First impressions

Started by fragger, November 18, 2014, 01:06:27 AM

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Man... I spent good money to ammo up and buy new armour at a liberated outpost, then set out for a location to do a side mission. Got attacked by three leopards within the space of two minutes and lost 75% of my new armour and a health bar. Went back to re-equip, got attacked by an eagle on the way and lost another health bar. Re-equipped, started out again, got attacked by wolves along the way, lost some armour and a health bar, went back to re-equip, got attacked by another eagle along the way and lost another health bar. Re-equipped, set out again, got attacked by two more leopards within the space of a couple of minutes and lost 50% of my new armour, went back to top up, got attacked by another eagle along the way, lost another health bar. Had to buy more ammo each time because I wanted to start the side mission with a full clip of everything. Spent heaps of hard-won money just re-equipping after animal attacks.

Got the shits. Too many goddamn @#$%& animals :angry-new:


It really pisses me off also  :angry-new:


I personally do not see any benefit in animal attacks of that sort - just detracts from the game because now the animals are more of an opponent than the mercs.


FC3 had a good balance in that aspect. I was attacked every now and then but never felt it was too much. Besides, I could always hear an animal roar telling me one is around so I could usually change my route or attack it with a silenced weapon before it atacks me - well, most of the time at least.

Too bad we have yet another reason to dislike FC4.  :-\\
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I also like reading your experiences more than trying to get in the game myself. I think the gun you have is crazy Nex!!! Looks like a dagger-shooting-massacre-maker >:D

"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Great video, nex - the guys on the radio remind me of the government men in Panau (JC2)


Thanks guys   ;D
I just bought the AMR, man, you must this thing shoot...... you hit one of those heavy flamethrower mercs with it the and the guy explodes    :-D
I will post a clip on this  :-()

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'm now in the northern region, after yet another update (1.3GB) and the usual scripted-to-the-eyeballs mission to get me there. Finally, some more fun stuff to do - exploring, liberating outposts and doing side missions.

I did another Shangri-La mission, only because I needed to do at least two of them in order to unlock some of the remaining skills. I really do not like those missions. At least with the other main missions I get to use firearms and explosives and have some stand-up fights, instead of firing magical arrows and directing a supernatural tiger to do my bidding in a Martian-coloured world with all sorts of weird stuff like floating rocks and upside-down waterfalls ::)

The side quests are where it's at in this game. One type of side mission I like is "Bomb Disposal". You are directed to an area of the map, usually some major place like the airport, where you need to disarm several explosive charges without being detected. These are open-ended stealth affairs, allowing multiple ways of approaching and carrying out the mish. It doesn't actually matter if you alert the guards, just so long as they don't get a full visual on you. If they do, they will start a timer and you'll have to get the bombs disarmed before the time runs out and the charges go off - then of course you fail. These missions, and a few other types like Hostage Rescue, allow you observe, plan and improvise, as opposed to simply jumping through the hoops or racing against time.

The thing is, I think there's something wrong when the side stuff is more fun than what's supposed to be the main part of the game. I'm starting to think that FC4 would have been a lot more fun with no story at all - just a replayable, open-world romp. Does there even have to be a story with something like this? They made it w@&k with FC2, but the unfolding of the story via heavily-scripted missions with their attendant long-winded cutscenes has been the major weakness of the last two Far Cries. That and all the hallucinatory wackiness.

The guy who wrote this article is roughly paralleling my thoughts of late:


This guy pretty much sums it up for sure   ::)


OK here's the video, I'll let it speak for itself.

Far Cry 4 action
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Nice video D_B!! :-X :)

It gives a nice view on the gaming world and all the stuff there is to do. It kind of makes me want to play the game.  8)

What shocks me is the power of C4 compared to the rest of the weapons. And I think Ubi did a great deal puzzling out corpse-ballistics :-D

I kudo for your w@&k D_B, I liked watching it. Entertaining and varied view of the gameplay :-X +1
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Thanks guys. Of course, some of the best/funniest moments happened when I didn't have the recorder running. I had a couple nice runs of knife kills and such plus a couple funny times on the roads with "datsun dummies". Mostly just bad driving and no respect for pedestrians, it is a bit shocking to be talking to a person on the side of the road only to have someone else come by and take him out in a hit and run. I was going to cut in snippets of the crazy guy's speech when you first meet him, the gun runner guy. But it was already long enough and cutting in bits of scenes like that takes a long time. Let's just say, yeah the guy is crazy lol.

I may keep recording like this, make little snippet videos of the general game play as I move on, it might be fun.

