PC version rumors (and PS4, obviously)

Started by Binnatics, September 17, 2013, 07:56:42 AM

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Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on September 12, 2014, 05:41:30 PM
coincidentally, I am currently watching a full HD playthrough of watch_dogs on YT..


.. and it looks quite good. Stiku told me that you can switch off all those strange arcade pop-ups and overlays and whatnot that makes it look like a cyber cobweb with loads of mouse-over help bubbles you get on some overloaded web sites. Imagining to "just" drive around with all that stuff switched off, it certainly looks good. However, what I don't like is that actually real online stuff, online contracts, that other players may interfere with your game and vice versa.. I don't want that. Well, not going to get that game, I'm only watching the playthrough because I want to see the main story unfold. The guy whose playthrough I'm currently enjoying has been a good source for straight-forward non-commentary playthroughs and once in a while allows viewers to watch him screw up. For instance, GTAV, check the following link :)

(already set to the right time -- follow it for only 3 minutes to see three different very funny screw-ups in sequence and read the subtitles for what the tennis coach has to say when he's freaking out -- the black humour in this game is really funny  :laugh: )


Wasn't me.

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Quote from: PZ on September 12, 2014, 09:12:09 PMIt [watch_dogs] actually reminds me of GTA-V

someone else compared them ;)

GTA V vs Watch Dogs - Side By Side

the uploader commented on the vid (long comment) and its timeline, read spoiler if you are interested.

0:20 Shooting At Car:
In my opinion, GTA V wins it because there's no way that a bomb will not explode a car.

2:36 Driving:
I enjoy driving in GTA V, but sometimes the handling of the cars is too much. As of Watch Dogs, it feel more like an arcade game (Old Need for Speed games), but it is easy to control the handling when you get use to it. Motorcycles, I feel they're both equal when driving on both games.

5:38 Rain:
The rain in both games have different stages. It sometimes rain heavy with winds and sometimes not. In my opinion, I prefer both.

6:38 Swimming:
This is an obvious answer that GTA 5 wins on swimming. Swimming in Watch Dogs is just like the old GTA games, you can't dive nor swim under water.

8:03 Graphic:
The graphic between these two games can be tricky. Some of you might not agree, but some might do. Watch Dogs is a next gen game which means it was made for a more powerful console. The graphic in GTA 5 is "awesome" for a 8+ year consoles. The graphic in GTA 5 changes between day and night. I have seen that when is night, the graphic changes drastically. In Watch Dogs, the graphic stays the same between those two period of time. In my opinion, both wins on this one.

9:46 Parkour/Running:
We can all agree that Watch Dogs wins on this one.
Even thought GTA 5 feels more realistic while running (because the player gets tired), Watch Dogs is more fun because of the parkour jumps the player makes.

11:09 Pedestrians:
We can agree that GTA 5 pedestrians are more realistic (not talking about graphics) The aggressiveness/reaction pedestrians show on GTA 5 is huge: they attack you, they run away, etc. In Watch Dogs, the reaction on these pedestrians is high, but low on aggressiveness. They can call the police which counts as defending them self, but not attack you back.

12:55 Robbery:
Robbery in these two games is slightly different. In GTA 5 you can open the cash register or tell the seller to give it to you. In Watch Dogs you only push a button and the money will be added to you account. When robbing money from people, in GTA 5 you get them by killing the pedestrians only. In Watch Dogs, you can hack their bank accounts and withdraw it from an ATM, and steal money when getting inside a car. So, Watch Dogs win on this one.

15:02 Weapons:
This category is hard to decide which game wins it. In my opinion, in GTA 5 when using handguns, I feel most of them do the same damage, the only difference is the name, color and shot sounds. In Watch Dogs, you actually feel that the handguns do different damages. Overall, GTA 5 has more weapons than Watch Dogs. Here, I can't really decided who wins it, but for now they're tied on this one.

17:38 MiniGames:
You might not agree, but clearly Watch Dogs wins on this one. The minigames or digital trip in Watch Dogs are more fun to play, and they don't get bored because you play these minigames by objective, waves, level, etc.

22:23 Police:
The police in GTA 5 are more aggressive toward you or any other pedestrian. It looks more realistic when they are chasing you and it is really fun. I died and I decided to show it to you. You might escape from then much faster them me, but you can see is really hard. In Watch Dogs, the police are aggressive toward you, but not toward the pedestrians. I feel it is more easy to escape from them when having level 5 because you have more things to defend you self.

31:16 Characters:
I only included two characters (I was going to include three) because the video is really long and I decided to end the video this way. In GTA 5, Trevor and Michael are two amazing characters which have two different lives (but same story). Michael escapes and hides from Trevor, while Trevor is looking for him. In Watch Dogs, Aiden is the main and only character you use. He almost have an identical story like Michael. They both promise to quit their act. And both families suffer because of these two character. Jordi is almost and slightly the same as Trevor. They are funny and crazy at the same time. Even thought their story doesn't match, they both tried to kill one/the main character of the story.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, .......

Oh boy ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

 >:(( All I see is that a pure PC player, who cannot "return" to GTAV from a console, gets ripped off once more because it's not enough to wait roughly one and a half years to be allowed to play it for the first time, no, on top the pure PC player WON'T GET all those goodies other ex-console players will enjoy. It should be the other way round: PC version gets all these goodies (of course for those who "return," too) because it TOOK FRICKING AGES until release and as a COMPENSATION these goodies would be just nice. But no. :D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


True - the poor old PC gamer gets dissed yet again :angry-new:


That was also my conclusion. Even after reading the frequent asked question about PC gamers getting the extras. Their response can be gotten wrong easily, but indeed states that only the console players 'returning' to the new version (PC) will get the extras.  :D

I think we will get access to everything in the end. I don't worry. I want the freaking game to come out. Pronto!!!!!!!!!!
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Art Blade

wow.  ???

However, not exclusive to the PC.

"Exclusive to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC versions of Grand Theft Auto V"
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


There are moments that all the waiting makes me doubt if I'm ever going to enjoy the game. Somehow I start to think that the game can only be disappointing after all there has been promised. And that the whole open-world-gang-city-concept has reached the point where games can't surprise anymore, and will start to become repetitive.

Watching a vid like this proves me wrong, and excites me once even more :) :-X
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I think it explains why it took so long to get that game out "again" -- it's actually a complete overhaul (they obviously release that new version for PC and PS4+XboxOne.

And it's the first time ever we get to play a GTA game from a 1st person point of view. All those cockpits and car dashboards and motorcycle armatures, the arms and hands animation for three different characters (do we get to see our feet?) and all the different weapons and reload animations.. it is quite something. :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes indeed, hadn't realised that first person even on foot is available. That makes quite a change. Count D_B in then as well ^-^ :-X
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Rockstar still hasn't changed the release date for GTA V on PC. But still there's no pre-order button available in steam. I have the suspicion it will be postponed again. Steam now announces "early 2015" instead of 27th of January 2015. Other retailers, like Amazon, do offer pre-order and still hold on to 27th....

It would be great, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.... only 20 days left waiting?  ????
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


If GTA had been produced by Ubi, it would already have been released  8-X

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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