Killzone 3

Started by mmosu, November 22, 2010, 03:46:07 PM

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Just spent a couple of hours rocking it out on MP this morning.  In KZ3 my default character class is still the tactician, but I've also been developing an infiltrator for use in certain situations.  For instance, during Assassination (offense) and Search & Retrieve I'll use the infiltrator because they can quickly penetrate into an enemy group using disguises and can also cover ground quickly thanks to the ability to sprint infinitely.  If I see one of these game types coming up and I happen to be respawning, I'll quickly switch to an infiltrator and set my extra ability to "armor".  My logic is that the armor can help me absorb a few extra shots before going down, and could make the difference when trying to reach an assassination target or deliver a propaganda speaker. 
For the rest of the game types, I go back to the tactician, set my extra ability to "extra ammo" and my explosive weapon to proxy mines.  I'll then focus on capturing spawn points near the mission objectives and also trapping the enemy by plastering mines on anything they might find useful.  Some of my favorite things to do with mines happen during Search & Destroy.  When defending I'll set mines on the objects that the enemy has to come place their charges on.  Often they get so excited to just reach the target that they don't notice that little blinking light  >:D  When on offense for Search & Destroy, I'll set a charge on the objective and then place a proxy mine right next to it and run around the corner.  When an enemy steps up to be the hero and diffuse the explosive, they end up triggering the proxy mine.  Since I'm waiting nearby, when I see that I got an explosive kill I'll then try to run back in and lay another proxy for the next sucker . . . er, opponent.  Great fun to watch the other team get frantic when they realize you've just locked down their objective and there's no way they're getting in  :-()     

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Killzone MP is like dodgeball - it's about winning, but it's also about humiliating and degrading the other team  :-D

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Today for instance, myself, another tactician, and two engineers were able to lock down a main passage through the map and win two match points for the team in the process (first Search & Destroy defense, and second Assassination defense).  The enemy had to pass through a building that had a spawn point I had captured inside it. 
There was one way in, one way out  >:D  The engineers layed down machine gun fire and kept an ammo stockpile inside the room stocked while I maintained our ownership of the spawn point and kept running out to booby-trap the only passage in with proxy mines.  If one of us died, we popped right back into the same room and were immediately back in the fight.  I kept the spawn point booby -trapped as well, so if anyone tried to capture it they would be instantly blown up.  The rest of our team sat back on the Search & Destroy objectives and watched for enemies trying to place explosives, but no one got that far.  They were so preoccupied with trying to push us out of our little bunker using brute force that they kind of forgot what it was they were really supposed to be doing!  Once that point was won the next game was Assassination.  A medic on my team who had just arrived on the scene was selected as the target, and since we already had the room locked down tight, he just hid around a corner in the back while more of the same continued.  Wave after wave of the enemy smashed against our front door and were cut down by gun fire and proxy mines  >:D  A glorious victory for Helghan!!!  :-D

Art Blade

that was a sound strategy, nice one  :-X And pretty nasty, humiliating and degrading, too  :-D :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


nice job mmosu.  I find KZ3 matches to be pretty good at teamwork like that.  I know this is from another game, but your story reminds me of just last night a match we had on BC2, where we were defending two crates and the although we lost Alpha, we we held Bravo for the rest of the game.  Real nice teamwork with Assault guys dropping ammo, Medics dropping health packs, we had about 3/4 of us holed up in the building that housed the crate (some upstairs, some downstairs) and the other half scattered up and down the building across the way.  No running and gunning, everyone more or less held their positions and just kept doing their jobs taking out the enemies from any direction and resupplying each other etc.  A good time.  forums and member created pages


Quote from: spaceboy on March 14, 2011, 07:45:10 PM
nice job mmosu.  I find KZ3 matches to be pretty good at teamwork like that.  I know this is from another game, but your story reminds me of just last night a match we had on BC2, where we were defending two crates and the although we lost Alpha, we we held Bravo for the rest of the game.  Real nice teamwork with Assault guys dropping ammo, Medics dropping health packs, we had about 3/4 of us holed up in the building that housed the crate (some upstairs, some downstairs) and the other half scattered up and down the building across the way.  No running and gunning, everyone more or less held their positions and just kept doing their jobs taking out the enemies from any direction and resupplying each other etc.  A good time.

