Metal Gear Solid: Rising (all platforms!)

Started by mmosu, October 08, 2010, 02:06:44 PM

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agreed space  :-X
And before anybody corrects me, I know Metal Gear will no longer be exclusive.  Metal Gear Solid: Rising will be released on all platforms.  Here's a trailer - go ahead and start drooling now . . .
Metal Gear Solid: Rising Trailer - E3 2010


Wow... relentless on watermelons  >:D >:D >:D

Seriously though... looks great... finally coming to PC.

On the subject of exclusivity, once a company start pleasing their customers for being faithful to their product for both gratitude and fear of losing them to the competitor, you - console customers - are in for a real deal!

Sony and MS will be always pushing it to the edge to ensure their product gets more attention since not too many people can afford two platforms... on the other hand, sometimes it might seems that the grass at the other side of the fence is greener every now and then!  ::)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

MGS:R -- ooooohhhhmmmygoooooood IWANTTHATGAME  ??? ??? ??? :-X :-X :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on October 08, 2010, 03:29:24 PM
MGS:R -- ooooohhhhmmmygoooooood IWANTTHATGAME  ??? ??? ??? :-X :-X :-X

You know... he chose his nick for a reason!  ;)

I guess now is the time to go:

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

it's more like

OhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoy  ;D

I've always admired Japanese longswords (usually called Katana) and as you might have guessed, I've got one. Of course I don't slice human(oid)s but one particular coconut within my reach experienced an extremely severe and final case of "split" personality and had some shattered dreams afterwards, I bet. ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

Zan-Datsu ("cut and take") -- cut  a robot and take  items such as energy, ammo etc

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Here is the SonyInsider Website with more stuff around the game:


QuoteAt TGS 2010 Sony announced that the PS3 version of Metal Gear Solid: Rising will be in 3D.

The quote is taken from a Wikipedia entry, full article to be found here

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

I was about to post more vids but they basically are more or less identical and discussions are very short (and speculative). Let's stick to written media (articles) for now :)

What I find interesting is a) it will contain a "hunting" stealth mode (rather than wait in the shadows you'll be able to sneak in and then launch a surprise attack) and b) that there will be no reward for taking lives, the game encourages you to find alternative ways (never forcing you to kill humans). Which doesn't include slicing and dicing artificial life forms (robots etc) :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Sounds like a very interesting game to watch  :-X


Indeed.  It has theoretically been possible to complete every game in the MGS series without killing a single human, and as Art pointed out, this tradition looks as though it will continue.  I am very eager to learn more about what "hunter stealth" will actually entail - sounds very different from the tactics that Solid Snake and Naked Snake used in previous installments of the series.  I saw one vid where they were talking about being able to run through a crowd of enemies and slice all of their guns in half before they can react, then watch them run away in fear!  :-D  That sounds like Lightning Bolt Action to me, and if that kind of thing will be common in this game, then this will be a very appropriate change from the Tactical Espionage Action subtitle used before.  I think this is the game all solid (pun intended) MGS fans have secretly been wishing for ever since encountering Cyborg Ninja/Gray Fox way back in the first game of the series.  MGS: VR Missions gave us a taste of what it would be like to play as the ninja, but it was more of a tease than anything else. 
From what I understand, this game takes place between the events of Sons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots (MGS2 & MGS4).  Hopefully this will cover what happened to Raiden after he was captured and modified by the Patriots, and explain how he goes from the whining snot-nosed punk he was in MGS2 to a meat-eating super assassin cyborg-ninja in MGS4.  There's been speculation that the Zan-Datsu theme involves Raiden gaining strength and skill with his new body, which makes the utter domination that unfolds when he appears on the streets of South America during MGS4 more explainable.     

