Hakim Echebbi's quest - from afar (the stealth way)

Started by JRD, April 18, 2009, 11:09:35 AM

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One smooth way to do a favour for Hakim...

[smg id=106 type=av]

I must admit this was the first time I attacked the M-S Pipeline from that sniper nest... cool

Thanks PZ to encourage me to go stealth. I usually go loud, kill everybody and walk around.
Trying new things this time ;)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Great video JRD,
I must admit that I'd probably not have done the missions from that GP unless I had seen the screen cap that someone posted (DKM2?) about using the glider to cross the chasm.  Great job on the video and this one needs to be on the maps too!  In fact, once we start getting the rest of the buddy quests done, a link right on the page to this video would be great.  I like how your title gives plenty of information about the topic, and then you focus on the "meat" of the mission (no pun intended)

Art Blade

a full blown professional he is, our JRD :) nice vid, and indeed good to have meaningful headlines
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks JRD, I've never been to that sniper's nest.  Great video.
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Man, you gotta go to that one spaceboy... there is a nifty mounted 'nade launcher pointing right at the pipeline area - you can clean house with that thing.  It's great to watch them come up to the edge of the gorge and try to get at you while you lob the high explosives at them.  Pathetic thing is that I was on my 8th or 9th play through when I first did it thanks to recommendations from DKM2!

Art Blade

thank the gaming gods they didn't limit the times you can play through HEHEHE
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Man that would be awful - there is just something magical for me in FC2 - the landscape, the dialog between the mercs, the music - just about everything, even those things that some consider annoying like the re-spawn rate - I make use of it to try new techniques on our friends.


After Hakim gave me this mission this morning, I made a side stop into the armory to pick up the AS50, dart, and Mac10.  My intent is to travel from the southeast to the southwest bus stop, then take the buggy to the safe house on the overland way to the pipeline.  Because I'd not cleared this safe house yet, I tried to go in quietly, but one of the mercs heard my motor  :D

Fortunately I'd hopped out of my rig and was crouching in the grass as he ran by, then stopped, looking off toward the valley.  I came up behind him with my rusty machete, and he was quietly done.  Next, I ran up the dirt path to the safe house, and went loud with the Mac10.

After clearing house, I walked toward the pipeline, following the valley floor (and the overhead pipeline) until I crept to a dense bush, beyond which I could see the sniper tower - still very far away though.  I pulled out the dart, but the target was quite small at this distance, so out comes the big gun - the might .50 cal.  I can clearly distinguish the two gents on the twoer with this rig, so I choose the guy in the cheap green suit as the first to go, then away goes the sniper just for kicks.

I heard a funny dialog that I usually don't hear until high in the reputation level:

merc1 "run out there and I'll cover you"
merc2 "you kiddin' me?  Run out there and I'll cover you!"


Last time, I did that one from the cell tower right near the safe house just west of the brewery & road to the prison. One shot with the dart and I was back to the marina.

Fixed: spelling west, not weat & typos
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on February 21, 2011, 01:23:15 PM
Last time, I did that one from the cell tower right near the safe house just weat of the brewery & road tot he prison. One shot with the dart and I was back to the marina.
Never tried that one - will have a go the next time I'm in - sounds like a good variation  :-X

🡱 🡳

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