Binnatics' FC2 experience

Started by Binnatics, May 07, 2011, 03:25:29 PM

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 ^+-+ You guys! Art, I relate to your diplomacy in such a sitch, I'm the same. Outwardly I'll be saying "No, it's OK, you didn't disturb me, I'm just playing", whilst my inner dialogue will be more along the lines of "...rackin' frackin' goddamn sumbitch %#$@&..."

Binn, so you're playing on Infamous this time - good luck! :) In answer to your questions:

Indeed, any buddies you kill in Bowa will not show up at the Landing Zone (LZ), logically enough. I'm sure about that, but what I'm not sure about is this: I don't think it's possible to eliminate all of them, because after the Prison breakout whoever was your rescue buddy beforehand will still be at large somewhere, but you can't get in contact with them anymore at that point, until they show up at the LZ. Same story I think for whoever was locked up at the Prison. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, anyone.

Ammo: Yep, that's all you get, until you can buy some bandoliers and such, but even then the upgrades will only give you the equivalent of one additional clip for each weapon affected. I think you can end up having six darts for the Dart Rifle when you get the Marksman upgrade, but that's not available until you reach Bowa. So make those darts count!

Ah, boomerang-style shooting (cool expression :-X ). I think we've all seen that at some point, sideways- and backward-shooting mercs. It's a bit of an annoying glitch, but a relatively occasional one. I've sometimes played for weeks without encountering it, then I'll see it happening several times in one sitting. There's an easy way to make them stop doing that - shoot 'em :-()

An Infamous game is never a quick one as you simply can't afford to be rash. Hard-charging around gung-ho fashion in ATs will generally result in nothing more than getting yourself shot quicker, and on that level, bullets really hurt! I find myself doing a lot more walking and sneaking around on Infamous.

If you want more diamonds, check out Dweller_Benthos' maps under the Far Cry2/Overview maps tab above. He's marked the locations of all the diamond cases. I wouldn't have found half of them without these excellent maps. Getting in a good haul of diamonds can actually net you a fair bit of money, enough to buy some extra goodies early on. This is just me, but I go for every single diamond case on the maps in every playthrough, sometimes before I've even done any missions other than some Weapon Shop ones to unlock my favourites early. It helps to be able to purchase those before tackling any heavy missions. And besides, I just like to get everything :-()

Have fun mate, I look forward to reading more about your adventures :)

And here's a kudo for having the guts to go for Infamous on only your second playthrough :-D


Quote from: fragger on September 18, 2011, 04:59:12 PM
There's an easy way to make them stop doing that - shoot 'em :-()


An excellent line fragger and it's universally true!   :-D :-X

For me D_B's maps are invaluable for keeping track of each area and knowing if I've skimmed all the diamonds as I pass through on the different errands or if I'm just out stirring up trouble before starting missions.

Just like the handheld map the number next to the diamond in the upper left corner (<>15) at the zoomed into currant quadrant scale tells how many diamonds are within distance of a quick grab.  D_B's maps give me the advantage of more easily remembering which I've gathered and planning my routes to pick up those strays that are off the beaten path for missions throughout the game.

I can't tell you how many times towards the end of a game I find I've missed one or two diamonds.  I've had to drive around to all the different areas and count the number of diamonds collected in each area on my handheld map as compared to how many are supposed to be there.  When I find that I don't have a correct count match on my handheld  D_B's maps have saved me searching blindly over and over by comparing my handheld map against his maps showing all diamond locations to help me round up the rest. ;D

As you continue on in your career in FC2 you may also find it helpful to make mental notes of vehicle's types and locations that are scattered around as you encounter them just in case at some point in the future your ride spontaneously combusts as they are readily known to do.  That way you won't be making that embarrassing long hike home on foot.  It's rare to be more than 30 seconds on foot for some sort of replacement even if you have to take it away from someone.   >:D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Killing all our buddies (after having done their side missions) is what I believe all of us do. You won't have to fight that hard in the Landing Zone (LZ) and since we all know they all betray us why bother saving their collective arses  :-() In order to get all of their side missions first, see the funny tactics topic. Make your RB your BB so you get that set of missions, too (your Rescue Buddy doesn't show up at Mikes so you need to make him Best Buddy). Best buddies can be killed after their blue main mission is accomplished, they always need your help after that.. well.. I like to help them croak if they can't manage that on their own -- that at the time promotes the next buddy with highest history (needs 3 points more than the rest) to new BB. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Quote from: mandru  on September 18, 2011, 06:54:22 PMyour ride spontaneously combusts as they are readily known to do

Not entirely correct. They only "spontaneously combust" (disappear) if you use any vehicle other than the one you arrived with. A bus trip does not interfere with your vehicle, though. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


My experience with vehicles spontaneously combusting  generally stems from being shot at so heavily my ride kicks over to producing black smoke and in my efforts to defend myself it keeps me from getting back to it in time to make repairs.   ::)

