First impressions

Started by fragger, November 18, 2014, 01:06:27 AM

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Quote from: PZ on November 30, 2014, 10:55:53 AM
Here's the million dollar question - if you kill him, can you steal all his wares?  >:D

That's the question, indeed :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Art Blade on November 30, 2014, 02:35:29 AM
there is something else that can soften up a rhino very nicely.

acquire the ability to ride an elephant, then ride an elephant and let him headbutt the rhino but it will take more than just one attempt. :)

Much easier way is to get a high powered rifle and give a single shot to the head, its down after that.

Also those damn idiots try constantly to take my outposts back, and the aftermath is always like this:

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Also I got my a$$ into the north now, and took about 20min to get all of the towers opened with the chopper(It ain't a gyrocopter, its missing a gyro for once)

This guy is really nuts:

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+ The Sherpa:

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Rest of the screenshots are here :


I don't think so PZ, when one get's close to him the "press the interact button" appears, I eventually caught up with him but the interact message did not appear, he was down on his haunches, hiding behind a tree.
After he calmed down he got up and resumed his normal stroll, only then could I interact with him.


Quote from: nexor on November 30, 2014, 04:29:20 PM
I don't think so PZ, when one get's close to him the "press the interact button" appears, I eventually caught up with him but the interact message did not appear, he was down on his haunches, hiding behind a tree.
After he calmed down he got up and resumed his normal stroll, only then could I interact with him.

Dang, that's too bad.  Can you shoot him and then loot his carcass?

Great spoilers, Stiku - increasingly makes me want to get the game.  I love spoilers, but I'm kind of a strange guy.  In fact, in my case, you could call them "enhancers" instead of "spoilers"


One of the locals drove over and killed this guy while overtaking me, I went over to see If I could get anything off him, but could only search and take what can be taken from any other dead person


That's too bad.  Essentially he is just a walking vending machine and all the machine goes out of him when he dies :-()

Art Blade

If you shoot a china cupboard with buckshot, you don't really expect to find useful stuff for your tea time in there, either. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I did shoot a Sherpa, but all I got was a "Do not kill innocent civilians" message. Unlike nex's experience, I couldn't even loot him - maybe because I was the one who killed him.

Just before that, a bad guy rode up on a quad bike and shot at me from on board it, so the bad guys can ride the quads in this game. They can also climb up onto things like rooftops just like you can, so you have to be careful when you do that. Getting onto a rooftop doesn't necessarily make you unreachable.

I did a car repair job for a couple of civvies by the side of the road and found out that you always have the repair tool on you - you don't have to buy and equip it, so it doesn't take up a weapon slot. It appears in your hand whenever you get near a damaged vehicle and respond to the "Repair" prompt. Which means you can fix any damaged vehicle, anytime :-X It's the same acetylene torch job as in the previous game.

I had my first elephant ride earlier and used him to butt a couple of bad guys into the shrubs. Excellent 8)

I'm still just traipsing around at the moment and have only done one main mission. There's lots to do and lots of stuff to find to get your XPs up, get money, get Karma points, or just raise Cain. I took out an outpost totally undetected, killing two of the guards while they were asleep and snoring their heads off >:D Outposts still have alarms, and you can deactivate them the same way as in FC4. You can still toss rocks to distract enemies, which came in very handy at that outpost.

I'm having quite a lot of fun with this, but I'm pretty sure the main missions are going to be the same linear affairs that they were in FC3.


My next video clip will confirm just that fragger    :-(
Some of the scenery you guys can expect



Nice Nex! :-X

It actually looks like an arena where you'd play a coop multiplayer, but on your own. I like the grenade launcher >:D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Art Blade on December 01, 2014, 11:45:22 PM
If you shoot a china cupboard with buckshot, you don't really expect to find useful stuff for your tea time in there, either. :-()

You might in a Ubi game  :-()


 ???  wow, nex, why don't those bums wearing the yellow scarves help you - seems like you are doing everything while they casually stroll about


I can't seem to make any headway with Youtube right now for some reason so I'll have to try to watch it later. It's probably all the out-of-towners starting to flock in here for summer - looks like this will be an annual hassle for me ::) Last year with my old ISP I sometimes couldn't even get online...


