First impressions

Started by fragger, November 18, 2014, 01:06:27 AM

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Quote from: fragger on December 16, 2014, 08:13:01 AM
...WTF? What was the point of all that stupid damned rubbish? I've never been through such a ridiculous gaming sequence or played such an inane mission during my entire gaming career. What were the authors of this drivel thinking? ????

Now that recreational marijuana has become legal in several States, I guess they think that gamers are nothing but a bunch of pot smoking idiots that are looking for a similar experience in a game.

Quote from: JRD on December 16, 2014, 07:28:49 AM
\:/ ssssssshhhhuuuuussshhhhh..... you nuts PZ? They might be watching!   \:/

;) I don't think we need worry, JRD; other than the creation of FC2 and a few improvements in AC5, I can't recall any decisions they made that were logical.  If we created two separate lists of good outcomes, and bonehead decisions, we'd need to keep a 100-page notebook on one, and a scrap of paper for the other - I think you can guess which belongs to which.

Ubi doesn't come up with good things to sell as an addon - they seem to look for the dumbest, most worthless things and then call it DLC.  :-()

I personally would purchase a cheats DLC for any game I play because I mostly do the console these days, which has no cheats.


A couple guys derping around. Making elephants fly and being politically incorrect.

Far Cry 4 derpage

eh, I thought it was funny....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Wooooohoooohooohohohohoh...... let's see who can lauch the elphant higher!!  :laugh:
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


(sigh) I'll have to try watching that clip later...

Quote from: PZ on December 16, 2014, 08:45:31 AM
Now that recreational marijuana has become legal in several States, I guess they think that gamers are nothing but a bunch of pot smoking idiots that are looking for a similar experience in a game.

That thought occurred to me too :-()


I finally figured out how to call "Guns For Hire". You have to hold down your "v" key and a command wheel pops up. While it's up, move your mouse around until the Guns For Hire option is highlighted, then let go of the v. Simple, when you know how to w@&k the flipping thing.

What kept throwing me was that the option for Guns For Hire had a "6" printed in it. I thought that meant I had to hit the "6" key. It's actually how many Guns For Hire tokens I have left. You can buy tokens from shops, Sherpas or vending cabinets, and each time you call up a Gun it costs you a token. After calling up a Gun, a fighter will shortly drive up in a car and hop out, ready to get it on. You can only have one of these guys active at a time, so it's not like you can go in with a team.

It was getting late so I didn't experiment with him much, but it looks like you can give him a couple of rudimentary orders. By default, he goes wherever you go. Whether he's worth having around or whether he'll just get in the way and snafu my tactics I don't know yet. I'm going to play around a bit shortly so I guess I'll find out.

Still trying to figure out how to get my explosive arrows to load...


Quote from: fragger on December 16, 2014, 04:26:35 PM
... You can only have one of these guys active at a time, so it's not like you can go in with a team...

Sounds like a rudimentary form of low budget assassin, way more primitive than the dozen you can send in AC (not the new one)


Agree, I don't know why they bothered. If they're going to have something like this in a game, they should go all the way with it. It's not like you can give your hired guns useful orders like go to a particular place, take out a particular enemy, or cover you. As far as I can tell, you can order them to wait and then order them to come with you again and that's it.

I had to look through online forums to find out how to switch arrow types. Turns out you have to hold down "Q", then hit "E" or "R" to switch arrows. Yeah, that's logical, dunno why it didn't occur to me... The explosive arrows don't even show up on the "weapons wheel" when it's displayed - you just have to be clairvoyant enough to divine the right keys, apparently. There isn't a word about it anywhere in the game's help or in its "Tactics" section, meaning that I've been hitting every key on the keyboard and trying every combination of mouse wheel/buttons when I've had my bow equipped, vainly trying to find out how to get those blasted arrows to load :D

Maybe there's a HUD component I turned off or something, but I don't remember doing anything like that. I'll look into it next time I play.


Quote from: fragger on December 17, 2014, 06:29:40 AM
I'll look into it next time I play.

You keep repeating that. Is the game so bore-some or tiring that you have to quit playing and take a nap before continuing? :-D

Weird that the changing arrows isn't properly explained. Or actually, not weird at all.  ;D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


 :-D The main missions are pretty tiresome, but I actually do have fun with the game in other ways. Some of my sessions have lasted a good few hours. When I want to come here to comment on something I've experienced I quit playing to do so. Unfortunately, more often than not the comment is in the form of a whinge :-()

Re the arrows,  it was actually my bad all along :-[ There is in fact a small display that appears in the lower-right corner of the screen when the weapon wheel is displayed, but it's not very obvious so I just never noticed it - I've always been looking at the wheel itself. It still would have been nice if it had been mentioned in the remapping menu, or in the help section, or somewhere.

Even so, you can only switch arrows by holding Q (to bring up the weapon wheel) and whichever key you've mapped for "interact" - you can't just hit a single key to switch, so it's not terribly simple or intuitive.


What really gets to me is the healing syringe button, you have to hold it down for it to activate, and while waiting for the healing process to take place can and will get you killed, specially when attacked by more than one person, it happened to me numerous times in this game.
I'm not one for giving up on something, I'm playing on easy and getting killed 10-15 times without making one inch progress pretty much does it for me.


