FC3 outpost vantage points

Started by PZ, January 03, 2013, 08:04:01 PM

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I thought it might be fun to have a list of outposts and images of how they were approached.  I've only captured the essential images, the map view with the name of the outpost, the camera view, and then an overall image showing the beauty of the area. I'll start with this one:

Harmanse Gas & Repair - South Island

My approach is almost always to find a high point, preferably far away from the outpost and then hit them with the silenced Z93 working from the outside to the inside.  I also like to have a point where I can slide back into hidden position so the pirates/privateers do not see me.

PS: I'm using the mod that allows South Island to be open even though I have not progressed far enough through the main mission set yet (I am at the beginning of the drug fields mission)
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Northview Gas - North Island

This one was on North Island but was fun because I was able to get to a high point to scope the area, and then pick off the pirates.  What made it more exciting was a tiger that almost wanted to take out a couple of pirates walking on the road beneath me.  However, at the last minute he decided not to attack so I took him out with the Z93.  Then it was relatively easy to take out the rest.
[smg id=5263 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5264 width=400 align=center]
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Lazy Shore Marina - South Island

[smg id=5276 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5277 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5278 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5279 width=400 align=center]

Jim di Griz

Nice initiative PZ as there are some beautiful long range spots this time around. Unfortunately I don't think I can screen shot on the PS3. But to be fair, as so few devs think of this, I haven't even tried.

As a point of interest, I just did the first outpost you mention on the south island and afterwards noticed something funny. There had been a firefight as somehow I got spotted even though I was behind the awning just left and of the entrance, the one closest to the hill in your second picture. Afterwards I went back into camp to try and understand how I had been spotted and I saw a big tear in the awning had appeared. The thing is, this was a tear into another dimension, or maybe a portal to another time as the main building beyond was gone when I looked through the tear...but still there when I looked around the side. Sorry for the slight hijack  :)
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade

I always do the same: get to high grounds as far away and as high up as possible while still being able to hit guys with my sniper. If there isn't any high ground, I try to get, say, to the other side of a river, on an island, just anything that has something between the outpost and me that prevents them from charging right at me too easily in case they are out for a search and destroy mission. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Pretty cool, Maybe I will post a few. The Northview Gas is definitely the one I had approached from the sea and was too lazy (plus it was dark so i didn't notice) that there was high ground on the other side. And I also had help from a tiger at that one.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Jim di Griz

A river barrier is also good to discourace th attack dogs too Art  :-X
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade


One more thing I learned and keep using: caged animals -- don't free them too early. If everyone is still walking around, even the strongest animal will get killed and you won't have an ally any more. Plus, if you free it first thing, it might not feel compelled to attack anyone and walk away unnoticed.. waste of resources. Or worse, you're the only one who gets noticed..

First I pick snipers so the outpost kind of goes blind on me. Then I try to kill any dogs and chargers (the flash symbol guys like Molotov chargers) because they're the wild bunch that tend to go at me first and fastest. In between I kill heavies. And then.. the cage.. usually the remaining guys, especially those I might not have spotted, will get engaged. By the time I shoot the cage, the peeps at the outpost will have stirred up the animal(s) real good so they do charge rather than wander away  >:D Usually the "last guy standing" is the freed animal. You can even get a few extra bucks if you "help" the arriving Rakyat.. first let the animal attack or even take out a Rakyat, then kill it, get a reward, skin it and cash it in  :-D

Oh, there is one more way: while the animal attacks, do the same. The guys won't have time to waste on you so you can help the animal by taking out its targets or the guys attacking the animal :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Jim di Griz on January 04, 2013, 02:02:43 AM
Nice initiative PZ as there are some beautiful long range spots this time around. Unfortunately I don't think I can screen shot on the PS3. But to be fair, as so few devs think of this

Thanks Jim; funny that you can automatically upload photos to all your contacts from the new Nikon camera and these developers cannot envision that gamers might want to capture images and automatically upload to their online account.

My method is exactly like Arts

Art Blade

Heh, I just added a last paragraph, PZ :) and thanks :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Excellent thread, PZ. kudos.
I really like sniping so this is very helpful, especially you have screenshots with description of each outpost.

He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


It reminds me of the "Raid" series in the FC2 boards!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I have a nice tip for all those who want to get the achievement "Never saw it coming" (kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zip-line or parachute).

I had it unlocked without knowing, but for fun I tried several ways to get it. The following is what I believe to be the easiest way to unlock it. I've tried numerous times to perform a takedown from a glider or parachute, and although entertaining, it's almost undoable imho. I prefer the takedown from a zipline and found an easy place to do it:
The Outpost called "The Neck's Diner" is the location:
[smg id=5280]

It contains a perfect zip-line with plenty of badass pirates to attract and get underneath it >:D
Here's where the zip-line starts:
[smg id=5282]

And here's where it leads to:
[smg id=5283]

Here's where you mount the big roof to get on top to where the start of the zip-line is:
[smg id=5281]

And here's the alternate way up, to the back of the building on the west-side of it:
[smg id=5284]

If you are on top of this huge roof, you have a perfect overview over the entire outpost, and it also gives enough cover to hide you if you don't have too much haste in killing most of the pirates 8)
Hiding on the west-side of the roof:
[smg id=5288]
Hiding on the east-side:
[smg id=5289]

