FC3: Tips and Tricks

Started by Art Blade, December 07, 2012, 11:22:45 PM

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Art Blade

won't collide, it's only tweaking your vid card to improve the visual impression. :)

If you want to keep all of your settings but get a crisp horizon, just paste the code into your GamerProfile as shown in the tip but change the last entry according to the entry in the CustomQuality setting, i.e. if you have it on "low" the code should look like this:

<quality GameDepthOfField="0" CinematicDepthOfField="1" MotionBlur="0" SSAO="0" FXAALevel="0" CloudShadows="0" SSAOMaxDistance="100" id="low" />

To get rid of only the blurred horizon, an alternative would be not to use any of the posted code but to change in game the video quality to "custom" and customise it (i.e. use the same settings there as before when you had e.g. "high" settings) and then quit to desktop. Thereafter edit your GamerProfile by changing the existing entry PostFxQuality to "false" as in


which will simply disable any Post FX settings and cause a crisp horizon. It requires a write-protection or that entry will eventually be overridden. If you have motion blur problems, use the code as explained earlier.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art, while it is a stunning improvement to the game's visual clarity I have to admit that your tweak is so far over my head (and proof that I should probably leave well enough alone) that I can sum up in one simple sentence how far I fall short of copying your results.


What's Notepad?  ????

That's actually a rhetorical question not requiring an answer as it's probably best if I don't tinker with things I don't understand.  :-X

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

And here I was thinking I made a comprehensive and simple instruction.  :-D

What this was all about:

1) To get rid of the blurry horizon and motion blur we need something that doesn't exist in form of a button or slider in the graphics menu of the game. The button that exists is called PostFX and is responsible for the blurry horizon and for motion blur but we cannot access "horizon" or "motion blur" with individual sliders or buttons.
2) It is only accessible if you add it to the config file called GamerProfile.xml but you won't see it in the menu.
3) What does not exist is the code snippet that starts with "< post >" and ends with "</ post >" (as in PostFxQuality, we are actually going to fine-tune PostFXQuality by adding the code snippet)
4) The game will only understand it if the last value in the code snippet "id=ultrahigh" is the same as the one in your GamerProfile.xml called PostFxQuality="ultrahigh" -- i.e. it has to be "ultrahigh" to w@&k in this example
5) Insert the code snippet below </CustomQuality> as shown in my example code of my own GamerProfile
6) In order to keep all, including the new settings, you need to change the file attribute of your GamerProfile.xml to "read only."

That's all. To keep it really simple: In your GamperProfile.xml look for PostFxQuality=" and change the word between quotation marks to ultrahigh. Don't worry, ultrahigh is just a word but we will customise the meaning of it. Then copy the code snippet, insert it into your GamerProfile.xml below </CustomQuality> and save and exit. Right-click on the file, select Properties, check the attribute Read-Only. Hit OK and done :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I see... however, because I'm using an old nVidia 295, it might not be able to handle the processing requirement?

Art Blade

It will be.

Just use it the way I described it for mandru: "ultrahigh" is meaningless because we change the definition of it with the code. You will see that most of the code is "0" except for 100 with is a default value in metres but again rendered useless because everything is set to 0. What I did was combining a trick to get rid of any PostFX and to get rid of motion blur. By telling the game PostFXQuality was "false" rather than, say, ultrahigh, the motion blur would not have been affected. Since I needed the game to understand that I wanted to disable the motion blur, which cannot be disabled other than with that code, I had to enable PostFXQuality (and used "ultrahigh" for it) but set everything to "0" including a new parameter for motion blur.

In other words, that code has nothing to do with any quality settings be it high, low or ultra, it is just a new switch, so anyone may use it regardless their overall settings.

If you want an ultrahigh setting, then use the rest of the code I provided including the driver setup.

If you are uncertain, just edit your GamerProfile.xml by changing PostFxQuality="false" and write-protect it. This will leave the motion blur alone but will take care of the horizon.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Ok Art.  :-X

Examined individually I understood every word you said.  The train wreck only occurs when I let any of them sit next to each other.  :-D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: mandru on August 25, 2013, 06:36:12 AM
Art, while it is a stunning improvement to the game's visual clarity I have to admit that your tweak is so far over my head (and proof that I should probably leave well enough alone) that I can sum up in one simple sentence how far I fall short of copying your results.

