FC3 main mission screencaps *SPOILERS*

Started by PZ, January 08, 2013, 10:03:08 PM

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Lin Cong I Presume

Buck is sending me down the sink hole to find the knife he wants in exchange for Keith's life.  You don't know how bad I want to torch this guy; maybe I will the next play through  >:D
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Here's the first door in which I need my key
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Pirates galore in these passages, and I choose the flamethrower to dispatch them
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Quite a view from this overlook, but plenty of bad guys below
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The Z93 was invaluable on this mission because there were frequently long range targets
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This again reminds me of Uncharted 2 and 3
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There were two guys here, a Molotov charger and a regular pirate.  I shot the Molotov charger, who flamed the guy standing next to him
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...ahh, there's the tomb I've been looking for
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Looks almost like a scene from the movie "The Mummy"
[smg id=5349 width=400 align=center]
Here the cover to the tomb entrance moves back, Assassin's Creed style
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Kind of difficult to see, but that foolish dark object rushing my flamethrower is a Komodo dragon
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There it is!  the Tomb, right behind the dead bodies of Komodo dragons; I wonder what happened to them  :angel:
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Pulling back the lid of the tomb, again AC style...
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...reveals the object of my mission
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... and finally, the light at the end of the tunnel - you had to alternately click right and left mouse buttons to crawl through a tunnel who's ceiling was descending, just like you see in the movie "The Mummy"
[smg id=5355 width=400 align=center]


This Knife's For You


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Fantastic view from the glider where I took off for Citra's place
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Her temple is quite ornate
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... and here he is cuckolded Dennis
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Like a cat stalking her prey
[smg id=5372 width=400 align=center]
The knife everyone is raving about
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A foreboding of things to come - yep, a boss fight in the near future
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Warrior Rescue Service

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Time to plant the C4 on the truck in anticipation of the ambush
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... now to the tower to wait for the bad guys
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Need to rescue those guys in the back
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[smg id=5380 width=400 align=center]
Dang! hit me with a concrete block, it's Vaas!
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It's a long way down...
[smg id=5382 width=400 align=center]
... but I get my renenge  >:D
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Here's the beginning of the chopper mission.  Although I tagged the enemy, I took the quick route to the chopper
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I took the path behind the rocks straight to the chopper, ran past the heavy and into the chopper
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Frantic button mashing got me out of the pile of dead bodies
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Meet Citra - the Boss Mission

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[smg id=5391 width=400 align=center]
Drink this... trust me...
[smg id=5392 width=400 align=center]
... I have a bad feeling
[smg id=5393 width=400 align=center]
Seriously??? an arrow against that???
[smg id=5394 width=400 align=center]
Hits to the head are the only solution
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To compound the problem are these trolls that lurk in the darkness
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Not another one...
[smg id=5397 width=400 align=center]
... button mashing time to poke his eye out
[smg id=5398 width=400 align=center]
... and my reward
[smg id=5399 width=400 align=center]




Time to go south to catch up with Vaas
[smg id=5400 width=400 align=center]
Looks like there might be bad guys there ...
[smg id=5401 width=400 align=center]
... sure enough
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Two for the price of one bullet
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First take out the sniper
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Then assess the solution
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Take home lesson... don't play with matches
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This was funny; I'd released the tiger, which mauled a few of the bad guys, after which the tiger returned to his cage and lay down for a nap
[smg id=5407 width=400 align=center]


Great idea with this series PZ, and nicely presented :-X 8) Cool shots!

As much as I don't like the boss fight in Citra's temple, I do have to say that it looks spectacular. They did a great job animating the boss(s).

In the Lin Cong I Presume mission, if you don't get the last bad guy in the first area quickly enough (the area shown in pics 3-5), he will actually ride the zipline down to the lower level. As far as I know, it's the only time in the game where you see someone else riding a zipline. In my current game he started down the line but I managed to shoot him when he was partway down. He fell off and disappeared into the depths, and jolly good riddance, I say >:D


Thanks fragger; I agree about the boss mission.  Although it was tons easier on the PC, it still is not something that belongs in a far cry game in my opinion.  How the developers tried to weave it into the story via drug/poison induced hallucination was not bad, it diverts from the basic theme of what I personally expect of far cry.