I just played the mission that nex posted about, and I didn't like it at all. It was the type of scripted, race-against-time affair that I've always hated. I have a feeling that I'm not going to like the story missions very much.

Found a glitch. I had to infiltrate a Propaganda Centre and smash all the paraphernalia inside - computers, printing presses, etc. Opting for a stealthy approach, I climbed a ladder onto the rooftop of a peripheral building to scope out the situation. After I'd tagged the bad guys I wanted to come back down, so I got back onto the ladder and slid down like you do in FC3. But when I reached the ground I just kept going, apparently into hyperspace. I was falling through a sky-blue void watching the world from beneath as it all rapidly receded above me. Then the wingsuit prompt appeared, but before I could deploy it to see what would happen I hit some kind of invisible hyperspacial ground-level and died.

The game started me again right outside the same place so I could immediately attempt the mission again. I managed to take out all the guards undetected - except for the last guy. I don't know whether it was due to him or all the noise I made smashing everything up, but a whole mess of enemies showed up and gave me a jolly good scrap. One of them climbed onto the roof where I'd been, but a bit of lead persuasion from me induced him to go back down. He slid down the ladder - and disappeared into the earth just as I had done.

I guess wormholes don't discriminate :-()

Something I've noticed is that there doesn't appear to be any provision for more than one saved game. Maybe I'm missing something, but if that's the case, it's gonna be a mighty big minus.


Quote from: fragger on December 03, 2014, 01:50:53 AM
I just played the mission that nex posted about, and I didn't like it at all. It was the type of scripted, race-against-time affair that I've always hated. I have a feeling that I'm not going to like the story missions very much.

Something I've noticed is that there doesn't appear to be any provision for more than one saved game. Maybe I'm missing something, but if that's the case, it's gonna be a mighty big minus.
I also dislike these race-against-time games, unfortunately there are more to come.... ????
Also came to the same conclusion about the game saves, maybe a bit early to say, but I have a feeling this will be one of those only-one-play-through games
I'm more disappointed than with FC3  :-\\ 


Dang, that's bad news - next to boss missions, the next most hated missions are the timed ones, which completely takes away the open world feel.

One of the "features" of the timed missions is that they have purposefully placed roadblocks into your path that you have difficulty circumventing due to the time element and the objects/ai placed.  I realize this because in Unity co-op, we put self imposed races to save or eliminate the target (depending on the mission) and they are loads of fun because nothing is scripted - I don't experience any of the problems with a self-inflicted race as I do with what the developers think is "fun", which I now even more detest.  \:/


So, bad news basically :-\\

I like the glitch story :-() :-X
These are the ones that can add to the fun ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Not only are the main missions CoD-styled, but whenever you meet up with a character to get a mission they blab on for freaking ages telling you about why you need to do it. I feel like I want to reach into the screen, grab the character by the shoulders, shake them vigorously and tell them to shut up and just hand over the bloody mission already :D

I play a game to play, not be forced to sit and listen to a lot of verbal diarrhea :angry-new: This is gonna suck after more than one playthrough. Some of the characters' spiels go on for so long that I swear I could go and make a cup of coffee and be back before they've finished.

It's such a shame because the game can be a lot of fun otherwise, but I get hesitant to take on main missions because I know there's going to be a lot of unnecessary gob-flapping followed by a mission that's scripted up the wazoo which will bore the living daylights out of me after the first go-around - or even during the first go-around.

How could they get it so right with FC2, then stuff it up with the next two sequels? That's a rhetorical question, of course - they've pandered to the acne crowd and those with the attention spans of sea cucumbers in order to scoop in bigger bucks.

FC2 was a thinking person's game, with surprising subtleties for a shooter and employing a rare subtextuality (spellchecker doesn't recognise "subtextuality" as a word, but I reckon it should be one :angel:). Witness the amount of time we've spent here theorizing over the characters' motivations, hidden agendas, histories, etc. Far Cries 3 & 4 by comparison are just dumbed-down shooters with pretensions to high drama that actually insult a mature person's intelligence. Defeat a giant fire-breathing monster of the id by shooting flaming arrows into its face until it croaks, then run up its arm, stab it in the eyeball with a magical dagger and thus earn yourself a gratuitous virtual shag followed by the adoration of a tribe of hard-bitten noble warriors. Yeah, that works...


