Mercenaries 2

Started by retiredgord, March 19, 2009, 05:40:35 AM

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Nice one!

Now you get to do it all over in merc's   ??? :'( ;)

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Yep, I can go back in the same game and start as the same or a different character right from the beginning. Your bank acc't starts anew but you build that up by taking out any NK vehicles as jeeps APC, SAMs,tanks helos,AA, just about anything that is destroyed by you gains you money. Plus there are art treasures and WMD that are retrieved and a reward for them. The money and the missions for the Russian Mafia allows you to buy different equipment and weapons, airstrikes, and vehicles as the game progresses. You spend some but usually earn more. Also in doing  a mission for a faction you are allowed some freebees to accomplish the mission.
      Mercenaries 2 on PS3 (Avaliable on some other platforms) may be worth a night or two rental even tho it's 3rd person. Again a fairly open world  and lotsa back doors into different areas so you don't always have to go in the front entrance.
I enjoy tourint the areas ina "borrowed" helo. Best way is to use the sniper rifle and shoot the pilot when close to the ground. Most times the helo comes down and you can run over hop in it and it's yours. If it needs repairs or ammo  (any vehicle) just land and get out in a safe place and order from your friendly neighbourhood Mafia salesperson. A short while later, 20-30 seconds (very good delivery service) and the required product is dropped near your red smoke.
   I have lostsa fun with these games. The A.I is not to bad either. There are some dumbasses that walk right by you  at night andcan't see you. A round to the head and you're on your way. Ace cards are the toughest and best missions but most need some type of strategy.  All out and in their face without prep will get you shot up enought that your  health goes to 0 and you are returned to a M.A.S.H unit, shy of the transport costs.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Sounds like a game worth investing in - thanks for the review Gord  :-X


Mercenaries 2 on PS3 (which I have) is somewhat different than the first. It's more involved takes place in Venezuela and at the start you are 'trained' by trying to rescue a bad guy who gyps you of your money and tries to kill you.  Well we all know that that would be the totally wrong response. So now you w@&k your way thru the game first capturing a HQ from some dinky guy and then building up your team. You'll find colleagues thru missions and need to eventually get your pilot for airstrikes and helo pickups of skids of money. You gather parts for vehicles and again are involved with different factions. A private oil company, a republican army (read freedom fighters) the Chinese influence,Jamaican Mafia and the leaders of the group that screwed you.  Nice selection. The best to buy and keep in good with is the oil company as they have better toys. You still do missions that piss off people but hey that's a merc's life.
      In Merc 2 you get to drive various watercraft, hijack vehicles ( tho this time by the proper input in the controls) and again BLOW UP STUFF and then go back and BLOW IT UP AGAIN. FUNNN. Also these guys are GRREAT SWIMMERS and only 'die' if run over while in the water. Tatics are again needed instead of the just try to go head to head with the opposing forces. The chinese are really tough as they have this neat fuel-air RPG that just blows up everything within s5s0 ft or so. That really hurts.  hehe.
      Ok enough ranting, but if anyone gets into these games ask  me if things get tough.I downloaded some of the guide from IGN. and some personal experiences may help you get more enjoyment of the game.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


I downloaded the demo of Mercenaries 2 pc seemed to be an OK game untill I tried to hi-jack a tank!,  you need about ten fingers on each hand to operate all the buttons simultaneously, you have to climb, punch, kick and grapple all at the same time to prevent getting shot to pieces by said tank.....I only lasted about 15min before giving up...   :-D.... so SIR GORD, Please....... :'(    how in blazes do I get that joker to stop kicking me of the @*#$%&? tank....  :D

Art Blade

This is going to be fun.  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :-\\ Well nexor63 I can try to advise but as it was with me there seems to be a set formula. I use the PS3 and have found that I had to memorize the key strokes over several tries. It was then a matter of practicing in my head the keys (buttons on PS3) to use. After a few tries it came into focus. I think the only tank I didn't capture was the Chinese tank. Damn that was tough.
It seems a little long and ridulous but the devos needed to make it more that way. The first game was shoot the pilot with the sniper rifle when 50 ft off the ground and then run over and hop in when it landed. Bingo, one helo. Doing this in the first game got me about 7 helos which I left in different places in case I needed them for travel. This version I found harder in places but much more satisfying when the goal was accomplished.
I hope this helps out and I apologise for taking so long  but I've been rather busy and have got a lot of reading to catch up on things. I'm glad to see someone trying this little known game. I'm hoping they produce another in another area of the world.  Hahaha, how about Africa?  Just kidding.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


No problem Gord, just trying out the demo before I decide if it's a worthwhile far I get the impression it's one of those games where the enemy is everywhere and you been shot at from all directions, even when you hiding behind rocks or standing in a building behind walls.......I find the movement/driving and weapon controls a bit jerky and over sensitive, not near as smooth as in other games, adjusting the mouse sensitivity down to it's minimum helped a lot, but not enough to make it smoother, could be that I'm spoiled by FC2 game controls..........................Africa!!......why not??.... >:D

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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