How to remove malaria from the game

Started by shelmez, December 10, 2011, 11:53:30 AM

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The file gamemodesconfig.xml <Malaria
     FirstAttackTime = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.MalariaTimeBeforeFirstAttack"
     BetweenAttackTime = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.MalariaTimeBetweenEachAttack"
MinorAttackQte = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.MalariaMaxNumberOfMinorAttack"
MinorAttackDuration = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.MalariaMinorAttackDuration"
    replace with

     FirstAttackTime = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.HealthMax_Infamous"
     BetweenAttackTime = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.HealthMax_Infamous"
MinorAttackQte = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.HealthMax_Infamous"
MinorAttackDuration = "Curves.PlayerSicknessCurves.HealthMax_Infamous"
       and more the player will not get sick of malaria, and tablets can be thrown out )))))
rascal, womanizer and eater of pigs))))


welcome shelmez, good to have you with us     :-X


Whoa, that headline caught my attention! Who among us hasn't wanted to find a cure for malaria at one point or another?!  :-D

Art Blade

I need to check that one out soon, the "solutions" other players came up with (on a different forum) didn't w@&k. I had enjoyed several malaria attacks despite of a "cure" someone claimed to have found and incorporated into a file I just so happened to have downloaded.

Thanks mate :)  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks shelmez for the great tip :-X And welcome aboard, nice to meet you :)


Thank you very much friends for the warm welcome! You are warm and cozy))) The link you can download and try to play without malaria, plus an additional few changes, added the bad guys and weapons USAS12 and MP5, all weapons are available from the beginning of the game cartridges and kits became more, much more powerful weapons of the original now the enemy dies with one or two shots, but you do the same.
For change, I used patch 1.03 Rus. Unfortunately I have no way to check on the English version, but very much hope that the game you will have to w@&k. All edited into a single file gamemodesconfig.hml and you can compare the differences between the original and make your changes.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer, but I think you have a lot of smart guys who know how to do it. The game lacks an active life, I would like to see the war on gangs, as a gang attacked another checkpoint))) We could either watch or participate with interest))) I think it's not hard to do who knows scripting language. Add a game foot patrols, which would each move was dangerous. Remove the binding of weapons to slots, you will agree it spoils the enjoyment of the game. Why can not I make my choice of weapon carrying out the task? The game has a watch, but you can not use them, why? Share your ideas how to make the game better but not easier. I am very happy to make new interesting friends))))
rascal, womanizer and eater of pigs))))

Art Blade

 :) :-X

Shelmez, "war on gangs" -- I think we have something for you here at OWG ^-^

Merc War - Mercs vs Mercs, real firefight <incl savegame>
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


The mod on how to remove the malaria is working fine   :-X   thank you shelmez, I played the game for two hours without getting one malaria attack :-()

Art Blade

wow  ??? :) :-X ^-^ Thumb's up, Kudos to our Russian Doctor who cured malaria  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


rascal, womanizer and eater of pigs))))

Art Blade

You just earned yourself a new title, shelmez  :)

Welcome aboard, Dr. Shelmez Malariago  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Man.....this game is getting better and better    :-X ;D


Well, on the PC it does . . .  :D :D :D . . .  :-D



Interestingly I play FC2 on the PC and on the PS3 - like both for different reasons, but both are equally fun.


I do not buy a game console for one reason-it does not give the power to intervene in the game, customize it for yourself, it's very interesting and fun! Every man to his taste.
rascal, womanizer and eater of pigs))))

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Can't argue there  :-X
The only console game I've ever been able to mod was, of course, Borderlands.  It helps when someone is nice enough to come up with a modding program full of convenient drop-down menus that make it all so easy that even I can do it  :-()


Mmosu, buddy, starting to play games on your computer and your head constantly will hurting  how to make your favorite game better, you stop to eat and sleep, you will dream a nightmare as your computer is falling apart  :) But your life will become more interesting and you will find new wonderful friends!  :)
rascal, womanizer and eater of pigs))))

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: shelmez on December 16, 2011, 04:00:52 AM
Mmosu, buddy, starting to play games on your computer and your head constantly will hurting  how to make your favorite game better, you stop to eat and sleep, you will dream a nightmare as your computer is falling apart  :) But your life will become more interesting and you will find new wonderful friends!  :)

I could not agree more, and this is precisely why I bother to play on the PC.  The ability to mod games is absolutely fantastic. 

There are other games that I wish I could mod - the Assassin's Creed series for example.  I do not own the PC version of Brotherhood or Revelations, but it it were possible to mod both, Ubisoft would be the recipient of two more purchases.

Someone needs to teach their marketing department a thing or two about maximizing revenue.  :-()

Art Blade

I'd be willing to try to beat it into them >:D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


All of us, I'll bet, would do the same  >:D


Indeed! The judicious application of a Louisville Slugger should get them to pay attention - after they've regained consciousness >:D

🡱 🡳

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