This should be your first kill; the heavy guarding the northern entrance to the outpost:
[smg id=5285]
And here's the heavy guarding the southern entrance:
[smg id=5286]

I would suggest taking out all pirates but one. The last one you can distract towards the zip-line by throwing stones:
[smg id=5291]

While preparing the ultimate set-up, the area can cause some unexpected visitors that may cause problems. For example a bear eating you last living pirate and spoil the fun, or just rushing in and causing chaos. Normally that should be fun, but now it's better to take him out quickly and silently:
[smg id=5287]

Or what about the patrol on foot of two or three additional troops passing by. Let them pass or lure them into your madhouse >:D
[smg id=5290]

It may take more than one stone to attract your victim to the takedown spot, right under the zip-line. Here, he's carefully approaching:
[smg id=5292]

The last time I did this performance, and took all the desired screenies, I thought this was close enough:
[smg id=5293]

Well, it wasn't. He's got to be exactly under the line. Then, when using the zip-line, wait until you're above the guy and just press the button prompted with the message "detach" in the screen (in my case it was 'space') and then immediately press the one to perform a takedown ('f' in my case) and... BINGO!!!! Achievement earned! ^-^

And, you did a nice approach to this outpost :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Indeed excellent, +1 from me. I like the big size of the shots.

I haven't pulled off this achievement so this is very helpful  :-X
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Quote from: JRD on January 04, 2013, 01:11:19 PM
It reminds me of the "Raid" series in the FC2 boards!  :-X

You're so right, JRD!  Brings back good old memories.  Looks like FC3 continues to generate quite a bit of gaming enthusiasm.  :-X

Thanks for the kudos durian!  ^-^


Krige Valley River Fishing - South Island

I'm working my way through the radio towers on South Island, and am also doing outposts along the way.  It is loads of fun wandering through the countryside mostly on foot, coming across gems like this.
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Dry Palm Storage Depot - South Island

[smg id=5298 width=400 align=center]
I couldn't get a perfect vantage point, but this one on a razorback ridge was fairly good
[smg id=5299 width=400 align=center]
[smg id=5300 width=400 align=center]
Unfortunately a heavy I did not see set off the alarm, and a couple of helicopters came!  I thought I was toast, but my Z93 was able to take out both pilots.
[smg id=5301 width=400 align=center]
CRASH!! (and burn)
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[smg id=5303 width=400 align=center]


PZ, I've had loads of fun both times I took this outpost. The first time I triggered the reinforcements as well, being able to fight with these helo's and the second time I did it the quiet way, using the bow, some mines and I think, finally, some silent takedowns on the heavies ;)

The heli reinforcements were really impressive :-X :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Jim di Griz

I think I managed to take that one silently with help from my beautiful assistants, the Komodo Dragon sisters.

Next time though I'm going to be lobbing all kinds of fiery stuff at them as I had fun positioned over the river from the marina where I used explosive arrows after shooting out the alarms, even send one heavy cartwheeling ten metres up into the air  :)
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


This is really cool; we all go in by slightly (or completely) different methods; how open world is that!  I'm really going to enjoy the new Schwarz mod that Art posted - that should allow for many different approach attempts.  What I'd like to do is to liberate an outpost and allow it to be retaken by the pirates, do all of the side wanted dead or hunting missions, and then leave the area to let it spawn.  That will feel more like FC2 where we could do endless different approaches.


Maw Docks & Repairs - South Island

Just installed Schwarz mod v1.3 to test the span ability of the outposts
[smg id=5308 width=400 align=center]
My usual approach - find the high ground and then take out the bad guys using sniper from afar.  The only problem in South Island is that the heavies require 3 shots from the Z93, and I do not have the AMR available yet.  However, if you do a head shot, the Z93 is effective.
[smg id=5309 width=400 align=center]
Starting to take out the privateers
[smg id=5310 width=400 align=center]
Once liberated, the new prompt asking preference appears.  I chose not to occupy the outpost so I could test re-spawn
[smg id=5311 width=400 align=center]
The Rakyat appeared as expected - you can see them in the center of the photo
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Here you can see the "Wanted dead" mission appears.  However, this is not a new fast travel spot, nor can you go into the building to access the vending machine.
[smg id=5313 width=400 align=center]
Here is my mission.  this is a tough one with many privateers and heavies lurking inside and outside of a bunker.  I have already done this mission on another play, using a completely different approach.  I must say that each approach is a unique experience.  Now I intend to go back to liberate the outpost again to see if this side mission also reappears.
[smg id=5314 width=400 align=center]


I just liberated the same outpost again, this time allowing the reinforcements to come.  This also belongs in the funny moments post because of what happened to the privateers in the boats.  There were two gunboats (right side of the image) each containing two privateers.  The boats ran into each other and all four feel into the water drowning.  hard to believe that men living on an island don't know how to swim.

Also in this re-take of the outpost was a helicopter, again relatively easy to take out the pilot with sniper, causing the chopper to crash.

The "Wanted dead" mission did not re-spawn.  :-\\
[smg id=5315 width=400 align=center]

Art Blade

it will stay on the bill board if you haven't played it. Once played, it's over.  :( :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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