AC3 - the GOOD

Started by PZ, November 04, 2012, 10:59:32 PM

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There are many improvements to the AC series that have developed in AC3.

The frontier is a wilderness which you can explore to your heart's content.  While there are problems (impenetrable solid shrubs and trees), overall the experience is really good, and an added value to the AC experience.  In the wilderness you can hunt animals, w@&k on improving your homestead (similar to the Auditore villa), and see landscape that is truly amazing.

I have explored only a small part of the wilderness, but no two locations have been the same.  The developers have done a marvelous job of creating a very realistic environment.


Because I have been exposed to American history, I already know some of the back story presented by the game, but I have to state that I greatly appreciate the AC series in the reporting of the history of a person or place as you encounter the person/place.  Interestingly, if you bother to read the history of a person or place that you have encountered, the game itself make so much more sense, and greatly increases the immersion factor.


Boston demo video showing the new combat maneuvers and other new features.  No real spoilers here, just video of the capabilities in AC3


Those red coats of yours... you just summon them and they show up, like your assassins back in Brotherhood?

What else can you get them to do?

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Those red coats are actually in disguise for that particular mission.  Other than that, they tend to look like regular town folks, although I have not seen them up close yet due to the fact that I am heavily in combat when I call.

I just discovered that you can send them out on missions like in Revelations, but you need not visit a kiosk - you just hold a button and the menu comes up.

Like in the other AC games, you can call them to assassinate.


Free running has greatly improved - Connor adjusts to the terrain automatically and all you need hold is R1 (PS3) - don't need to hold the second button any longer.

Stealing is kind of fun and more realistic.  If you pick someone's pocket, they keep moving because they are unaware.  However, you can approach them and hold the pick pocket button and a timer circle comes up - hold the button long enough for the circle to complete and you can get everything they have  :laugh:

The only down side is that they then become aware that you have stolen from them.  :-()


Fast travel

In prior games, you simply headed toward an area, perhaps on a road, and the transport prompt popped up.  Another variation seen in Brotherhood is the kiosk-style transporter.  However neither gave a sense of immersion because you simply ended up at the destination after your short coma.

In AC3, the fast travel mechanism is linked to a tunnel system beneath Boston and New York.  You actually get to explore the tunnels much like the hidden areas in prior games.  You carry a lantern and along the way you light torches fixed to the wall; the sound effects are outstanding, as is the lighting.  You actually feel like you're traveling hidden tunnels beneath the city.  There are even opponents you need to kill that are talking in lighted rooms.

Sometimes all you need do is pick a lock to get out to the surface and at other times you need to solve a puzzle similar to the codex wall or Altair's library door, (but much simpler; align 4 items).  Another variation is two cranks which you spin until all the locks are aligned, then the door automatically releases.



... is done quite well.  The thunder and lightning when it rains is believable, and the conditions actually affect the ability of your enemy to see you.  Quite immersive when you think about it; wait for night or bad weather and you have a better chance of accomplishing your goals.  Kind of reminds me of FC2 going in under the cover of darkness.


About fast travelling: what if you want to go from one place to another straight away? Can you choose a location and just pop out there or do you need to do the actual travel in real time? (so much for fast, isn't it?)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


You see the fast travel icon on the map for each site that you have discovered.  You can choose whichever you like and be instantly transported to that location, which is just outside the doorway to the tunnels.

It is very well done because you have the choice of actual fast travel or doing it the old fashioned way for increased immersion.


Does time spent in the various mazes decrease the enemy awareness of anything they may be upset with you over?

Or at least allow you to move away to someplace less contested until things cool down?
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Although I have not tried it, I suspect that you need to be incognito before you can go into the tunnels.  I'll try the next time I enter the game to test it


Some good news on the PC version of AC3 is that many of the cut scenes can be skipped by pressing and holding the "E" key.  That's the interaction key on PC used for opening doors or speaking to in game characters.  Some of the chapter openings and scene changes are hard wired as unavoidable but most of the dialog or player orientation via "taking a slow look around" type scenes I've come across in replays (once I've gleaned the needed plot info) can be quickly shifted out of the way.