I've found (when it comes right down to it) if I can put a vehicle that has gone to the black smoker stage between me and my assailants and back steadily away I can often draw mercs into the blast range right before it explodes.  When it goes up in a fireball every merc removed makes it that much easier to do a mop up on any remaining mercs.   >:D

Just another one of those fine details where the player is able to manipulate and make use of the game environment and its resources that makes the game so playable.   :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Clever move mandru, I haven't been able to try that one yet, mostly I put as much distance as possible between me and the smoker, specially when it turns black        :-D

Art Blade

Alright, mandru, that's something I didn't expect and yes, you're right about that :) Hehe, I too love to use a black-smoking vehicle as a long fuse to blow right into the mercs' faces when they poke around :-() I like to do that with boats.. let them move around and attack the engine until it starts to emit black smoke. Wait until it blows up somewhere. Might attract free-roaming mercs and get them off of your track  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I also try to remember where I can find a vehicle asap after loosing mine. Especially an AT, since that provides the firepower I need now ;)
6 shots for the dart rifle after the marksman upgrade? Hmm, that's the double. A musthave indeed. I'll take a look at D_B's maps. I can really use the diamonds. ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I'd mod the sweet bejeebus out of your game so you get more gear, mate, but that's just me.  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I think it's six darts you get... The Dart Gun always seems to get its ammo doubled with the upgrade, relative to your skill level, so that's what I'm assuming. Truth is, I can't remember for sure.

All GPs have at least one vehicle that you can pinch, even if it's just a swamp boat. Of course this nearly always means you'll have to fight for it. You'll have noticed there's quite a few vehicles parked around the maps, I guess it's just a question of getting to know where they are. This might help a bit - check out "Places of Interest" in the Articles section, if you haven't already. Art went to a great deal of trouble to list (and take screenies of) the locations of all the Buggies on both maps, plus he found a cool way to deal with Shwasana Fishing Village.

Just wondering Binn - are you playing with DLC? There is an add-on product called the Fortune Pack, which will give you three new "free" weapons - a sound-suppressed shotgun (Primary), an antique sawn-off double barrel shotgun (Secondary) and a crossbow that fires explosive bolts (Special). These will appear in a crate in the Armoury and don't have to be unlocked or bought, but they can't be upgraded (although the ammo capacity upgrades will boost the ammo you can carry for them, as per regular weapons). There are also two new vehicles - a Unimog (with .50 cal mounted gun) and a quad-bike. These two replace a number of the vehicles on the map, i.e. the new vehicles are not in addition to the existing ones. Some buggies remain as they are, as do most ATs. So a GP which formerly owned an AT might have it replaced with a Unimog, for example. The FP is no longer available for sale, unless it's available from Steam or online somewhere. It's not really a "must have", but it brings a little more to the game (the Unimogs are actually my favourite vehicles now).

Now I want to play some more :-()


I don't have the DLC installed. Don't know if it's easy to obtain now, no idea where to get it. I bought my 5 euro retail version without any dlc. But thanx for the tip, I'll check places of interest.
I also found out that, if you're in trouble finding a car, quite often an AT or Datsun comes along. If you follow the road that is. Of course this means a small fight as well, but if you resist the tention to blow it up, you'll have a fresh car to bring you whereever round :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


There are two, one is the Fortunes pack, the other is the Farcry2_IntelBonusMissions
Binn check these sites out, both do look above board sites and the downloads look legal enough....  8-X;12590668;/fileinfo.html


QuoteFar Cry 2 Intel Bonus Missions

These bonus missions extend Far Cry 2's game play by a whole 3 gripping hours. Mission 1: the Morrocan This mission sends you into the most heavily guarded region of the Leboa-Sako territory. Hiding out at the old Legion fort is a Moroccan who m (EDIT: quote is truncated here!!!  :D  )
Ubisoft has released these two bonus missions that extend Far Cry 2's game play by a whole 3 gripping hours.

Aren`t those bonus missions the Predecessor missions? If it is so, then you have more than two extra missions... or are those two extra Predecessor missions in addition to those previously released?  ????
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'm pretty sure they are the Predecessor missions, before I installed it I didn't have the Predecessor missions.


I'm trying to do buddie missions, but I'm confused... Does every buddy give you one or two missions? I did one mission for Josip now, and one for the black girl. The black girl is my best buddy but I somehow was able to do a Josip mission. The second buddie mission for the black girl won't pop up. Can I make them pop up somehow? Or do I have to kill her to get other best buddies and their missions?

I also rescued a guy up north, who had a planecrash. He wears a turban, don't know his name. But he doesn't offer me missions.  :-\\
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Each buddy has two missions to offer. You can accept a mission from any buddy at Mike's, whether that buddy is your current best buddy or not. "Best buddy" simply means that this is the buddy who will offer alternatives to main missions, but you're not restricted to doing only that buddy's side missions.