Got to playing a bit more last night, gave Minecraft the day off lol. Finished the first tower mission pretty easily and had Deja vu for the cell towers in FC3, whoa, is this just the same game with new terrain and graphics? nawwwwww, can't be.


Then I just started wandering around, seeing what there is to see and killing honey badgers. Still trying to get one more skin from those donkey things to upgrade my wallet, but only keep finding those elk things in the area on the map that's supposed to have the donkey things. Even when I see a critter with no antlers and I think it's a donkey thing, it turns out to be an elk thing with no antlers. But gathering loot and helping the locals in skirmishes to get points and generally driving around at breakneck pace trying not to fall off cliffs, and usually succeeding. Usually.

Noticing the dumb friendlies like to shoot off guns in the air for no reason just like their tropical island brethren, making me think there's a serious battle going on, me rushing over, only to find three yahoos wasting ammo trying to shoot down the clouds or something.

Dang eagles - I hate 'em. But usually you get a warning, and once a group of yahoos actually shot one down without my help and I snagged the feathers for loot.

So far, with only a very small amount of the game behind me, I'd say it's FC3 with a new skin. Not horrible (yet) but not super spectacular either.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: nexor on December 18, 2014, 02:03:03 AM
What really gets to me is the healing syringe button, you have to hold it down for it to activate, and while waiting for the healing process to take place can and will get you killed, specially when attacked by more than one person, it happened to me numerous times in this game.

Sounds like rather misplaced realism to me ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

nexor, thanks for the cheats info  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yep nex, that health syringe thing bugs me too. That second or two that you have to wait for it to activate can make quite a difference, especially when a rhino is playing pin-the-horn-on-the-human with you.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 18, 2014, 08:10:06 AM
...I'd say it's FC3 with a new skin.

Pretty much, mate. Sure, there's more of a variety of side missions and stuff to find/collect, and a few other cool innovations, but otherwise, yeah, it's more of the same. Main missions are actually worse than FC3's, in my humble opinion.


I'd like to know where the entertainment value is in me sitting in a chair with a sack over my head listening to a bad guy talking to his little daughter on his mobile phone for close to a full minute before he finally pulls the bag off my head and I'm allowed to get up and punch him out.

The blabbermouthing in FC4's non-skippable cut scenes is unreal. I thought this was supposed to be a game, not an interactive movie :D


Dang, fragger.  Looks like it goes from bad to worse.

What do you guys think of the graphics compared to FC3? Same or better?


Overall, I think they're better. Clouds in the sky actually move, unlike the static parallaxed skies of FC3. The day/night time cycle is more realistic, and the water looks terrific - boats will leave wakes, although they disappear quickly. The landscape is much more hilly, as you would expect in a part of the world like that, and the foliage is lush and varied. I'm running with graphic options turned down mostly to low with a few mediums, no AA, no ambient occlusion or post, and a lower-than-native res, and it still looks great. I tried it maxed out just to see how it looked and it was fantastic, but the frame rate was abominable.

If you've got a whizzbang rig and can run with the high-end settings, it's total eye-candy :-X


Thanks fragger, although I really dislike the missions you guys are reporting, the graphics alone and the ability to do side things might make me take the plunge.

I'm definitely looking to get a new rig soon - my wife asked me this morning what I wanted for Christmas, and I replied "a new PC".  Somewhat surprised, she asked "why" because all she remembers is the gaming rig that I built a few years ago.  I told her that hardware has advanced quite a bit so a new machine is in order. However, I said that I would want to wait until after Christmas to see what kind of deals are available.

"hmmm...." she replied while nodding her head.


Yeah the graphics and atmosphere are pretty good, you always get the impression that things are going on even when you're not in an area, and so far just wandering around looking for those stupid donkey things has been pretty fun. I'm not sure how much of the main missions I'll even do lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Looks like I'm likely to wait until the bargain basement for FC4 for me due largely to the main missions. Unfortunately I suspect you need to progress through the main mission line in order to advance your character.  Maybe a mod will give me full capabilities so I can wander the world and do only the side missions.  If that were to occur, then I would likely get the game sooner.

Art Blade

Ubi tossed it at me for free. So why not..  :-D

[smg id=7523 type=preview align=center caption="2014 12 19 fc4free"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hope you have fun, Art!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Looking forward to your impressions, AB!

Art Blade

OK, I've started to play FarCry4, thanks to Ubi  ^-^

First I got the invitation to choose a game for free, this one, then. I was allowed to download a steam version (phew, excellent.. I had been worrying about having to use u-play only) so I downloaded some 22 Gigs and the game was already patched to 1.5.0. It started up instantly, hasn't crashed yet, allowed key bindings (I only changed very few) and the graphics settings are basically all on ultra except motion blur off, AA off, shadows low.

[smg id=7525 type=preview align=center caption="first steps"]

I killed the guys who were after me after the escape vehicle crashed, stole their stuff (among which I found an AK47) killed virtually everything that moved on my way up to the first way point (some bell tower) looted all the corpses (both animal and human) and crawled out of the avalanche just to end up in the village that is at the time the start of the open world game.

So far, so good.  :)

[smg id=7526 type=preview align=center caption="first rides"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Wow, the graphics continue to impress - almost like a real life photo

🡱 🡳