Conversations With Rescue Buddies

Started by wexer9, February 01, 2010, 07:25:13 AM

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Art Blade

Nice comment, mandru  :-X

Adds a lot of beef to the bare bones I had in mind, and I am (as always) impressed with your detailed knowledge of that game.

If the situation were halfways real at the LZ, I'd have expected them to hear me out, as they outnumber me, rather than being quick at misjudging me so massively and even go so far as to try (hehe) to kill me. Those ignorant idiots pay with their lives, instead  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Sound deductive reasoning there, mandru :-X Makes sense.


At a certain level I've always lamented that my character in the game is a mute. Everyone talks at me and through the whole game.  I never get to have a say.

When I arrive at the LZ for that confrontation I've learned from the Jackal (in his monologue at the prison) that the diamonds my buddies have taken by killing his employee the arms merchant are needed to bribe the border guards to convince them to allow the refugees to leave the detainment/quarantine pens and enter on into their country.

When I arrive at the LZ I've gutted the leadership of both factions North and South and killed enough stray mercs to pave a walkway to the border crossing. This foolish handful of misfits think they are going to stop me?

Michelle and Josip are both concerned about children and should be swayed that you efforts will give many children a chance.

Marty, Warren and Xianyong (and a couple others) love the irony of the back stab or perhaps it would be better if you could call it the reverse burn for pay back and my character has become a minor deity of that art form by this point.

As for the balance of buddies it's a very short walk to the border crossing where there's an insane mob scene of refugees that they could blend into. They've all still got their cell phones.  Hakim the rich boy could call his wife, tell her he's safe and would like her to have the corporate helicopter fly to his new location in safe territory and pick him and a small party of associates up and that he'll be home this coming weekend so start a camel roasting.

Wow! Did I just pull most of the teeth out of the ending?  :-[ That's why they don't let me near game developers.  :P

Though I do have a few solid ideas, in totally untapped areas that I think would make great games but I would have to write a couple sci-fi novels, have them become best sellers and then made into movies to ever get a game company's attention.  :D

Ah well, that's just how it goes.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I dunno.

The buddies' cell phones have very spotty service. They only seem to w@&k when they want to call and bother me with their bullshit.

I merely removed them from my friends and family list at the landing zone.

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Eh! My buddies. They're scum but I love em.  :)

Though it is a tough love situation.  :P
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Same here. I usually kill them with my love  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hadn't caught this line from Hakim before:

" I just got off the phone with my wife. Sometimes I think she gets paid to worry."

I was going to whack him after completion of the side mission but couldn't do it after that. 
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar



I know everyone who has done Marty Alencar's Buddy Missions has heard it but I love this line:

"Watch out for the girls here, man. They're not clean."
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Quote from: eor123 on March 24, 2010, 02:08:09 PM
I know everyone who has done Marty Alencar's Buddy Missions has heard it but I love this line:

"Watch out for the girls here, man. They're not clean."

Part of what makes that line so funny for me is that the mission you are running for Marty is to destroy medical supplies at Scrap Salvage because Marty was feeling that an ointment that had been sold to him to clear up a "Rash (wink wink) " hadn't been effective.

Also funny is that Michelle is usually within 2 or 3 steps and gives you a smile that makes me shudder in light of Marty's advice.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


One funny line comes from the buddy you rescue at Sepoko...
The game always assume you killed everyone around, so if you sneak in unnoticed and free your buddy he`ll say something like:
"I guess everybody is dead out there, it`s safe to leave now"

To which I always want to reply
"Sheesh, yeah, right... you can go outside and see how beatyful the day is today... SUCKEEEEER
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Has anyone else noticed the completely brainless expressions the buddies get when they sit on the cot of the safe houses -- after they have discussed the side mission with you? They start looking around with a real blank, goofy expression and you almost expect them to start drooling. Perhaps they have been chewing some of Warren Clyde's khat or popping some of Michelle Dachss' "hazelnuts."  ;D

There are some interesting and funny facial expressions in FC2.

Nasreen Davar's are the most captivating. After she discussed her side mission and returned to her clipboard, I got close and watched her face for a couple of minutes. She goes  through four of five subtle expressions of annoyance, confusion, amusement, and vulnerability. The very brief seductive glance is so out-of-character it is both creepy and erotic. 
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Quoting Paul Ferenc:

"You know...I've been thinking about starting an African eco-tour company. I could make a killing. What do you think?"

"There he is. He kills everybody in his path just to a small canister to his friend Paul. "
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Hadn't heard this before...from Paul Ferenc at a Safe House:

"Tell me if you are working for the Israelis. If you are I will kill you right now. I'm not going back in a cage."

And after I just saved his butt from an ambush gone bad...

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

wow, that's also a new one to me  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Josip Idromeno:

"I don't know what kind of secret monkey business you and Ferenc had cooked up but you sure got a lot of pissed off militia up your asses. And you kept Ferenc from being turned into compost."

"Salesmen...the worst people on the planet."
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar



"Paul Ferenc finally got himself into a situation he couldn't lie, cheat, or steal his way out of. You are a good soldier for sticking by him as long as you did."
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

can't say I heard them before, either. Keep it up, it's really interesting.  :) :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Indeed, would like to hear more of them myself - although it has been a long while since I played FC2, I don't recall those lines either, but in all honesty, I'd not given much attention to the buddy lines because they were not nearly as funny as the merc lines.  ;)



In one of the Safe House briefings, Ferenc makes a reference to using the money he is going to make on a vacation to Thailand where he will stay high for 6 months.  ;D

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



"I heard how you ex-filed Hachebbi on that last op. I can't believe someone as pragmatic as he is blew his cover."
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Josip Idromeno:

"Money is the root of all evil, but it helps."
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Lol ;D

Just as an aside, that "truism" has always been misquoted. The original saying was, "Lack of money is the root of all evil". There also appears to be some dispute over whether it was Mark Twain or George Bernard Shaw who said it first.

Sorry, I just thought I'd be a trivia geek and mention it ::)

🡱 🡳

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