Favorite weapon load out

Started by PZ, December 10, 2012, 07:45:35 PM

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Here's mine (at the moment):

  • M700 sniper with suppressor and high powered optic
  • MS16 assault rifle with suppressor and red dot sight
  • MP-5 with suppressor and reflex sight
  • Flamethrower with great potential to deliver massive damage  :-()


I don't think I've nailed down a fave yet, but some weapons I am finding myself using often are:

The recurve bow with upgraded sight - I love that thing in the right circumstances;
The "Bull" shotgun (sig weapon, find 10 relics to unlock) - great for those up close and personal moments;
The suppressed MP-5 with reflex sight - I'm right with you there PZ;
The mighty AMR (sig weapon, find 20 relics to unlock) - a massively powerful, long-range sniper rifle that fires AP rounds and has a 2-level zoom sight. Hit a bad guy with that and watch it blow him backwards right off his feet >:D

I love how you are no longer restricted to what weapons you can have in which slots, so you can have any combo you like. Excellent :-X


Quote from: fragger on December 10, 2012, 10:12:12 PM
The mighty AMR (sig weapon, find 20 relics to unlock) - a massively powerful, long-range sniper rifle that fires AP rounds and has a 2-level zoom sight. Hit a bad guy with

I'm envious fragger!


Just get those 20 relics together and it can be yours :-D

I tried using the recurve bow to fire explosive arrows - cool :-X Doesn't do much against the heavily armoured guys, the ones in Hoyt's army that is. They're even tougher than the armoured guys in the north. It does slow them down briefly though.

I'm getting pretty good with the bow, I can take guys down pretty accurately from over a hundred metres away now (according to the numbers on the sight). It's possible to get guys even beyond the sight's upper numbers - just aim higher :-D Once again though, it's no use against the armoured guys. Land mines and C4 are pretty effective against them, as is the flame thrower.

RPGs really travel in this game, the way they should. Has anyone else tried the grenade launcher? I can't remember what it's called just now, but it's a good crowd disperser >:D

Art Blade

I did, I think something with -97 in its description. It holds four grenades and you can carry 12 more. I used it for taking down a few outposts. And a pig.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Here's mine:

1. 50D, equipped with optical sight and extended mag.
2. Z93 sniper (the AMR, but then customized myself, with extended mag, same optical scope and; a suppressor ^-^)
3. GL-94 grenade launcher
4. The Bull. Nothing better for close encounters and any kind of wildlife. >:D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

Heh, I'll yet have to get your sniper  :)


The Ripper and The Shredder (signature weapons, one is an SMG, the other one is an LMG which I sometimes use instead of the BULL signature shotgun)
M700 sniper with suppressor and 2x scope
MS16 assault rifle with suppressor and some scope

sometimes, for fun and giggles, the grenade launcher or the repair tool.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: fragger on December 10, 2012, 10:12:12 PM
The mighty AMR (sig weapon, find 20 relics to unlock) - a massively powerful, long-range sniper rifle that fires AP rounds and has a 2-level zoom sight. Hit a bad guy with that and watch it blow him backwards right off his feet >:D

I love how you are no longer restricted to what weapons you can have in which slots, so you can have any combo you like. Excellent :-X

Yeah it's very funny. :D I love this gun.
I'm really really bad with the bow. So far I've tried to shoot deer and pirates but haven't succedeed yet.

Guns I often use are:

1. AK (North island), P14 (South island) for mid range combat.
2. Sniper rifles (AMR, silenced M700) for picking off baddies from afar.
3. Grenade launcher. To shoot the patrol jeeps when I want a big explosions. This will especially come handy in last missions.
4. shotgun/ RPG/ LMG.
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Art Blade

finally got the Z93  :-X :) Almost as powerful as the AMR but instead silenced  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 11, 2012, 09:00:29 AM
I did, I think something with -97 in its description. It holds four grenades and you can carry 12 more. I used it for taking down a few outposts. And a pig.  :-D

:laugh: >:D

There would have been pork chops hanging from the trees!

Quote from: durian on December 11, 2012, 01:53:59 PM
I'm really really bad at the bow. So far I've tried to shoot deer and pirates but haven't succedeed yet.

It's much more accurate to use once you upgrade the sight, Even so, it does take practice. It's not like a sniper sight where the bullet goes where you aim - you have to allow for drop (of course bullets drop too in reality, but this is a game :-()) The advanced sight gives you some indication of this :)


I did buy both the upgrades for the bow. I thought there's no drop with the arrows like the bullets. I need to practice the bow more until getting pretty good with it.

