FC3: Funny moments

Started by durian, December 07, 2012, 12:46:43 PM

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Quote from: PZ on December 07, 2012, 09:53:01 AM
Nice  :-X  One of my regular activities in FC2 was to use the silenced 6P9 to take out everyone in a GP without ever raising the alarm.  Now I get to do it and receive recognition for my efforts >:D

I just cleared an outpost on a small island to the west of Dennis's town, I saw a sniper and shot him with my sniper rifle. Then I shot 2 guys on a boat, missed them. Then a firefight happened between pirates and island inhabitants, and to my suprise I got a message:"Success" and 1500 XP for liberating the outpost without being detected.  :)

Like Art obserbed, one of the weirdest things about this game is that the pirates can't swim  :laugh:

He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Quote from: durian on December 07, 2012, 12:46:43 PM
... Then a firefight happened between pirates and island inhabitants, and to my suprise I got a message:"Success" and 1500 XP for liberating the outpost without being detected.  :)

Priceless!  :laugh:

I suspect that we will see lots of interesting interactions in FC3.  When I think of all the funny things we saw in FC2, which was a much less sophisticated game, I think we'll see reports of funny moments for a long time to come.

In fact, I'm going to split this topic into a new "Funny moments" topic.


It's a good idea to creating a thread dedicating to funny moments which I'm sure we'll have a lot to share.

I was driving on a road, then I noticed 2,3 guys were standing near a bear in a cage. I stepped out of the car aimed down the AK to shoot them but a tiger came out of nowhere attacked them, I shot the cage to liberate the bear. Both the tiger and the bear teamed up chasing and mauled the poor guys. I was standing there laughing but I didn't laugh too long because they came at me after finishing off the baddies, I immediately got in the car and drove away ;D
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


 :laugh: :-X

This is great; we're going to have so much to see and do while exploring the island!  I can't wait to get back into the game; almost weekend for me!


TGIF! I will play this evening and whole weekend  :)
It's really additive and impossible to put down controller
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Art Blade

nice stories :)

I noticed some of the chargers (pirates with a flash symbol above their heads when looked at with the camera) have Molotovs and those who have tend to DRINK them when idle!  ??? This leads to a rather unpredictable moving pattern  :laugh: Shoot them the moment they want to throw one and they'll catch alight torching the area they step upon :laugh:

I watched two civilian technicals (Jeeps with the windscreen turned down onto the bonnet) that came bombing down the road from opposing directions and of course they clashed their cars. A proper road accident, both cars were wrecked and rendered useless so the surviving passengers got out and walked away  :-D :-X

Molotov chargers throw the burning stuff at predators even if that means that they'll burn down their own outpost  :laugh:

A bear popped up out of nowhere and I was facing him thinking about how to get out without fighting the bear when a pirate patrol Jeep closed in on us. They spotted the bear, the bear spotted them, and I looted the bodies and took the skin  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :laugh: :-X

I can't wait to experience more of these!


Funny story, Art  :-X

I didn't come across any molotov guy yet. If I see one drinking from their molotovs through my SVD scope I'll make sure I'll shoot the bottle as he drinks to see what happens!  >:D

Yesterday I was quietly approaching a deer, while he (or she?  ???? ) was drinking water when a tiger appeared and attacked the deer... both rolled down into the water and drawned... I just had to swim and skin them under water!

Now my stats says "Tigers killed:1, Tigers skinned: 2"  8)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

hahaha  :laugh:

I walked on a road when a car full of friendlies stopped so I took command of the vehicle and waited for them to hop back in which they did. I then raced down a road and couldn't stop in time to prevent us from careening over a cliff into a lagoon (not so deep). When I got out from under water, I could already see the bodies coming up, face down, and then they sank to the ground. Not a word, not a scream, it was all too fast for them.. not a trace of the accident to be seen.. it happened so quickly and completely silently.. I looted them and strolled away, whistling innocently.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :laugh: Great stories! There's gonna be some good ones for sure.

From the top of a radio tower, I watched with great amusement as a group of four pirates below me tried to fend off a pair of Komodo dragons. One of the guys was a Molotov-thrower who managed to set all his mates alight before becoming dragon food :-D

I know what you mean about the Molotov guys Art, the ones who drink their own weapons :-() I love the way they stagger around drunk. I didn't know you could get drunk on petrol, just poisoned :-()


 :laugh: :-X

Great stories!