Art Blade

I watched a few vids that made me believe that this is after  MGS:Guns of the Patriots. I saw a flashback and a scene where a burnt-faced Snake tells Raiden to go on, and a small dialogue with a depressed Raiden going "My body is a machine" and "it even rained when I was born," and Snake going "yeah, but your heart is human, you can still shine" sort of thing. However, Raiden will get like energy cells out of sliced robots (that's what we can see in the trailer above when he rips out a spine, drains the energy and then crushes the remains). And they said that Raiden will have secondary weapons, a dagger has been spotted in his hand. They also said that the sword will be equal to guns, so no reason to feel underprivileged. :) And indeed, should be fun to play a Raiden on energy cells this time, rather than an even older Snake on Viagra.  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on October 09, 2010, 03:40:17 PM
...rather than an even older Snake on Viagra.  ;D

I doubt it will be post MGS4 because Raiden's body is restored to a more "human" (yet still synthetic) form in preparation for his return to civilian life at the end of MGS4.  There was a direct quote (I believe it was from IGN) that said it fills in the time between 2 & 4, so I would assume that is the case.  Focusing on this timeframe makes sense, because these events are only referrenced in very vague ways in MGS4 and more questions were raised than answers.  We know Raiden, Snake, and Otacon took off to track down and rescue the daughter of Olga Gurlukavich at the end of MGS2.  We also know that Raiden found her first, but in the rescue attempt he was severely injured, captured, and experimented on by the Patriots.  After this he falls off the radar, Snake and the others presume him dead, and then he suddenly reappears in South America sporting a new body and bag of tricks.  So there is a lot of material to cover it would seem.     

Art Blade

You're most probably right. I never played any of those prequels, and I only watched an entire playthrough of MGS IV which I can't precisely remember the end of. :) All I know is that I was really impressed, and now I'm impressed because of the new bag of tricks allowing the player (this time hopefully PC players, too) to swing a sharp thing around and go "oops" all the time while body parts come raining down on you whenever you twitch a finger  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Well, you could've watched a playthrough of MGS2 and still not understood things any better, it had an extremely confusing plot that few players understood the first time through (I know I didn't  ????).  Sonny, the little girl that is with Snake and Otacon in MGS4, is the little girl they were looking for at the end of MGS2.  This is why she intuitively seems to know who Raiden is and to be very deeply concerned with his well being when he shows back up.  I was sure Raiden would be dead by the end of the game, but he seemed to be able to withstand repeated, catastrophic injury and keep coming back.  Lets hope he's as durable in the new game  :-()

Art Blade

Raiden wasn't entirely dead, I think that apart from his memory, they recovered his right eyeball. It needs a contact lens, unfortunately. And the rest which wasn't fried in every possible way is now remade with some fancy lego construction kit I believe. At least the sword is still potent and vital  ;D

The little girl, Sonny, yes.. she was obsessed with frying eggs Sonny side up or so, wasn't she :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah, that was the little cutesie clip that would tie the beginning of each act together.  You would see Sonny cooking eggs for Snake and Otacon and getting a little better at it each time.  She also believed that when it went well it was a omen of good things for the day.  I believe she at one point even refers to her "sunny side up fortune telling" when talking to Dr. Hunter, who then shows her the correct way to cook a sunny side up egg - so she now can make her own luck.  Kojima will often w@&k the character type of an "innocent" into his games - someone who is to be watched after and protected but who also will demonstrate great character growth and even courage later on.  In MGS in was Otacon and in MGS2 it was Emma Emerich.
As far as Raiden mk. II goes, the lego body was just a prototype - the beta version was much less rigid and more lifelike, as it was made of lincoln logs held together with blobs of play-doh.  I guess when you go around stopping battleships with your back you have to be realistic with your expectations  :-()

Art Blade

 ;D :-()

So I noticed. Like, when you park your van in a place where you shouldn't even have fit into, just pull that sword of yours and turn your car into a convertible or something even smaller until it fits, in hindsight. Like, a pile of rubble doesn't use up as much parking space as a van, does it. And it looks absolutely normal and natural to me to do that.  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Speaking of replacement parts, I'm sure everyone has noticed that the guy getting shredded in the opening video has white blood. Art, I'm sure you also remember Raiden's white blood in MGS4 (at one point he has to go through a type of dialysis to repurify it).  In Sci-fi land, white blood = cyborg of course, but did you know they really have this stuff?

