open for me, like, no security whatsoever.  Some minor mosquitoes buzzing around but I have some serious flyswatting firepower for them.  Thanks.

Ceres Tauri


I realized that the Jackal is also our buddy.  Consider how from the beginning, he continues to enter our story, save us and pull our butts out of the fire, get us some meds and arm us back up for the next part of the tale... he even stocks our safehouses up all over the map, lol.  Where else would all of that come from?

In the end he takes the fall for us if we want.  We don't trust him to do right so we take the case.  Man I never sprinted and ran backwards so much in the entire game as leaving that last safehouse.  But he does what he has to do to get the people out of the country... 

The Jackal is yet another buddy we have never considered as such.


Good thought CT. The Jackal does play a large out-of-the-pic part for the character. He does seem to be always there, always coaxing, or forcing, you unto a path that will eventually help HIM finish off a job. It seems he must have learned about this little hole in the wall place and decided to help the best way he could. He arms both sides, no civies to really worry about, and have the jerks  kill off each other. Far Cry 2 dude just happens along to kill Jackal and Jackal ends up "recruiting" a helper that has no ties with either side.  A near perfect foil.
HMMMMM. Any developers out there reading ANY of these ideas? You could end up with THE GAME OF THE DECADE.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Just a thought: Seeing as how you've apparently been sent into this country by persons unknown, could it be that it's the Jackal himself who sent you there in the first place? ::)

Art Blade

I bet it was the jerk from my travel agency who sent me there.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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