And I'm glad I saw Fragger's post that there is another update, and was able to grab it at w@&k before leaving early for the holiday, otherwise I'd be without it all weekend. Is this how this game is going to update each time now? 1.3GB of data is not an update, it's a huge chunk of the game.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

for that vid you just got +1 :-X from me, too, because it is just so nicely done and the events are very entertaining. :)

When I watched you take on one rhino just to find out it's actually two, I was grinning. When I got back into my game I took on one rhino just to find out it's actually THREE  ??? "instadeath"  :D :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 22, 2014, 10:54:35 AM
So Art has succumbed and entered the game? It was only a matter of time.


Rhinos. They are actually fun, and I have some nice moments in the video I'll post. The secret? C4. Lots and lots of C4. Ruins the hide and makes it useless more times than not, but the best way to kill them I think. Don't try the bow and arrow. Believe me. Same goes for the devil fish

Well yes, the matter of time wasn't so much the issue, it was more that I didn't want to buy it. When Ubi came up with the idea to give players like me a free copy, that's when and why I succumbed.  :-D

I disagree with you regarding "don't try the bow" on rhinos and devil fish. One properly aimed shot and you take out those fish with just one arrow (well, they usually don't fly to the shore on getting hit, though) whereas the rhino hunt may take up most of the content of your quiver and a it takes quite some time following the rhino at a distance so you don't get nailed by him. When I pinned him down with the final arrow, he looked like a bloody pin cushion  :-D

[smg id=7556 type=preview align=center caption="pin cushion"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

D_B, I've got something for you that is even more brutal than C-4 when hunting rhinos. >:D

[smg id=7557 type=preview align=center caption="mortar"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


The mortars are kind of odd in FC4, the way they w@&k. I like FC2's mortar better, even though it took a lot of practice to master it. FC4's mortars are emplaced, you can't carry them around with you as a weapon choice.


Killed mister pink suit and liberated his fort, for all practical purposes the game's over
Just re-set all the outposts, now we gonna have some fun  :-D

Art Blade

the mortars are cool now because they have a targeting mechanism that reminds me of a satellite control. The one I used was at the brick factory to the East and the camera from which the screenshot was taken was located at the top of that massive tall chimney.  :) And the mortar produces a clusterf..k rather than popping just one round :-()

Nexor, son, well done. :-() Now the real fun should begin for you  :-X :)

I've only cleared the South as far as I could meaning I liberated all outposts, two forts and all bell towers. I did whatever random Karma event popped up and destroyed convoys and some such. Now I'll head for the main missions.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I love the MG42 (Buzzsaw) :-X This modified German WWII-era machine gun becomes unlocked once you've liberated all towers. And once you've done a particular "Kyrat Fashion Week" mission (to hunt and skin a rare Snow Leopard) to max out your ammo bag, the MG42 will henceforth boast a massive 500-round magazine (this is on Easy mode). It also has a blinding rate of fire.

Once you've got that baby, you're virtually unstoppable. "Heavies" are sent flying, vehicles are converted into scrap and big, nasty animals are cut down to size in jig time.

I'm not afraid of rhinos when I'm packing this monster >:D


The Skills system is a tad uneven, methinks.

I'm most of the way through the game and have piled up no less than 23 skill points - but I can't apply any of them. There are a couple of main missions that need to be done in order to unlock the remaining skills (of which there are only three or four left). There are two separate skill trees: the "Tiger" tree (mostly to do with combat) and the "Elephant" tree (mostly to do with syringes). Before I was halfway through the game I'd maxed out the Tiger tree, and the remaining skills are all in the Elephant tree. But I can't unlock them until I complete certain main missions. It tells you what those missions are but not where they come in the mission order, so I don't know if I'm close to getting to them or not.

It's frustrating that I earn skill point after skill point but can't use any of them until I w@&k my way through the mains, and I don't want to do that yet. I get the feeling that by the time I unlock the remaining skills, the great bulk of the game will be over ::) And one of those skills gives me the final health bar (#6)...

Art Blade

yep, I was wondering how that might w@&k with those skill points and I found out that the elephant tree has a couple of skills to the far right (last skill in a line) that show a clock on the icon and a description that is somewhat "learn it x times" which is up to 10 times and each time you add 5 seconds for the respective syringe duration. That is where the skill points go. It is not, as I used to think, how often you apply the syringe (as in, 10 times) but skill points you spend on them. So you can spend 10 skill points per syringe.. and now you'll realise that you're running short.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

hehe, the AMR is a nice toy. :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