If the girl's second mission won't pop up (the buddy sounds like Flora), you may find you'll have to drive up the road from Mike's a certain distance (back to about where the water hole in the road is) and then drive back - her other mission should now be available. Watch your map as you drive - when you get near the water hole you'll see the little yellow triangle appear above Mike's. Same thing happens in Bowa, you need to drive back up the Marina road almost all the way back to the main road to make a new buddy mission appear at Mike's.

The plane crash guy is Quarbani, and if he's not offering missions it may be because you've done ten of them already. This is a peculiarity of FC2. By default, the program allows for ten side missions from five buddies in each map, but there are actually six buddies in Leboa. The only way to get the sixth buddy's missions is to bump off one of the other buddies (one whose missions you've already done). The sixth buddy's mission should then become available. Don't leave it too late though, there's a point in the game where this is no longer permissible (I think once you've done all main missions before the Goka Falls one to bump off a faction leader). To be on the safe side I usually do my best buddy's side missions first, then let or make them croak during the aftermath of a main mission when I'm expected to save their hide. Get that buddy out of the way early, then you should be able to do 12 buddy missions in Leboa. You'll reach the end of the game and the stats will say "Side Missions Completed: 42/40", assuming you do all the arms dealer and comm tower missions as well.

Sounds to me like that's what might be happening there :)


fragger is correct in most of what he's posted.  You do need to drive up to near the spot in the road when you are in the Northern half of the game midway between Pala and Mike's where the over sized mud puddle forces you to take the jump over the rocks (if you hang to the right) before each new buddy mission will become available upon completion of a previous mission.  You can also take the swamp boat out to where it meets with the main river and return and that will also activate any pending missions too.

Some of the guys here have discussed stacking missions (faction + underground for medicine or underground + buddy, I'm not perfectly clear on this)  but I have never tried that and I'm not sure how it works but I do know that accepting certain buddy missions will cause a warning to pop up that any ongoing mission will be canceled if you accept.

But I'm sure each buddy gives two missions and I've not encountered a limit of 10 as fragger mentioned.  I've not had a time where one of the buddies has failed to issue both missions but then I've also never tried accepting a 2nd mission that has the pop up warn that any current mission will be canceled.

Just to jog your memory Binnatics to see if one of the missions were missing, the buddy you are talking about is Flora Guillen and her two missions are:

1. One of the faction bosses is moving furniture (there's a comment about gold dishes) in a convoy circling near the bus station in the S. E. corner of the map.

2. She sends you up to Cattle Crossing the big ranch in the N. E. corner of the map to destroy a cache of weapons so that they don't fall into the factions' hands. 
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru  on September 20, 2011, 05:16:44 PM
Some of the guys here have discussed stacking missions (faction + underground for medicine or underground + buddy, I'm not perfectly clear on this)  but I have never tried that and I'm not sure how it works but I do know that accepting certain buddy missions will cause a warning to pop up that any ongoing mission will be canceled if you accept.

The only missions I've been able to successfully stack are the malaria and predecessor missions.  For instance, I have had up to 4 mission icons on my map - the main mission, buddy mission, predecessor, and malaria missions.  However, like mandru wrote, others such as trying to combine the arms dealer or different buddy missions results in an aborted mission warning.


PZ is right. That's because the Predecessor missions are like parallel missions you can do anytime you want. Since these are nothing but retrieving a tape that won't change the game in any way, they were created to be done (grabbing the tape) anytime you are near the place where the tape is. So if you are to go to the Fort you can also pick up the tape that is laying there. Same goes to other tapes spreaded around the map.

If you try to stack missions, any mission, a message will pop up saying that accepting the mission will cancel the one you have active in that moment. Just don't know why... you could be allowed to kill, steal and blow up stuff in one go.  ????

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

If you rescue all buddies and the plane crash ("secret") buddy and no buddy died, then you have more buddies than fit into Mike's bar. You need to take care about that, have your BB croak (after you finished his side missions and alternative missions) so the extra buddy pops up at Mike's :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanx for all the info guys. So, basically:
In bowa there are 6 buddies; I met 4 until now.
All have 2 side missions; they pop up as soon as you leave the area (at least until the mudpool).
Flora has the following: "Furniture robbery" and "Ammo pile destruction".

I did here second mission only (if that is a straight order, guess not).

I also did one mission of Josip: Blowing up a gastank somewhere on a railstation up north.

I stacked up 2 missions once: Josip's buddy mission + the underground mission (to get malarya pills). I knew I could stack them because the main missions were still available in the map (all the exclamation points). I did the malarya mission on my way to the armsdealer, and then I took care of the gastank.  ^-^
I had a yellow and a red mark on the map. I don't have predecessor missions I guess. They are DLC related aren't they?

"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


No, the predecessor missions are related to a bonus code - they appear as white mission icons.  Here is a link to a post that should get you started.


ahhh... you right PZ, sorry I completely forgot about it    :-[


Thats alright, my memory is so poor that I even forget what I forgot.   :-()


🡱 🡳

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