[smg id=2603 width=200 align=left]
It's called Oxycyte, and it's being tested all over the world as a synthetic blood substitute and possible performance enhancer as it is capable of carrying out oxygen/CO2 gas exchange approximately 4-5 times more efficiently than human hemoglobin.

Art Blade

They could at least have it coloured red. If this is going to replace our blood, all surgeons and hospitals etc will need to change their outfits and repaint everything. Many of you were probably not aware of this fact: The colour green is used to balance out the visual impression of red, like a contrast or even better, a filter colour. If you stare at red all the time and then look at white (what they used to wear and paint the walls with) you'll get ghost images because red "burns" in and leaves marks in your vision when you switch to white (high contrast). So green filters that out. How well it works is easy to demonstrate: Old-fashioned 3D glasses.. one eye (glass) red, the other eye green, so you won't see double images and ghost images all the time :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah, like a few drops of red food coloring would have made a difference in the cost of a unit of this stuff, I'm sure we would crap ourselves if we knew the price of that little bag.  Maybe they could make it green, so when it mixes with real blood it will come out a nice shade of gray ;D
I don't think it's a one-for-one replacement for real blood. It's flourocarbon based and there aren't any real cells involved, so it can't do everything real blood can, but it's supposedly very safe and there's no risk of disease tranmission since it's totally synthetic.  I think as of right now, the big application is in preventing further hypoxic injury in trauma situations, but that doesn't mean that's all it's good for - I read something about a Tour de France rider who was accused of trying to get his hands on some of this stuff a couple years ago.


Found a Wikipedia article on the game:

Metal Gear Solid: Rising chronicles the series of events that resulted in the transformation of Raiden, the protagonist and player character of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, into his cyborg ninja persona, first seen in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Metal Gear Solid: Rising takes place during a point in the series' chronology at which Raiden has already begun his transformation into cyborg form, albeit with a different and somewhat more cruel appearance from the one seen in Metal Gear Solid 4, and will show how Raiden changes from his "Rising self" into his "MGS4 self." Matsuyama has also hinted that Raiden's past as a child soldier may be elaborated on, and that his personal weaknesses as a human, such as his resolve, will be explored.

While Kimura has been unable to reveal concrete details about the game's plot, teasers have depicted Raiden's body with portions of the body armor missing, and in his Metal Gear Solid 4 armor with sword drawn, crouching on the back of what appears to be Crying Wolf. The E3 2010 trailer depicts Raiden fighting a humanoid enemy equipped with a cybernetic exoskeleton similar to those worn by Metal Gear Solid 4's Beauty and the Beast Corps, which also bleeds the same artificial white blood that Raiden uses. Gameplay sequences also showed him fighting human PMC soldiers.

Matsuyama has stated that one of his goals for Rising is to put a greater emphasis on gameplay while featuring a less complicated story with shorter cutscenes than previous titles. His intent is to provide an experience that will be fully enjoyable to players who have not experienced its prequels or sequel, and so it will function more as a self-contained story and will likely not lead directly into the plot of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Link to full article here

Art Blade

Quote from: mmosu on October 12, 2010, 01:04:36 PM
Found a Wikipedia article on the game:


Link to full article here

Found? What do you mean, "found?" Do you young people not read what other people write or even worse, don't you remember what's being said moments ago? Tsk tsk tsk. A shame, really.



Quote from: Art Blade on October 09, 2010, 02:13:47 AM
QuoteAt TGS 2010 Sony announced that the PS3 version of Metal Gear Solid: Rising will be in 3D.

The quote is taken from a Wikipedia entry, full article to be found here

Youngsters! lol  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :o . . .
huh . . . how 'bout that . . .  :-[

edit: replace word "found" with "rehashed"  ;D

Art Blade

you know I can't resist when something like that happens ;D Good escape there, mmosu  ;D :-X Fat slap on the back for a smart reaction. And because you're a great bloke, Kudos :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on October 12, 2010, 06:08:06 PM
Good escape there, mmosu  ;D

That's my specialty, just ask my mother . . . and my sister . . . and my wife  ;D

🡱 🡳

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