FC3: PZ's experiences

Started by PZ, December 04, 2012, 09:15:41 PM

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Yes, I have all the skills available, so the heavy take-down was not difficult  :-()


I really enjoy the Wanted Missions. You said it all, PZ, they are mini versions of liberating outposts which is as open world as one can expect in this game. I love how we have the freedom to approach the missions. I too try to tag the enemies and then silently take them out one by one leaving just the main target to the end.

There are variations though. I had one mission (can't remember which) that placed the target and his body guards on the top of a hill so there were no high ground from where I could tag the guards. I had to go silently scouting the area and killing one by one with my Shredder and knife without knowing where the other guys were... thrilling!  8)

On another ocasion I approached the area and without dispatching any guard I runned towards the target and stabbed him straight away... I got the reward but had to kill all guards afterwards (good loot on the target by the way). I also had a great coincidence... As I was approaching the area where the target was, one jeep with Rakyats came from the other way and as soon as they saw the pirates a great shootout started. I shot a couple guards to give the Rakyat a good advantage and flanked the target, who was worried about the Rakyat and never saw me coming!  8)

On two occasions I managed to kill the target by jumping from the top of a rock on him... death from above!  >:D >:D >:D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I think I know the one you mean - some kind of bunker on a hilltop.  I too managed to sneak around taking out one after another until only the main target remained.  Man, the side missions are what keeps me in the game  :-X


I built some good cash doing those missions... you get between $175 and $300 for the target. If you loot him you get another $100 plus whatever loot you get from the guards and chests around you... doing five or six wanted missions can easily get you 2000+ and is loads of fun!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

you can always hack at heavies several times to kill them but indeed, using that skill is more elegant.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I wish there is a setting that would allow those playing through a second time to have all the skills they developed before retained, and all weapons available.  Sure, my current mod allows that, but it would be nice if the developers would think more along the way that the gamers might think.  At least to have an options toggle for the things you want (or don't want)


Yeah I don't know why Ubisoft didn't do that ?
Some game allow gamers to start over with all the weapons, equipments, skils ... like Borderlands 2,  Arkham City, Demon's Souls ... but the enemies get considerably stronger, tougher.
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Quote from: durian on January 02, 2013, 05:55:01 PM
Some game allow gamers to start over with all the weapons, equipments, skils ... like Borderlands 2,  Arkham City, Demon's Souls ... but the enemies get considerably stronger, tougher.

... or at least allow the player to replay certain portions.  They did this in the later AC games; once a mission is completed you can do it again as many times as you like.

When I look at the mod to make the outposts replay-able, it is amazingly simple.  It literally would have taken a programmer 30 seconds to add an options toggle for that function.


These were just kind of fun, and illustrates how I like to approach just about all the open world parts of the game.  Find a high spot, soften the area as much as possible, and then go in with stealth to finish off any stragglers.

[smg id=5268 width=400 align=center]

This was a "merc war" between the Rakyat and the pirates - these incidents really add to the game in a positive way
[smg id=5269 width=400 align=center]


 8) :-X

That first pic of the Wanted Dead mission is the one where I did my first Death From Above - off the top of that lean-to that the leader is lounging around under, after taking out his guards.

I like how if you come across a merc war and help out the Rakyat, they'll give you some money :-X Can come in handy in the early stages of the game, before the money starts to grow on the trees :-()


Dang, I forgot about helping out the Rakyat!

Here's a bit of flamethrower devastation.  I'm on South Island, and have not developed many skills yet so fighting the privateers can be quite the challenge
[smg id=5273 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5274 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5275 width=400 align=center]


I just did a hunting mission where I am to take out two bears with a machete.  Talk about frantic activity.  I was lucky that I got out of that scene without the bears taking MY hide.


 :-D That mission is a toughie. Perfect description - "frantic activity" :-()

Re: the flamethrower havoc - what a mess you made >:D


Gotta love that flamethrower!

Art Blade

depends on which side of the flamethrower you're acting  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Roasting the baddies is so fun  :-X
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Art Blade

I like to roast them with their own flammables.. shoot the Molotov chargers and you'll know what I mean  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Jim di Griz

Quote from: PZ on January 04, 2013, 09:59:45 PM
I just did a hunting mission where I am to take out two bears with a machete.  Talk about frantic activity.  I was lucky that I got out of that scene without the bears taking MY hide.
I found out that just like the pirates, they can't swim either. Get them to attack you at the river's edge and you can slash, then hopefully drown them...
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Quote from: Jim di Griz on January 05, 2013, 02:58:10 PM
I found out that just like the pirates, they can't swim either. Get them to attack you at the river's edge and you can slash, then hopefully drown them...

That's a good one  :-X

Quote from: Art Blade on January 05, 2013, 01:35:08 PM
I like to roast them with their own flammables.. shoot the Molotov chargers and you'll know what I mean  :-D

I love it when the Molotovs torch on their bodies.  Another good one is to target the fuel tanks on the heavies that carry flamethrowers.


I was playing with the Z93 and shot at the tires of a Stryus - the tires burst off the wheels just like the Govmen trucks in JC2.  :-X

Art Blade

you can actually shoot out tyres of a moving car and watch it do a couple of nice somersaults and barrel rolls  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Learn something new every day.  Man, this game is rich with features, all of which are better than the main story line.  :-X

Art Blade

I wholeheartedly agree with you  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Just started my second play through on the console this morning, and I already have the plan how I'm going to w@&k my way through the island.  I must say that I'm enjoying FC3 even more than FC2 because of the variety of things to do and the diverse environment in which to travel.  I often find myself simply walking so I do not miss out on any of the fine details.  It is simply amazing how unique each area displays; continues to remind me of Panau in JC2.

Currently I have only completed the Dennis tutorial missions, and am receiving the message to go to the Docs place.  I've activated all the towers (10) so I can see the map, and and collecting items, doing lots of take-downs, and doing an occasional side mission.  I'm also creating as many of the pouches as I can.

As long as I keep away from the main story line, the game is simply fantastic, but I do appreciate the flexibility of the mods available for the PC version, which fits well into my gaming style.

🡱 🡳

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