Nice shots PZ.  :-X

I could handle the big boss fairly easy but it wasn't until the eight or ninth attempt that I noticed on the mini-map that there were targets (the trolls in the dark) coming from behind me.  It also helped a lot when I realized I didn't have to stand in one place and could actually move around and dodge some of the Boss' energy strikes in the last stage of his attack.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks mandru; I had a similar problem on the console because the screen was so dark.  I could hardly see the trolls, but felt their effects almost immediately.  Although it was easy to dodge the projectiles using the mouse, it was quite a bit more difficult on the console and died as a result several times before I was successful.  :-()


Paint It Black (destroy the satellite)


[smg id=5408 width=400 align=center]
I tagged the targets from up close and then moved to this far position
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I found a couple more targets from this position (I love the camera; makes me feel like a spy  :-())
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Time to decide which lonely targets to take out first...
[smg id=5411 width=400 align=center]
... and then just do it.
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The Z93 took out the heavies with a single shot to the head.  The one in front must have been kind of stupid because he didn't even realize his large friend had fallen to the ground.
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Now time to use the C4 on the door - I don't have action shots of the indoor fights because they were quite intense.  I used my shredder on the red shirts and threw C4 at the heavies.  It was kind of funny to see them in action - they must have seen me throw the C4 into their path but they walked into it anyway.  The voices of the heavies remind me of the brutish guards in the Assassin's Creed series - so much that they could even be the same voice actor.
[smg id=5414 width=400 align=center]
After setting the C4 on the satellite pillar, and then defending my position for the required time, I just left the rest of the dumb red shirts and ran for the help - jumped inside and enjoyed the view.
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BANG! goes the satellite dish.  Must have been super-duper C4 because the stuff in my pack never did that kind of damage.
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Flying off into the moonset.
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Black Gold (destroy the 4 oil areas)

This one's for mandru, who mentioned that this one of his least favorite missions because of the "run-and-gun" method.  However, I found that you can do the mission is more of an open world manner if you do one thing:  leave Sam where you found him and walk to all the areas clearing them one by one.

It helps to have a full pouch of mines, and a good sniper rifle.


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After leaving Sam behind, I made my way to a high spot above the first area and began targeting victims.
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Next, to be sure I had them all tagged, I moved to another high point
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Igniting the red barrels can take out quite a few guys.
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Does this look familiar?  :-()
Petro Sahel had tanks like this
[smg id=5425 width=400 align=center]
There's Sam still in his truck a distance away
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KABOOM! went the fuel depot, the first of four
[smg id=5427 width=400 align=center]

Notes of interest: after clearing out all the enemy, but before I triggered the yellow marker, I dropped mines near places I knew guys would be walking.  These spots included the fenced in part where you plant the C4, the fuel pumps outside, and a few other places.  Then I went to trigger the yellow marker, which caused a bunch of guys to spawn, but not too many because the game thought that there were already plenty walking around - NOT!  >:D

I ran to the big tank hearing all kinds of explosions behind me and prompts that I'd achieved multi-kill XPs - the mines!  :laugh:  I had very little to do to mop up the place after that.

The second area I attacked is in the immediate foreground and the third area is in the distance.  I scoped out the area to pick off any stragglers.  Note: the snipers in all of these areas are carrying RPGs
[smg id=5433 width=400 align=center]
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See the wooden platform?  That's the easiest place to start your attack when the area spawns
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This platform is a great place to hide while you slowly pick off the baddies
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This guy was no problem
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I didn't have a super powerful weapon so I used a flamethrower on this heavy.  Then down the stairs behind him to the fuel pump
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After triggering the C4, back up the stairs and then a jump out the window onto the platform from which I initiated my attack into this warehouse, then a mad dash to a safe high spot.
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Here's the blast that claimed the 2nd fuel depot
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Igniting a red barrel to take out the new enemy that appeared after the area blew up
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Scoping out the 3rd area
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The blast that claimed the 3rd area
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As usual, more enemy appeared trying to take my hide
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Here's Sam - he was not too helpful on this mission; I had to keep him alive else the mission would fail - what a loser.
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Here's the 4th and last area...
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... and from the front gate.  I went around via another way.
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While everything seemed quiet, there was a heavy just around the corner - I was ready for him with a mine >:D
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Naturally just like a dog he could not resist chasing me so in his excitement, he stepped on the mine - this is the result.  Amazing that his body is in one piece.
[smg id=5454 width=400 align=center]
BANG! goes the last fuel depot
[smg id=5455 width=400 align=center]
This is where the open world nature ends - that ghost image of a vehicle is where I need to park my vehicle, but when I do, a linear play ensues - I am to use the mounted machine gun to keep the enemy at bay while Sam drives.  There is no way around this linear portion, but it is not too bad because there are numerous explosions and fires.  You even get to take down a helo.
[smg id=5456 width=400 align=center]


Very interesting approach to this mission PZ.  Thanks for putting it up.