PZ you had mentioned the cut scenes are annoying you so you might try holding the PS3 controller's action key to see if the function is there but undocumented in the tutorial or the in game hints.  Hope that works for you.  :-X
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: PZ on November 12, 2012, 07:58:06 PM
Although I have not tried it, I suspect that you need to be incognito before you can go into the tunnels.  I'll try the next time I enter the game to test it

Confirmed; you need to be incognito before you can go into the tunnels


Quote from: mandru  on November 21, 2012, 07:55:31 AM
PZ you had mentioned the cut scenes are annoying you so you might try holding the PS3 controller's action key to see if the function is there but undocumented in the tutorial or the in game hints.  Hope that works for you.  :-X

Yes, there are quite a few that can be skipped  :-X


Just started a new play through on the console, which I am able to plug into my PC monitor via the HDMI port. Because it has been a while since I played last, it is almost like a new game to me.  It has been fun, and I am not focusing more on the side missions rather than the main missions.


On my second playthrough I did the same: straight to main missions and skipped most, if not all, side missions. Homestead still desert and most of the Frontier still "undiscovered" (by the way, the way you reveal the map is just stupid in AC3, I miss the old viewpoints and their long range radius  :-\\ )

I don't remember where I am but I'm passed the point where you save Georgie... and that was quite fast. The whole game can be completed in a few hours if you completely focus on main missions.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I agree; there are many viewpoints in the cities, but synchronizing them reveals only small parts of the map.  This time through I completed only enough main mission to get me to New York, and then recruited all my assassins.  Now I wander through the streets having them assassinate, lure, protect, and all the other things that gain them experience.  It will be a while before they are able to take on the three-star missions.

I also am using a large battle axe as a heavy weapon that is very effective.  I'm looking for the best weapon in the game - have any idea?

Art Blade

Try loading your belly with pemmican and fire through the bum flap of your trousers. :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Now, that would be a flamin' mod!


I found the weapons a major disappointment in the game. Tried several swords and daggers but none actually satisfied me. Besides, seeing a mohawk wielding a british sword just feels wrong. I then took the Naval Axe and the Assassin's tomahawk as my weapons of choice... they look right in Connor's hands and the animations are just brutal!  >:D

There is also a pistol that can fire two shots before you need to reload. Later on you can craft another holster and you will be able to carry two of them, allowing you to shoot four shots in a row before you ned to reload the pistols. You need the right recipies and artisans to do it though and it means a lot of chest looting in order to get the recipies and Homestead missions to have the right artisan to craft the twin holster.  ;)

Sorry if I can't give you better information like which recipe and which artisan but it's been a while since I fired AC3 last!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Thanks JRD, that's good information  :-X  I've actually looted most of the chests in my city wanderings.


I like the two shot (Royal?) pistol pair but I keep encountering a glitch where the second pistol of the set reverts back to a single shot after a very short while.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


That's weird... I don't remember having that glitch but again, it's been a while since I fired AC3 so I'm not completely sure about it.

When you enter the log book, where you craft goods and send convoys, you can select the twin holsters if you already have the recipe. Once you click on it, as you would do to have them crafted, the interface will show you the necessary materials and the artisan able to craft it for you. Then is just a matter of finding him and having him settle in Homestead so you can play his missions and upgrade his shop.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Now that I think on it a bit more the glitch would occur when I was equipped with the double holster.  My primary double shot pistol (Royal?) would stay as I equipped it but the secondary pistol would go back to being a flintlock.

I believe that would also happen if I loaded the Duckfoot pistols in tandem too. The secondary holster would revert to flintlock after the first 10 or 15 minutes of play and I would have to go back to a shop to re-outfit it especially if I was due to take on a mission segment.  :-\\
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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