Unexpected results

Started by grenada, April 18, 2009, 04:02:37 PM

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Art Blade

Welcome Foghorn Leghorn :)

The observations you made sound familiar to me. I tried a couple of things and in the end I reloaded a previous savegame to undo certain events that had led to the death of my rescue buddy and best buddy.

What I remember is that I too went over to the plane crash site and found Flora Guillen waiting innocently. At that time I had both my best buddy and a rescue-ready. When I went to Mike's, Flora was there and someone else gone (6 buddies in Leboa). Some time later I "accidently" went into a safehouse and Flora was there who then became my rescue-buddy.

At that time I wondered, "can I deliberately choose who becomes rescue-buddy?" I never found out. I don't know if there apply rules or if things like that happen at random.

About kevlar-buddies... never seen that one happen. Sometimes they manage to stay alive on their own, then again they pretend to have been hit badly (bloody malingerers) just to enjoy setting off blue smoke and getting me into trouble. More than once I was about to finish off attacking mercs when I noticed my best buddy was nowhere around, no blue smoke... then I saw him. And his weapons §@*%&! Just to make myself clear I reloaded and shot him first, then the mercs. hehe. Bloody idiots, sometimes :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Foghorn Leghorn

I hear you, Art.  I'm about at my wits end with Warren and that American accent of his.  The problem is I'm trying to play Infamous, and don't want all my buddies to die so early in the game.  I already had to mercy kill Josip - I had no syrettes left on an assassination at the airstrip (you'd think a guy his age would lay off the drug habit).   :o

Foghorn Leghorn

A very bizarre thing happened to me last night when I was up at Goka Falls killing Prosper Kouassi.

Just outside the cabin, I needed Flora to rescue me (I'm finding that on Infamous, that's happened on a few occasions   ;D ).  Anyway, I go in and take care of Kouassi (single bullet to the forehead – didn't have time to make a production of it), and run out and leap off the cliff into the water (never done it that way before and wanted to see what happens).  Soon afterward, I start getting the text at the bottom that Flora is injured and needs help (that I'm abandoning her).  I guess she doesn't like that Michele Dachss is my primary buddy – women!   ::)

When I wash ashore I check the journal - Flora is listed as "Missing", and Paul Ferenc is my new secondary buddy.  I start doubling back to the cabin (taking the bridge side route) – the funny thing is, I'm STILL seeing the messages.  I clear out the remaining bodyguards and find Flora writhing on the ground.  The hand print appears but when I press the button to give her a syrette, nothing happens.  After a minute or so of continuing to try, I decide that enough is enough and mercy kill her.  Then I check the journal again.  Well, not only is Flora still listed as missing, but Paul Ferenc is listed as "Mercy Killed"!

Has anyone else seen something like this happen?  Maybe Paul had a thing for Flora and was so depressed when he heard that Flora had passed on that he took his own life?


had not seen that (but I like your assumptions regarding Flora and Paul's actions).  Sounds like you just caught the game in a little glitch.  Stinks to lose two buds at once especially on infamous.  don't know how you're making it that far as it is on infamous...
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Sounds almost like it started when you jumped into the water which meant that Flora was left to fight the newly spawned mercs gunning for your hide.  Spaceboy must be correct - probably a glitch in the game.

Art Blade

I haven't seen that happen but I once lost my best buddy. Since I had a savegame, I risked to play on and see what happened. I didn't get a new best buddy, the safehouses remained empty and at Mike's only the usual suspects were gathered. I couldn't stand it and reloaded the savegame.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Foghorn Leghorn
I understand you are playing infamous, right? and you are about to move south...
Could you please check how many underground missions you did in Leboa before moving to Bowa?
A question that came up somewhere in the forums.
Me and PZ think that the number of UG missions you have to do is related to your difficulty level.
Therefor, easy should give you one mission
Normal, two missions
Hardcore, three missions, and
Infamous, four missions.
I'm playing HC and had 3 UG missions, the rest of the guys playing normal had 2... we were missing someone playing infamous to check...
So if you can tell us how many UG you did in Leboa, we'll appreciate  ;)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Foghorn Leghorn

Quote from: JRD on April 28, 2009, 11:08:45 AM
Foghorn Leghorn
I understand you are playing infamous, right? and you are about to move south...
Could you please check how many underground missions you did in Leboa before moving to Bowa?
A question that came up somewhere in the forums.
Me and PZ think that the number of UG missions you have to do is related to your difficulty level.
Therefor, easy should give you one mission
Normal, two missions
Hardcore, three missions, and
Infamous, four missions.
I'm playing HC and had 3 UG missions, the rest of the guys playing normal had 2... we were missing someone playing infamous to check...
So if you can tell us how many UG you did in Leboa, we'll appreciate  ;)

No problem, JRD.  Is it listed on the Statistics page? Or maybe I should just head back up north and check the map of the Underground logos.... :-X


Just check the stats page... should be there along with buddy missions done etc...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Foghorn Leghorn

Quote from: JRD on April 29, 2009, 05:58:50 AM
Just check the stats page... should be there along with buddy missions done etc...

I had a peek last night - "Underground Missions completed = 3".

I felt like I took my time (Infamous definitely means more travel on foot for stealth approaches), so I'm guessing that the missions aren't just a factor of time?


We are trying to understand how that underground missions w@&k... just curious, in fact.
I thought it was related to difficulty level, but apparently I was wrong since you are playing infamous and had only 3 UG missions. Unless you are still in the northern territory and eventually will have another UG before going south.
But thanks for the info anyway  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

the underground missions occur after certain plot missions only, as far as I know. There is more detail in the malaria topic here.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Foghorn Leghorn

Quote from: JRD on April 30, 2009, 06:48:54 AM
We are trying to understand how that underground missions w@&k... just curious, in fact.
I thought it was related to difficulty level, but apparently I was wrong since you are playing infamous and had only 3 UG missions. Unless you are still in the northern territory and eventually will have another UG before going south.
But thanks for the info anyway  :-X

No problem.  I'm definitely in the South now - my first two times trying the Barge mission ended very quickly.  The third time was the charm.  And I'll say it again - going slowly on Infamous has its perks.  I'm finding many more things offroad (on foot or in car) - diamonds, lost tapes, mercs accidentally burning their huts down.... ;D

Art Blade

...or burning MY hut down! I can't remember where, but it was a safehouse somewhere in the desert, located at the foot of a hill. Always, when I arrived, the white grass around the house was burned away, sometimes still burning. The first time I had a little hide-and-seek game going on with two mercs who must have had torched the place. I turned it into a seek-and-destroy game  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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