About that 1.03 patch...

Started by fragger, March 27, 2012, 05:30:12 AM

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Does anyone know if it gets applied automatically when the Fortune Pack is installed?

Here's why (bear with me - hard luck story to get through first). My hard drive went belly-up yesterday and since then I've been spending hours reinstalling everything onto a new one (new drive has 1.8TB capacity, plenty of room now :-()) By "everything" I mean so far W7 (hasta la vista, Vista) and all my graphics programs and files, which is like several gigs' worth of stuff, and then of course there was all the setting up, configuring and re-establishing of my interface preferences for said graphics titles. Thank heavens my files were all backed up (phew) but bringing them all onto the new drive has taken ages as there were over 500 zipped files of content for Poser, Hexagon and Bryce which had to be unzipped individually (the repetitive monotony of which almost put me into a hallucinatory Zen-like trance state, so thank heavens for caffeine too ::)) Then there was Office and a suite of printing software and my internet and a new version of Firefox (11) to get used to (and of course I didn't think to backup my bookmarks, did I? :D) and this and that and the other - aaargh. The upshot is that I haven't gotten around to reinstalling any games yet, but I'm at that stage now and natch FC2 will be a must - hence the opening question. I'd like to do a PZ and have a go at getting the original Jackal tapes without getting hung up on the flipping boots one and I'd like to have my Unimogs and crossbows with me as well if possible, but if not I'll do without just to get to hear the missing tapes and see them all in my inventory for a change.

Man, rebuilding sucks :angry-new:


I don't think so mate, I had the Fortunes Pack installed before the patch which I got from GameCopyWorld, but gibbed's modding needed the Steam version of the patch, so I removed the one I had and installed the Steam version. Hope this helps, but PZ will know for sure  :-X


If you want to play with a modded FC then it doesn't w@&k with patch 1.2. But you can play with patch 1.2 and the Fortunes Pack. I think I just installed the patch 1.2 over the Fortunes Pack 1.3 and it worked - even loading old save games and no Jackal tape glitch + unimog etc.


I'm not sure on the PC, but I have the fortunes pack on the console and no patches - works just fine, and am on Jackal tape #14.  They are quite interesting actually, they tell quite the story, and are well worth collecting.

One thing you could consider is to play without the official patches so you can listen to all the Jackal tapes, and then when you are ready to play modded FC2, install 1.03 and then the mod.  It would actually be interesting to see if a game you played without the patch, but one where you collected all the tapes would still present the glitch.


Thanks for the answers, chaps :)

I may actually have a game without the Fortune pack anyway, at least once, just for old times' sake. I originally played FC2 for several months before I got the FP.

Cheers :-X


Have fun fragger, I think you'll have a good time.  There was quite a period where I was not interested in playing FC2 - I believe it was around the time that mandru became the moderator of the Far Cry boards.  However since then, the mod and just plain missing Africa and the lonely existence you have has brought me back into the game.  >:D


Cheers :)

FC2 is up and running, a milk-white version 1.00 with no Fortune Pack installed. I want to hold off on the FP for a while and just play bare-boned vanilla for now.

I'm having a very good time indeed. This morning I took my PC in to the computer shop from where I picked up the new HDD the other day, a very reasonable and knowledgeable independent operator in town who deals mostly with second-hand stuff, and did a bit of wheeling and dealing. I'd talked to him last time I was there about doing this, so this morning with his help I got a semi-new rig together quite cheaply. Not the brand-new super-duper dream whizzbanger that I'm hot to get in the hopefully not-too-distant future, but it'll certainly do for now. Same case, peripherals and CD/DVD drive that I already had (and the new HDD of couse), but now with a new mobo (Gigabyte, not sure which one exactly, but I've never had a prob with them and I trust the bloke's judgement) with an Intel Core i7-2600 3.4Ghz CPU, 16GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GT545 with 4GB RAM on board and new heavy-duty power supply & extractor fan. And it's surprisingly quiet - I had to look inside the box while it was all running to check that all the fans really were doing their thing... they are. Way quieter than my old machine.

What a difference to gaming that made! FC2 is like I've never seen it before, smooth as silk with almost everything maxed out. I can actually run with the lot without it impacting the frame rate too much, but it does impact it and frankly, why bother putting up with a frame rate hit when everything looks and runs so nicely where it is now, at about 90% max? It's almost like playing a whole different game.

I'm stoked :-D :-X 8)


Quote from: fragger on March 29, 2012, 04:42:17 AM
Cheers :)

FC2 is up and running, a milk-white version 1.00 with no Fortune Pack installed. I want to hold off on the FP for a while and just play bare-boned vanilla for now.

I'm having a very good time indeed. This morning I took my PC in to the computer shop from where I picked up the new HDD the other day, a very reasonable and knowledgeable independent operator in town who deals mostly with second-hand stuff, and did a bit of wheeling and dealing. I'd talked to him last time I was there about doing this, so this morning with his help I got a semi-new rig together quite cheaply. Not the brand-new super-duper dream whizzbanger that I'm hot to get in the hopefully not-too-distant future, but it'll certainly do for now. Same case, peripherals and CD/DVD drive that I already had (and the new HDD of couse), but now with a new mobo (Gigabyte, not sure which one exactly, but I've never had a prob with them and I trust the bloke's judgement) with an Intel Core i7-2600 3.4Ghz CPU, 16GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GT545 with 4GB RAM on board and new heavy-duty power supply & extractor fan. And it's surprisingly quiet - I had to look inside the box while it was all running to check that all the fans really were doing their thing... they are. Way quieter than my old machine.

What a difference to gaming that made! FC2 is like I've never seen it before, smooth as silk with almost everything maxed out. I can actually run with the lot without it impacting the frame rate too much, but it does impact it and frankly, why bother putting up with a frame rate hit when everything looks and runs so nicely where it is now, at about 90% max? It's almost like playing a whole different game.

I'm stoked :-D :-X 8)

All your really need to do is upgrade that graphics card to something like a GTX 570 or 580 and you´ll have that super-duper whizzbang dream machine you want  :-(). The i7 2600 is a really good CPU and 16 Gb RAM will make sure that you won´t suffer from lack of memory for the next few years,


Luck with the new rig mate     :-))

Art Blade

nice one, fragger.. time to update your game rig specs to be found somewhere on the forum  :-D

I know you have a couple of games waiting that wouldn't run on your old rig, I'm curious about those.. please tell us more when you give them a burl  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Congratz fragger  :-X  It is always nice to get that "breath of fresh air" when you get a new PC.


Cheers gents :)

lol Art - "... give them a burl" :-D I don't think I taught you that one - where'd you pick that up from?

I will indeed - there's AC2, Just Cause 2, GTA IV... But first I have to experience more of this new improved FC2 caper :-X Looking forward to having a go at my beloved Civ V on this machine too, except for the fact that it's a Steam title, which means getting it re-activated and re-updated and all that fun stuff ::)

@dead: actually you're right, I am nearly there already :-()

Art Blade

I found that expression in a dictionary stating it was an Aussie thing  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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