I've not even thought of giving it a whirl but this way may be a reasonable way to proceed.  Instead of playing missions I've gone totally off rail banging around doing odd stuff like gathering all loot chests and big game hunting.  I even found a glider on the South island that let me take a flight all the way to the North island across the widest ocean gap.

Referring to the last pic in the series "Park your vehicle?"

I thought you left Sam and the vehicle behind at the front gate and took out all four locations on your own.  :-\\

Do you have to go all the way back to the start to get Sam or am I missing something?

Edit additional: OK I read on further on the other thread that referred me over here and I see now that you need to jump back in your vehicle talk to Sam but I'm still unclear on where you are stashing him out of the way while thrashing each of the areas.  Back at the front gate?  ????
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yes, I did take out all the areas by myself, but the game expects you to be with Sam, therefore you have to keep Sam relatively close.  That is not difficult because all four areas are next to each other.  In fact, in some high spots you can easily see all four spots simultaneously.  So, rather than being a line of areas, they are in a quad pattern, so it is easy to keep Sam close.

What I do is destroy a fuel depot, then get into Sam's truck and move it slightly to a new location, then destroy that depot.  Repeat for the remaining and you're at the last part where you park your vehicle. That way you trick the game into thinking that you and Sam have cleared the area when in fact it is just you.  The trick is to not trigger the yellow dot that indicates the next way point until you have taken out all the enemy, looted everything you can, and in general explore the area.


Neat approach PZ, that will my method too when I get to it :-X


Thanks fragger, it makes sense to make open world lemonade out of the linear lemons.

Nice hollow point  :-X


Sorry for all the questions on this PZ.  I'm struggling a bit to grasp the concept and I'll probably be disqualified a few times at the end of the run for not having Sam close enough.

By trigger the yellow dot yo you mean approach the yellow dot, affix the charge or detonate it?
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


No worries on the questions mandru; always glad to help a fellow gamer  :-X

The yellow dot is the marker that you follow to the next location.  In this mission you see four yellow dots each represents the location on the map that is your destination.  These markers are close to the place where you set the C4.  Remember the start of the game where Jason is running through the woods away from Vaas and the pirates?  There were yellow dots that marked your path - these are the same.


Quote from: PZ on January 12, 2013, 10:15:55 PM
...it makes sense to make open world lemonade out of the linear lemons.

:-D Couldn't agree more!

Quote from: PZ on January 12, 2013, 10:15:55 PM
Nice hollow point  :-X

Thanks, I was wondering if anyone would comment on that :-() Best way to put your point across to the red shirts is to make it a hollow one >:D


Quote from: fragger on January 12, 2013, 10:53:44 PM
...Best way to put your point across to the red shirts is to make it a hollow one >:D

... and that ain't no hollow threat  :-()

Art Blade

now that you want us to comment on the hollow point.. I wonder if you threw that thing.  :-D because your hollow point still has the bullet casing on 8-X :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It's a guided missile with explosive payload.



I knew I took a bit of license. I tried it without the casing but it's more recognizable as a bullet this way, even though it's illogical. Without the casing it looked sort of like a golden blimp :-()

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :laugh:  @ golden blimp :-()

Ah the aging mind and a phenomenon I've come to refer to as the pinball effect.  ::)

I spotted the anomaly in your latest avatar fragger but it caused my head to ricochet off and go somewhere else completely eclipsing any desire to point it out.

It triggered something I'd read in a Heinlein's novel maybe forty years ago only I didn't know where.  I've read almost all of Heinlein's works so there was a lot of material to sort out. 

Finally tonight I've had the time to research the thread of thought online.  After an hour and a half's search and a long stroll on memory lane I pinned down a character and the source novel.  In Heinlein's novel Double Star there was a detective named Dak (Darius K. hence Dak)  Broadbent and one of the chief things I remember about him was (of all things) his a handgun.

The fancy name for the pistol still eludes me.  I couldn't dig it up but basically it fired gyroscopically balanced rocket propelled soft slugs that locked onto a target and when fired continued to accelerate sharply several meters beyond the end of the barrel.  Word has it it made for a really amazing splatter pattern.  >:D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


PZ, nice method  :-X kudos

I didn't hate Black Gold mission but it's certainly not in my list of favorite missions either. But now thanks to you, I'll probably enjoy it  a lot more than I previously did.

fragger: nice new avy  :-X
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

🡱 🡳

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