Quote from: fragger on December 04, 2014, 06:21:59 AM
(...) they've pandered to the acne crowd and those with the attention spans of sea cucumbers in order to scoop in bigger bucks.

:laugh:  :-X  :laugh:

fragger, you do have a talent with words. I just love to read your rants!   :laugh:

As for your rethorical question.... they got it right for us, OWGers, not for the acne crowd (still laughing!!  ;D ). Apparently their market research (taken at food courts of shopping malls right after schools are finished for the day) shown a different requirement in game design, which they are applying since FC3... and now it reaches a bigger audience.  :-( . I'm afraid we're gonna have to live with that.  :D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Quote from: fragger on December 04, 2014, 06:21:59 AM
How could they get it so right with FC2, then stuff it up with the next two sequels? That's a rhetorical question, of course - they've pandered to the acne crowd and those with the attention spans of sea cucumbers in order to scoop in bigger bucks.

FC2 was a thinking person's game, with surprising subtleties for a shooter and employing a rare subtextuality (spellchecker doesn't recognise "subtextuality" as a word, but I reckon it should be one :angel:). Witness the amount of time we've spent here theorizing over the characters' motivations, hidden agendas, histories, etc. Far Cries 3 & 4 by comparison are just dumbed-down shooters with pretensions to high drama that actually insult a mature person's intelligence. Defeat a giant fire-breathing monster of the id by shooting flaming arrows into its face until it croaks, then run up its arm, stab it in the eyeball with a magical dagger and thus earn yourself a gratuitous virtual shag followed by the adoration of a tribe of hard-bitten noble warriors. Yeah, that works...

I am soooo with you on that, frager.  Like a good book, we had to use our imaginations when discussing the back story in FC2.  Evidently that is far above the abilities of the morons that typically play video games because they need to be shuffled down invisible corridors just so they are able to advance in the game.

FC3 rather ruined it for me with the fire breathing boss and the crack head dreams (hated that too).  Then the Hoyt knife fight disgusted me to the point where I never played all the way through again.  The only thing I enjoyed about the game was the free roam, doing outposts, and even those creaky towers.  I really didn't care too much personally about crafting and hunting animals.  Just send me to a weapon dealer and I'll purchase my medicine, purchase ammo belts, and all the such.

For a while I was actually somewhat anticipating the purchase, but from what you and nexor have reported, I am nos just ambivalent, and were it not for the stunning graphics and free roam, I'd probably not get it at all.

It is really disappointing to hear that the missions are so scripted.


Well, I got it running last night (see my I hate Uplay thread) and ran through the preliminary mission, up to where you get the mission to disrupt some radio gear or something at a bell tower. Can't really say much about the game at this point, the first part is mostly watching cut scenes and escaping the bad guy's mansion.

I did get my first headshot, with a pistol no less, as I was sneaking along the river trying to get past some guys. I got a bear to attack two of them, then swam in the river to a treasure point, and found a pistol (how do I get the knife back I got off the driver of the truck I escaped in?) and snuck around the rocks and decided to pop the guy one. Boom, headshot! Nice.

The rest of the way I mostly just did the sneaky-sneak, I tossed some meat into the next camp to get a bear to attack those guys and also somehow let out the leopard they had caged there, so that was fun, but aside from that first pistol shot, didn't shoot anyone. Well, I did get up to that same camp and started shooting, only to run out of ammo and get owned, so as I respawned I decided stealth was a better way to go about it.

Got to the tower thingy whatever it is, and did the assault fight up to the avalanche, and I'm convinced you could just hide in the upper floor of that tower and not do anything and the story would advance.

Thinking of the tossing meat to attract a predator, are there just an infinite amount of these bears (or whatever shows up later in the game) waiting in the bushes ready to pounce on some guys no matter where you happen to toss that meat?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Wait till you bump into the rhino's   :-D


Most of the side missions I've done have the same MO, you find a local inside your safe house bellyaching about some locals being held captive someplace, you need to go save them without being discovered or they will be killed.
A message comes up informing you that at least two captives need to be saved, like hell!! "ALL" the captives have to be saved, twice I got mission failed and had to start over  >:(( 

Art Blade

I really wonder whether or not I should use my UBI bonus for something else instead of getting FC4 for it.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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