Which map was that space? I´m surpised they didn´t just bomb the building and destroyed the M-COM by destruction 2.0.


it was one of the snowy maps (I'm bad with remembering names of maps lol).  Not the one where attackers spawn up a huge hill and one of the crates is in a blasted out foundation, but the other one where the attackers spawn pretty much just outside the set of two buildings.

We did survive several mortar blasts, but the building held.  It's one of the bigger industrial warehouse buildings with the stairs going up the middle of it, not a wooden structure.  I'm not sure if those can come completely down.  forums and member created pages


Quote from: spaceboy on March 15, 2011, 06:13:34 AM
it was one of the snowy maps (I'm bad with remembering names of maps lol).  Not the one where attackers spawn up a huge hill and one of the crates is in a blasted out foundation, but the other one where the attackers spawn pretty much just outside the set of two buildings.

We did survive several mortar blasts, but the building held.  It's one of the bigger industrial warehouse buildings with the stairs going up the middle of it, not a wooden structure.  I'm not sure if those can come completely down.

Sounds like you were on the first base of White pass, that one is an attackers nightmare sometimes. I think I´ve have won that base as attacker only about 10% of the times I´ve played it.


yeah it was the first base.  Sounds right.  It's interesting that it is so hard to attack though because you spawn just outside and it's easy to get in the building for Bravo, but I guess with all the upper areas it's easy for the defenders to cover the objectives.  When we switched sides then and attacked, we got it after a tough fight.

Anyways, I suppose we oughta stop talking BC2 before a swarm of Helghast troops drop down and destroys us!    :)  forums and member created pages

Art Blade

..or someone capable of splitting and moving topics  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol - the way Art deals with spammers would be viewed admirably by the Helghan forces.  Relentless pursuit!!!  forums and member created pages



Quote from: Art Blade on March 15, 2011, 10:09:38 AM
..or someone capable of splitting and moving topics  :-D

Just before I opened this topic, suspecting that Spaceboy had answered me, I wondered how long it would take before either PZ or Art would split and move it to the BFBC2 section.  ^+-+  :-X


Sometimes I prefer to see things stay un-split cause it's fun to go back and watch us wander off topic and then list lazily back on - it's what makes OWG what it is  :-X

As for the type of match you're talking about space, those are my favorite - the one's where everyone does their job for the benefit of the team and the main objective rather than running around being a bunch of individuals.


yeah I agree mmosu,  it's the conversational aspect of most threads that make them so great!  of course, sometimes a split is helpful.  forums and member created pages

Art Blade

I thought it was entertaining and not really necessary to split and move the conversation so I left it as is. Apparently PZ thought the same. And space who is also one of those who can perform a swift action if needed (he can split and move topics, too) apparently decided just as did the rest of us.. "leave it" :)

Oh and regarding my combat abilities, I am currently playing my way up in a world ranking of Bulletstorm which is also a team MP game. I reckon that what we do involves a lot more bloodshed and tearing apart enemies, literally, than what you guys are doing  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


a neat feature of KZ3 is the ability to compare your stats with people on your friends list.  I see that mmosu and I play quite similarly.  In just over 8 hours we had a similar K/D ratio, though his was better than mine, and similar points/kills, etc.  though his were more than mine.

btw, I have what would be considered a horrible K/D of just over 0.5.  If I recall, mmosu is at  .67 (correct me if I'm wrong and thinking of another friends stats)   

Now I never worry about it and think it's foolish to unless you just want to snipe etc.  But I also almost always end up in the upper half or upper third of my team.  I like getting in the mix of things.  Not so much run and gun, per se.  But going for the objectives, helping teamates with revives or resupplys etc.  I die alot, I kill the enemies too though, and as long as points are an indication of your usefulnes to the team, I must be doing ok.