Stealth players like PZ should always equip the bow since it's completely silent and has a rather good range.
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


If you look closely, you can see where the arrow lands if it hits the ground (a little puff of dust), and sometimes when it falls short you can see it as a small, dropping white dot. It doesn't always appear to be visible though, and it's really fast and brief when it is.

Art Blade

I like plucking arrows out of faces when walking over them. You get those arrows back when you find them  :) :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: fragger on December 11, 2012, 05:14:43 PM
If you look closely, you can see where the arrow lands if it hits the ground (a little puff of dust), and sometimes when it falls short you can see it as a small, dropping white dot. It doesn't always appear to be visible though, and it's really fast and brief when it is.
Thanks  :)
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


My pleasure :)

@Art, that's another thing I like about the bow - you can get your ammo back :-X As long as you hit the target, that is.


Quote from: durian on December 11, 2012, 04:31:23 PM
Stealth players like PZ should always equip the bow since it's completely silent and has a rather good range.

I'll need to try it  :-X

So far I'm happy with my suppressed M700 because if I accomplish head shots the pirates never know I'm there

Quote from: Art Blade on December 11, 2012, 05:31:33 PM
I like plucking arrows out of faces when walking over them. You get those arrows back when you find them  :) :-X

Just like in AC3!


I changed my D50 for the MP5 with silencer and extended mag. Had the gun during my first playthrough with different scopes, but they are in fact all taking precision away from you since the 'red dot' is in your sight instead of delighting it, and other aiming devices do much the same. The iron crosshair on the vanilla weapon feels much more accurate and skillful.
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

After testing all weapons there are, I now know that I don't have a favourite loadout. But I do have one favourite weapon that I got as soon as possible during my first playthrough and NEVER gave up on it as it never gave up on me  :-D I kept it from the very beginning and now my 2nd playthrough is the same, already got it with silencer and optical scope..

the MS16 assault rifle.  :-X :-X :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Took some time to come up with my favourite loadout:

MS16 with suppressor and optical scope -- after the 1911, the first "real" weapon I get, actually I buy it as soon as I have scraped the money together (can't wait) and it stays forever in all my loadout variations. I love the semi-automatic fire as it saves a lot of ammo and most enemies have assault rifle ammo to donate. I can perform headshots with it on targets that are about 50m away.

Shredder SMG, a silenced signature weapon, as soon as it's unlocked. Within one second it can pump half a magazine into a bear and kill him before he can make a move. It actually takes down everything that moves on legs in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Z93 sniper rifle with suppressor and 2x scope is just the right thing to vent someone's brains and isn't louder than an old man's fart.

Tanto -- a signature weapon, a Japanese short sword, more like a knife or dagger, is a melee weapon that adds damage to your blows. It stays with me as soon as I can unlock it.

The last slot is variable:

Mostly for liberating outposts: the recurve bow with explosive arrows.
Mostly if I expect to face animals: the Bull signature shotgun. Devastating.
Mostly during story missions: the Flamethrower as a weapon against multiple enemies.
Mostly if I want to intimidate drivers or avoid a fight with heavies: the AMR signature sniper. No weapon is louder, stronger and brutal than this one.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 20, 2012, 07:34:17 PM
...Mostly if I want to intimidate drivers or avoid a fight with heavies: the AMR signature sniper. No weapon is louder, stronger and brutal than this one.

I purchased that one today and went into Paint it Black (satellite mission).  It made easy w@&k of the heavily armored heavies.  :-()

While the mission was relatively easy once I used the C4 on the flamethrower heavies, it's linear nature definitely does not mark it as one of my favorites.

Art Blade


you already mentioned once that you threw C4 at them. I can place or drop C4 but not exactly throw.. but I wish I could :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I don't know how to throw C4 on the PC, but on the console it is the L1 button, which I think is the same as placing the charge.

Art Blade

"throw" to me looks like what we do with rocks or hand grenades. Can you throw C4 like that?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes, one of the flamethrower heavies in the building was coming toward me and I threw the C4 at him with my left hand and triggered with my right.  However, you do not hold the button as you would when placing the charge, but merely press-and-release


I'm growing to like the SPAS-12 semi-auto shottie for when I'm up close and personal (I liked that one in FC2 as well). It's almost, but not quite, as hard-hitting as the Bull, but what it lacks in punch it makes up for in rapid fire. Doing a quick BLAM-BLAM-BLAM on some dirtbag pirate is a great stress reliever >:D

You have to wait until you go south to unlock that one though. I customised mine with extended mag and night-sight.

🡱 🡳

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