FC3: Funny moments

Started by durian, December 07, 2012, 12:46:43 PM

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- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Jim di Griz

Whilst I enjoy listening to a bit of sweeping Wagner whilst enjoying the scenery - I'd definitely get bored with just a few trucks to use the gun on. I say let 'em try and shoot me down  :-()

I'm guessing the helicopters and patrol launches will still try to mess with the escape?

You might be able to sneak in ands disable that alarm before going to Hoyt. I disabled the compound's alarm for fun during my first vistit and subsequently saw that it was still off the next time I was there right before the poker game.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade

Funny moments, on topic..

I liberated an outpost for fun during my first playthrough, probably the only one with an open toilet door.. and a bog. Subsequently when I visited the place after a couple hundred hours again I noticed that the bog still needed flushing. Now I know I did well not visiting there before.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




I bet you smelled it before you saw it... :-\\

Art Blade

that might be a tad too graphical if I seriously had to go into detail.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


In the Trial "Decimation Barrage" that is slightly west of the Long Shore View outpost on a hill top you are armed with an RPG and a mounted .50 cal.  In the trial you encounter an oncoming swarm of helicopter gunships .  Being one of the rare trials where on the first attempt I've actually gotten my name posted on the big red rock as high score.  I've gone back several times in both cases to try to beat those scores since I better understand the mechanics and pacing of the trial but as usual there's no breaking the curse of the first timer's fluke for me.

My latest stab at Decimation Barrage where I'd scored 400 points (just 20 short of my all time high) and received very minimal damage but for reasons I don't understand it was classified as a "Fail".  I gave up in frustration at that result.  ???  :D

I used the nearby glider to drift back down to the Long Shore View outpost.  On arrival I happened to glance at the roadway running west from there along the lip of the ocean cliffs and noticed that there were a lot of scattered metallic obstructions that were causing considerable traffic problems.  Going over to investigate I was surprised to find that the debris that was strewn along the road and well up the well scorched hillside towards the trial site was the torn up carcasses from many of the 400 points worth of gunships I'd downed.  :-D 
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Fascinating; the Far Cry series never fails to provide interesting consequences of game play.


That it does :-X 8) Cool tale mandru :)

On the subject of things crashing, one of my favourite pastimes is to lie in wait near a road somewhere in pirate territory and wait for a vehicle with more than one bad guy in it to come along. Then I try to snipe the driver and watch the fun as the driverless car then goes out of control with the helpless passenger(s) still in it. Pick the right spot (such as a bend near a cliff) and the results can provide much merry mayhem >:D


Good one fragger; I'll need to try that - sounds like it can become quite funny!


Heh heh fragger.

Killing pirates is funny and sometimes they are entirely too fragile so you don't have time to fully enjoy their death throes very much beyond a weakly croaked "I can't believe Brody.. killed me...".

On the other hand imagining a scene like the one you describe fragger fully qualifies as hilarious.  :-D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, you'll always "fail" as long as you don't beat your own score. In my case (with one complete and two unfinished separate parallel playthroughs) I have to beat my own score of independent playthroughs in order to achieve a win.

fragger, I do that sometimes on occasion as in if I happen to see a car but I like the idea of actually waiting for a patrol to show up so I can shoot the driver's lights out  :-D I just remembered that the most spectacular result was a car going over a natural ramp sending it in a 45° angle up and away while it was performing barrel rolls accompanied by a hollering crew that got flung out :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I was clearing out an outpost on the Northern island....one near a boat dock. One of the pirates comes charging at me and I start backing up. I ended up backing off the end of the boat dock not watching what I was doing and splashed into the water. Next thing I know the pirate follows me off the end of the dock and drowns. I saw his body sink to the bottom in front of me, LOL.


 :laugh: :-X

I just love those guys!

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



You'd think that not being able to swim would be a major career obstacle for a pirate...

Art Blade

a funny way of looking at things  :-()

"..his sudden death proved to be a major obstacle in his career."
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'd seen the warnings occasionally on the screen "Do not kill innocent civilians" but never thought too much about it.

I was camping the the sewage treatment plant from the path up the hillside to the West pestering the pirates.

I'd been at it for an hour or so and was between rounds of pirate respawns when a jeep went through with three civilians in it.  To liven things up a bit I switched over to the signature sniper with the explosive rounds and  ripped the hood off their ride for them.  Two of them bailed and ran away but the third crouched down beside the jeep as it went into flames and then exploded.  That gave me the ominous warning about who not to kill.

"Yeah fine" I thought and for laughs I picked off the other two scurrying civilians and then set about destroying every carload of civilians that came within range.  At some point when the game hit the maximum level of guff it was going to accept from me it gave me the "Fist of God" treatment via death and a black screen with the message "Killing innocent civilians will not be tolerated!"

It was fun while it lasted.  This latest update removed the unlimited ammo trick using the escape key and the pirates at the sewage plant have had their IQs bumped up a notch or their range of free roam increased so that they can now detect the way to get to me and are either jumping into jeeps or coming after me on foot instead of staying down below shouting curses.

So I guess that overlook is now an ex-favorite spot to hang out.  :-\\
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

make sure which difficulty level you're playing on. I had at least five instances when I checked the difficulty level was up a notch. Now the new "master (very hard)" difficulty is available and I'm currently playing on that level, they indeed seem to be able to see me from a lot farther away than before.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Here I am again ;)

I tried not to look in the FC3 forum until I finished the game. So now I am here to bother you ;) I didn't (yet) read the whole thread but I will catch up on that later.

When I first started the game I was near the Amanaki Village running on the street beside the river to the Amanaki Outpost. Suddenly I heard a vehicle - and a pirate jeep appeared in front of me. So I had the holster mod installed, which holsters your weapon after you performed an action which needs both of your hands e.g. loot bodies. So I was standing there and the jeep coming at full speed nearer and nearer. I tried to draw a weapon but there wasn't time for that, so I prepared to jump out of the way. When I wanted to do that the jeep was getting off the road and down the slope where it turned over and over again. It stopped doing that near the river and I was standing on top of the slope and looking down to the (now dead) pirates under their jeep and was scratching my head and thinking: wtf just happened? :)

Art Blade


and welcome back, mate :)  By now you'll find a lot of stuff at OWG regarding FC3, hehehe  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Good to see you again TheStranger; looking forward to your impressions.

Quote from: Art Blade on March 05, 2013, 01:51:51 AM
...they indeed seem to be able to see me from a lot farther away than before.

Those dang Ubisoft developers!  They are creeping toward the same extra sensory perception and eagle vision that the mercs in FC2 had!  \:/

I've not "upgraded" to the latest patch, and now definitely will not do so.

Art Blade

I was referring to the "Master (very hard)" difficulty level, not in general
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hey TheStranger, welcome back :) Glad you're back on board! Have fun reading. Hope you have a day or two handy... there's quite a lot of FC3 posts.


Yeah you have been very busy here :) Nearly all of the the threads are quite interesting so it will take while to read. But I like reading - especially in this forum :)

🡱 🡳

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