That's because Art speaks in tongues   ????  ::) :angel:

Art Blade

As long as you don't staple those tongues to my forehead I'm quite OK with that, I guess :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



I found out tonight that one can simply swim from one island to the other. I swam from Thurston Town on the South Island to a point near the lighthouse on the North Island, no probs. Didn't take real long, either. A pirate patrol in a rubber boat showed up at one point but they just winked out when I got close to the North Island. I guess my reputation preceded me >:D


 :-X :)

I knew you could swim the whole end. I swam from the middle back to the Northern island when I got pushed into the water on my attempt to reach the second island pre-mission-wise with a hang-glider. 
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I did swim between those islands a few times myself. The only problem I have with it is one single thought that rules my mind until I get out of the water, "there ought to be sharks around here, where the flipping heck are they?"  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on August 21, 2013, 07:45:29 PM
In the road, carefully place a pack of C-4 and a land mine in turns (use all you've got but be warned, you cannot use more than three mines --

With Ziggy's mod there are no limitations ;) But I didn't try it yet how many of those things you can plant.

Art Blade


I am using v2.51, it limits mines to three just like the vanilla game. If I place more, only the last three will stay active. E.g. I placed five mines, the last three went off, the first two were still there and blinking (as in activated) but it was impossible to set them off.

I am not sure about the C-4 because obviously you can only remote-detonate three and after that the remote LEDs stay switched off unless you plant a new pack of C--4. Maybe exceeding packs can be set off with something else but I haven't tried that yet.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


The newest version is 2.7.

Version 2.52

• The optional file to enable tagging now enables the overhead icons as well.
• Activating a radio tower now gives 325 XP.
• Removed limit on how many mines and C4 can be deployed at one time.
• The AMR does much more damage to vehicles.
• Increased prices of AMR, inferno and blitzkrieg.

Art Blade

thank you for the info. can I continue with my old 2.52 savegames or are they incompatible?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


• I highly recommend you start a new game after installing this mod. Many features will not w@&k properly in existing games, so you need to start a new game to fully experience this mod. You only need to start a new game the first time you install this mod; if you reinstall this mod after a game patch or mod update, you don't need to start over again.

I started a new game because I had problems (I edited some things  :D) but it should w@&k if you just want to patch.


Art Blade

OK, thank you. Going to give it a go  :) :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

OK, 2.7 is better than the old one I was using.

What I haven't yet observed is the new slowed-down time, 20% slower, which means that I can expect a night to look and feel a bit more like a night rather than a dark cloud passing by.  :-D

Multiple mines (>=4) are a lot of fun. The AMR signature sniper FINALLY is back to its old glory, the first two cars blew up instantly (a few others took more than one shot) and pirates/mercs get kicked off their feet again, fun to watch them "jump" when hit  >:D

The new additional numeric weapon stats are useful. The mouse wheel now changes weapons as it should have done in the vanilla version. To switch between molotovs and grenades you need to press G or > which is a bit of a bugger here, I have G bound to throw those items so I have to use > which is a US English keyboard code so on my German keyboard I have to press SHIFT + " . " which is acceptable.

I tried the C-4, threw 4 packs and was able to detonate them one by one, even the fourth pack. Still only 3 LEDs on the remote but that doesn't matter anymore.

I found one glitch: if you ran out of mines, scrolling through your weapons with the mouse wheel until your stop at the mines selection will show your hands pretending to hold a mine.. but you're literally empty-handed.

However, definitely an improvement over the previous version.  :) :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Sounds great indeed, I should get into this mod sooner or later. Problem is, like good books, where do I get the time to enjoy them all :( :-D >:D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


I play it in hardcore mode and it's much better because in vanilla you were always looking at hat damn minimap in the corner for treasures and other stuff and didn't pay attention to the world. Now you have to explore. The weapons are more expensive - I like that! Fights need to be planned better because you die really quickly.


Quote from: TheStranger on October 22, 2013, 04:53:52 AM
• I highly recommend you start a new game after installing this mod. Many features will not w@&k properly in existing games, so you need to start a new game to fully experience this mod. You only need to start a new game the first time you install this mod; if you reinstall this mod after a game patch or mod update, you don't need to start over again.

I started a new game because I had problems (I edited some things  :D) but it should w@&k if you just want to patch.


Excellent ; will add it to my game  :-X +1


I found a way to get into Citra's Temple without having to go through the front door.

Facing the temple from the front, it's possible to move along the right side of the complex, sticking to the wall and following it all the way along (there are a couple of tricky bits but nothing too difficult). Eventually you'll come to the area which contains Citra's sanctum, which you can simply walk into from alongside.

Once inside I had a good poke around and found some parts of the complex that I've never come across before. In the past I've just kind of hurried out of the temple once the purpose of my visit is over, so it was interesting to take some time to explore the place a little. Citra wasn't home though - in fact the whole temple was completely empty, there weren't even any guards present.

To get back out I had to retrace my steps as the front doors were closed fast and wouldn't open.

Here's some pics:

[smg id=6559 align=center width=600]

[smg id=6560 align=center width=600]

[smg id=6561 align=center width=600]

[smg id=6562 align=center width=600]

[smg id=6563 align=center width=600]

[smg id=6564 align=center width=600]

Art Blade

Nice :) I remember having done that long ago but apparently we never discussed it on the forum.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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