I don't mind snipers if they're taking out enemies, great.  I just like running through explosions and having the smoke and debris clouds in my face as I emerge with my gun blazing at the enemies.  The "theater" of war if you will.  I like securing objectives and taking out enemies as they file in to take it back.  I like jumping down from above and taking out unsuspecting foes - KZ3 has a few nicely exposed I-Beams in a couple maps on which you can traverse  ;D.

This is in part to the BC2 discussion about pro gaming etc.  I feel there's too much fun to be had and still do well for your team to worry about stats and perfection.  forums and member created pages

Art Blade

I see, and I am just like you guys when playing that type of game. I remember a scene during a deathmatch long ago (quake2) when I was running after a guy absolutely nothing else in mind than to kill him, no matter what, and he was running towards a dead end with a deadly pool of red hot lava waiting for him.. when he fell in I didn't stop.. I ran and jumped after him with my guns ablaze and kept shooting at him even so while diving into the lava (we could see each other) so he died both of heat and lead while I died with a silly smile on my face  :-D

Bulletstorm has the same feature you're describing, I can compare my stats with the stats of my "friends" and other players. The friends stats lists (several types of scores) is a ranking of its own, friends and yourself are listed accordingly to the world ranking but you can only see your friends' and your own stats.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol I love the lava story!  I can totally picture it.  I have been on similar death quests.

In KZ3 a fully upgraded Medic can actually stand back up if you are only mortally wounded.  Since alot of players don't finish people off letting them squirm and wait to respawn (or be revived) it's very sweet to stand back up and shoot the guy that just got you as he runs away.  Of course I've also gotten killed again by the same guy much to my humiliation.  All good fun.  forums and member created pages

Art Blade


In Bulletstorm everyone can revive a deadly wounded player (you can't die but you are incapacitated) by simply and gently kicking him with their large military boots in the face  >:D (actually, just kick them anywhere). It is horrible if you see the rest of the team minding their own business and leaving you yelping and moaning (if you're part of a bad team). In a good team you revive your mates at all costs, they will do the same for you.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah space, that's about my K/D ratio.  If you're really getting in there and mixing it up then that's about where it should be - some matches require a lot of dying.  My ratio actually went up a bit recently, I think it was due to the fact that I just unlocked the M82 assault rifle for my tactician, which brings fools down a lot more easily than the suppressed SMG I was using up until now  :-X  Oh, and btw, I always finish medics off before walking away - I've been on the wrong end of that situation enough times to have learned my lesson!  :-D


that was great mmosu!  I'm glad we got the chance to play.  I'll tell you it gets so hectic that I often lost sight of you until Akmir, that one I seemed to have you around a bit more.  Squad spawn would be nice for situations like that, but I guess it helps cut down on too much chaos with everyone spawning on squad mates.

Like I said, too bad we couldn't get you to safety when you were the assassination target.  If only I could have got that guy after reviving you...  But why did you even leave the safety of the building man?  It's dangerous outside lol   :)  forums and member created pages


I was actually outside the area that I was allotted to hide in inside the building and I had a big message across my screen telling me to return to the mission area or else!  When I got selected, I was actually at the southern most spawn point (near the main ISA basecamp :o) which I had been maintaining during the last Search & Retrieve.  I immediately started sprinting north, cutting throught the buildings because I thought I had time to get back in to the mission area before the point started and everyone knew where I was.  I was trying to reach the northern most spawn point near where our Search & Destroy defense objective was - it's a good place to hide because there are multiple avenues of escape if it becomes necessary.  My plan was to cut across to the sewer pipes and use them to enter the dam area in safety, but for some reason at the last second I decided to cut up those stairs on the right and make a run for it.  I didn't realize you were right behind me until we both got mowed down by that infiltrator on PCP!  ;D  The worst part was we had a shut-out going until I screwed that up!  Hey, where were you hiding when you were the target on the Corinth Highway map?

🡱 🡳

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