Major Milestones Achieved

Started by eor123, September 06, 2010, 02:28:16 PM

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I'll have to check out that safe house - would be cool to at least see something that unusual  :-()


If your 6th mission is killing Yabek there is the safe house back along the train tracks near the bridge you drop on Yabek's barge that also experiences the superimposed GLAT over the 50 cal AT once the 6th faction mission is complete but you have to go straight there after leaving your BB  to catch it.   :-X

Notice that I didn't say "after saving your BB" because if it's the 6th mission that's your last chance to whack them before the appointment at the LZ.  >:D

Actually if you have an active rescue buddy after clearing up accounts with dear old BB then it's also a prime time to take an intentional powder and play possum to get the 2nd BB to get foolish enough to walk over and attempt poke at you with a stick.   >:D  >:D

I posted some picks in screen shots a while back from the superimposed ATs at this other safe house focusing on the merged gun barrels to show that it was a genuine overlap and gave a description of the wild ride when you hop in for the launch.  I also keep a save file that links this effect for times I just want to literally take a spin.   ;D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


You describe what I did exactly - to the safe house, and I had to do a double take noticing the GLAT for the first time.  However, no superimposition of ATs - using the PS3 for this particular play  ????


PZ, does the PS3 typically superimpose the flare gun and the other pistol in the holsters when you've killed a merc while still in his vehicle so that he hasn't had a chance to draw doesn't drop the weapons on him?

My PC always does and was just curious.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Here´s a pic I took a loooong time ago of those mating AT:s  :-()

[smg id=814]


I hadn't noticed the flare gun/pistol event, mandru - do you need to have the flare gun, or is it something the merc has?

I remember that pic, deadman - have  never seen that , but I'm not sure I've ever completed a play through on the PC - I mostly just play around.


I don't need one PZ. We were talking about ATs being superimposed and I wandered off to one of the other items in the game I know that something similar happens to on my PC and wondered if it the bug also showed up on PS3.

Here's a screen cap also uploaded to the gallery by deadman1 and I'm sure there are others available since dead mercs are such a popular subject.  ;D
[smg id=603]

You can see the two pistol grips. Another angle would have shown the 45's barrel inside the flare gun's.

Easy enough to check out PZ knowing how much you love stealing that GLAT there by the arms dealer in the N.E..  Next time you kill the gunner or driver (actually works with any driver any vehicle) before they can dismount try giving their holster a look see.   ;D  :-X
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru  on February 23, 2011, 06:37:00 AM
Easy enough to check out PZ knowing how much you love stealing that GLAT there by the arms dealer in the N.E..  Next time you kill the gunner or driver (actually works with any driver any vehicle) before they can dismount try giving their holster a look see.   ;D  :-X
Perfect - now I have a place to look.  ;)

EDIT: looks like my PC version works like yours, mandru - as long as you take out the merc before he exits his vehicle, he has no chance to draw his weapon.  Evidently, as you suggest, mercs have both side arm and flare gun in the same holster - I guess this explains why we often see flares discharged when our ominous presence is noticed in the FC2 areas  :-()

I've yet to try this method on the console - this weekend, but I suspect the outcome will be similar.  :-X


Although I don't have a picture (I was on the PS3), I was traveling down the road in a GLAT when off in the distance I saw an ATP - quickly I equipped the launcher while simultaneously they noticed my presence and came rushing to my position.  A single grenade dispatched the pair and when I went to examine their bodies, they both had their sidearm in holster along with a flare pistol.  Evidently many of them carry the flare gun just in case they want to alert their friends  :-()


That leads me to believe that any merc if the need arises can fire off a flare.

Once or twice (in all the times I've played through ) I've actually been able to identify a merc about to fire off a flare and kill them before they managed it.  For a long time I was convinced familiarity with each of the areas would allow me to recognize and take the flare gun carrier out before they could be called on to use it but because each of the mercs are randomly skinned as you enter the area the mercs posted to the different zones of travel and activity within each area adds to the complexity of trying to identify them.  Let's just say I gave up on that project.   ;D

I think my opinion on that has been voided by your comment:

Quote from: PZ on February 24, 2011, 12:45:51 PM

Evidently many of them carry the flare gun just in case they want to alert their friends  :-()

It would seem that beyond "many of them" as you suggest PZ, I would go on to say any merc has the ability to produce and fire a flare.

Mercs on foot have it concealed because we can walk up and look at them and they are only drawn if the scripting calls for it.  Otherwise their flare guns are not visible for the players.  Mercs in vehicles haven't needed to have their flare guns concealed (deemed unnecessary by the developers?)  because you can't really walk up and look at their holsters while they are patrolling.

The programmers seemed to have forgotten that we would have access to lots of dead bodies from mercs that used to be in vehicles.   >:D

I can bet with fairly certain confidence no one has ever picked a flare gun up after it was dropped by a dead merc even if he was using it as you shot him. 
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Interesting thoughts - the other characteristic I noticed is that the dead mercs had nothing to pick up - no grenades, no primary weapon, etc.


 :)  Yeah, there have been times where I've been outfitted with a gold AK or some other assault rifle (the snipe and dart rifles I usually carry can't usually be topped off by merc drops  :( ) and I have some objective I'm getting close to where I will need the ammo they are carrying.

You'll find me crowding the shoulder of a road with a solid tree as a shield to dodge behind to ward off the oncoming bumper waiting for an approaching patrol that normally could be killed easily but instead I have to flag them down and ask if they'll dismount so I can kill them for their stuff.   >:D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru  on February 24, 2011, 10:29:36 PM
You'll find me crowding the shoulder of a road with a solid tree as a shield to dodge behind to ward off the oncoming bumper waiting for an approaching patrol that normally could be killed easily but instead I have to flag them down and ask if they'll dismount so I can kill them for their stuff.   >:D
^+-+ :-X



Quote from: mandru  on February 24, 2011, 08:43:56 PM
That leads me to believe that any merc if the need arises can fire off a flare.

I think I can verify that. Yesterday I was in the Dogon village when I killed a merc just after he'd fired off a flare. Only about half a minute later, another flare went up from somewhere else in the village, so it does seem that any of them can fire flares. It's the first time I've seen two flares fired from within the same location during one mission.


That's because the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.  :-()


Art Blade

I have not yet experienced those two merged cars, either, but I know about the flare guns :)
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