The pirates in FC3 sound more like the govmen in Just Cause 2

Art Blade

funny stories :-D

After freeing an outpost, one of those pesky predator birds came walking in. One of the friendlies saw it and whipped out his assault rifle. When he was finished, I counted a couple of dead pigs and a few other friendlies who died along with the bird. I'm just glad I was standing somewhat behind the shooter..  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



At one of the outposts, the pirates ran aground in their Rhib.  Evidently you can push the boats back into the water, which I did.  Unbeknownst to me, there was a friendly behind the Rhib, so when I pushed it back into the water, he drowned.  I felt really bad for the poor schmuck.  :-()


Quote from: PZ on December 08, 2012, 03:52:38 PM

At one of the outposts, the pirates ran aground in their Rhib.  Evidently you can push the boats back into the water, which I did.  Unbeknownst to me, there was a friendly behind the Rhib, so when I pushed it back into the water, he drowned.  I felt really bad for the poor schmuck.  :-()
you should be charged with manslaughter ;D
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)



I was racing down the roads speeding as usual when I rounded the bend and ran over a friendly.  The others started shooting at me  :angel:



I have noticed that the friendlies are not tolerant of friendly fire :-()

Art Blade


Man, they don't tolerate anything. I was driving a technical and had a couple of passengers when I noticed another technical with passengers coming down the road at me at surprisingly high speed. Trying to avoid the unavoidable frontal collision,  I swerved but they hit me in the driver's door with a bang. I then saw those white detection meters popping up and my crew jumped out to join the other car's crew and they all turned hostile. I pretended that I was in a bit of a hurry just to get away from them when the shooting ensued..
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




That's Maoris for you... 8-X


Quote from: Art Blade on December 08, 2012, 03:44:59 PM
funny stories :-D

After freeing an outpost, one of those pesky predator birds came walking in. One of the friendlies saw it and whipped out his assault rifle. When he was finished, I counted a couple of dead pigs and a few other friendlies who died along with the bird. I'm just glad I was standing somewhat behind the shooter..  :-()

You're lucky  :laugh:

I was once killed by these "friendlies".
I was crossing a road by foot then a jeep with 2 friendlies was running to me. I'd expected them to hit the brake so I didn't run when they were close to me. But boy was I wrong. They hit me hard and I was dead!
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Quote from: durian on December 10, 2012, 01:01:30 PM
...I was crossing a road by foot then a jeep with 2 friendlies was running to me. I'd expected them to hit the brake so I didn't run when they were close to me. But boy was I wrong. They hit me hard and I was dead!

Reminds me of a scene I watched unfold in FC2.  Just north of the southeast bus stop on Bowa is a GP through which an assault patrol drives.  I was on the metal roof when they cane through and just ran over one of their chaps - funny as heck to hear the "ahhhrrrrggggg!"

Your experience was similar, only now you are on the other end of the assault truck  :-()


So far both the pirates and friendlies haven't run over any of their comradres yet. I'd love to see them run over their buddies just like the merces in FC2 and those screams "Arghhhhhhh" never get old  ;D

Another rather funny experience:

I was in jungle,  a pirate patrol jeep was coming towards me. I was ready to shoot them once they get out of their jeep. But they just ran in circle 3 times, then went down. I thought they ran away as they're scared of me  ;D but no, they came back. Then they stopped and this time they got out of the jeep. 
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Jim di Griz

Quote from: fragger on December 08, 2012, 09:55:27 PM
...I have noticed that the friendlies are not tolerant of friendly fire :-()
I wish they'd practise what they preach. Just outside Dennis Town I strolled out after stocking up and four of them were stood out on the road. I walked toward them (seeing that none were wearing red) then they all go into sudden defense postures and start shooting past and through me at a pirate jeep coming up behind me. Damn fools almost killed me!
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Quote from: durian on December 10, 2012, 01:29:14 PM
So far both the pirates and friendlies haven't run over any of their comradres yet.

Actually, I have seen that happen once, while scoping out an outpost. A technical came roaring right through the place with a couple of pirates in it and they ran over one of those heavily armoured guys. There was a brief commotion among the others who ran around a little, then they went back to doing their respective things like nothing had happened.

Shortly after that a tiger wandered in and took out a few more of them. At the first meeting, a merc and the tiger just stood and looked at each other for a brief moment, then the merc yelled "F**k, a tiger!" before being pounced on. I ended up with only two ordinaries to deal with :-X

I love my recurve bow btw, I have that on me nearly all the time. Great for picking off solitary mercs at outposts - or anywhere for that matter - and even if the others find the body they won't raise the alarm or know where the arrow came from. It's especially effective if you fit the bow with the more advanced sight, and with practice you can take out baddies from a surprisingly long way off 8)


Quote from: fragger on December 10, 2012, 05:43:51 PM
Shortly after that a tiger wandered in and took out a few more of them. At the first meeting, a merc and the tiger just stood and looked at each other for a brief moment, then the merc yelled "F**k, a tiger!" before being pounced on. I ended up with only two ordinaries to deal with :-X

A funny that I've experienced a couple of times when clearing an outpost.  Quite often there is a caged tiger or leopard with a lock you can shoot to release the cat.  Sometimes during the fire fight I start with the pirates, they accidentally shoot the lock which releases the animal, which promptly sweeps through the camp.  :laugh:

Quote from: fragger on December 10, 2012, 05:43:51 PM
I love my recurve bow btw, I have that on me nearly all the time. Great for picking off solitary mercs at outposts - or anywhere for that matter - and even if the others find the body they won't raise the alarm or know where the arrow came from. It's especially effective if you fit the bow with the more advanced sight, and with practice you can take out baddies from a surprisingly long way off 8)

I'm having similar luck with the M700 sniper with high power optics and suppressor - I love that weapon for softening up an area, and in many instances with a bit of patience, I can clear most if not all of the camp.

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