No more games

Started by Fiach, November 22, 2011, 12:20:41 AM

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....until 2/march/2012.... :)

Just been looking at the release calandar, no games worth talking about will be released between now and march next year (Final Fantasy XIII-2).

This is a good thing, I have been playing catch up the last couple of months and now with Skyrim and its absolute hugeness, its just the kinda break I need to get back on track.

Still have to get Saints Row 3, but I cant think of anything else.

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I have an even shorter wish list, just looking at all the "ET's" in the latest games makes me shudder,
the dev's make them bigger and stronger with bigger and more powerfull guns shooting the
living s#!t out of us players, I get the impression dev's are running out of ideas   :-(


I'm still in doubt about BF3. That must be an amazing online experience. I think it will be my first project in 2012. For what is still to come out; BM:AC of course, and further away nothing concrete.

I also have a lot of catching up to do. Still have RF:Armageddon, Crysis 2 and Brink to complete.  ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I have a prefab wish list on steam.  ??? :-D

All I need to do is download all those greyed-out games I've got there waiting for me. It's Team Fortress 2 and TF2 beta (don't know why I have both) and all kinds of stuff for HalfLife2 like two episodes and one more for that.. lol
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


These episodes, Art, are definitely worth a try. They are extentions of the original HL2 storyline, and are very well worth playing once you finished the original story. Did you get HL1 as well in that 'Orange Box'?
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

No, but I played HL1 when it was new. Long time hehe but I liked it a lot.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Nothing on my radar that I know of, good thing since I still have to finish Rage, Duke Nukem  and something else I haven't played in so long I forget..... oh yeah Crysis 2.

Aside from Far Cry 3 that is. Oh yeah and the ever elusive and never seen Half Life ep 3, like that will ever happen in our lifetimes.....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I'm with you Fiach, having Skyrim alone is honestly enough, but I also have AC:R to start, plus Batman to finish, and BF3 is always available - ooh plus some Uncharted online once in awhile.

The only definitive release in the near future for me is I Am Alive which will be a download release in Dec. I think.  forums and member created pages


"I Am Alive"? You're making me curious... :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


It's console only, from Ubisoft.  It was originally to be full retail, but get held up, now its dl only, but it still looks good

from wiki:
I Am Alive is an upcoming action video game developed by Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft. It will be released on the PlayStation Network, and Xbox Live Marketplace.[6] It is set to be released Q4 2011. The game was originally to be released as a triple-A title but has since been downgraded to a single-A, online marketplace title with the PC version being cancelled.

The game takes place in Chicago after a major-scale earthquake has destroyed the city and separated it from mainland, while the rest of the world suffers a water crisis.[7]

more info:
In the post-apocalyptic action/adventure I Am Alive, players are faced with thought-provoking choices in the role of a survivor on a journey to find his wife and daughter, who were lost during the "Event." Arriving at his hometown of Haventon one year after it happened, he finds the town in shambles. Buildings are destroyed, toxic ash fills the streets, and society has been torn, causing inhabitants to take all necessary actions to survive.
In I Am Alive, players will be challenged by both their environment and their enemies. Stamina and resource management are key when being exposed to deadly atmospheres and scaling enormous buildings in search of supplies. The unique combat system requires players to utilize intimidation: cowards are easily swayed with an empty gun, while other enemies will put players to the test.

and a vid
I Am Alive - Comeback Trailer [UK]  forums and member created pages


Looks cool, space, just a couple of questions if you know the answers:

  • open world or linear?
  • zombies or normal people (I saw only what appeared to be normal people in the video)?


The original game was supposed to be open world, I think it is still open worldish, maybe some areas of the city you are unable to get to at first.  Makes sense based on some of the views in the trailer.  I highlighted a couple key phrases that I think are hopeful in the quote below.  Also, no zombies, just normal people all trying to survive by any means.

The player controls Adam Collins in a third person perspective. The player can use various tactics to stay alive, including using an empty gun to threaten enemies, finding food and water around the city in order to keep Adam alive and healthy and use of actual live weapons, including pistols and bows.

The player can also drive abandoned vehicles. The game has an emphasis on platforming and exploration. The player will scale wrecked buildings and navigate hazardous areas. Gameplay footage shows similar mechanics to the Uncharted series.  forums and member created pages


Thanks space - sounds interesting enough to keep an eye on!

Art Blade

Wow. It immediately reminded me of a film called "28 days later"  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Seems interesting. The ability of intimidating enemies and 'bluffing' in the gameplay might be something really original, and if they w@&k that out well, it could be great!
Open worldish maybe like in Fallout? I hope it won't be another disappointment like the Rage-openworld-lie.

I get the idea of "I Am Alive" and it is certainly something. Too bad they skipped PC.  :-\\
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics



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 Call Of Duty MW2 and 3 is keeping me kind of busy     8)


If Mettra doesn't want that half a million pounds, I'll take it!

🡱 🡳

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