First impressions

Started by fragger, November 18, 2014, 01:06:27 AM

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It's gonna be a busy weekend here at OWG!  :)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Quote from: JRD on December 19, 2014, 12:23:37 PM
It's gonna be a busy weekend here at OWG!  :)

Agreed - this has been the liveliest discussions we have had in a while, covering quite a variety of games  :-X


Have fun Art! Give'm a Sangri-Yahh! up their asses :-() :-() :-()
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I'm more interested in TheCrew and ACU right now. Strange, but it doesn't even bother me that there is a new game sitting -- because it's only FC4.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Welcome to Kyrat, Art :-D Can't wait to read about your impressions.

Quote from: PZ on December 19, 2014, 09:13:06 AM
Unfortunately I suspect you need to progress through the main mission line in order to advance your character.

More or less, but more importantly, as with FC2 and FC3, you need to reach a certain point in the story via main missions to unlock the Northern Region. You can skip main missions if you like, but you'll only ever get to play on half the map. You'll also miss out on a couple of weapons and skills, the unlocking of which are tied to certain main missions. And once you've done all the side quests and towers, found all the goodies and levelled yourself up, there's not a lot left to do other than traipse around looking for trouble. Which is still fun when you find it, which is often. At least for a while - until it becomes a tad repetitive.

Being able to reset the outposts whenever you like is a bit of a plus. Liberating outposts can be fun. I also like the hostage-rescue missions, they can be fun too. These are side missions which become available upon liberating certain outposts. Whether they get reset along with the outposts I don't know as I haven't yet tried resetting. Since you apparently can have only one saved game, I'm reluctant to go down that road yet.

Art Blade

thanks fragger :) I'll get into it eventually
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It will be nice when the modders (like Ziggy) make the game more playable to gamers like me - I want all maps open from the beginning, as well as all weapons.  When you think about it, if you are a mercenary, what would keep you from going wherever you wanted - these "locked" achievements are entirely stupid to me and takes away from the open world feel.

However, I guess the developers think this is necessary for the moron gamer that only feels accomplishment when they jump through the hoops, being led by the nose to the destination, all the while thinking they are in an "open world"

I recall the relief I always felt in FC2 when starting a new game and exiting the Church - now I am finally able to do what I want rather than what the programmer wants me to do


I managed to get through that damn mission, it turned out quite simple really  :D
Am a bit reluctant to take on another main mission as yet, mrs nex is home on vacation and we will spend some time together so I might only do minor missions or just drive around looking for trouble.   :-()
I'm using the "Rebel" with a 96 round magazine, one of the signature weapons as a handgun, perfect for shooting bad guys while driving.
There's a new LMG, the MG42 with a 400 round magazine, it's like the PKM on steroids
The Z93 sniper rifle with silencer, and there's also a new GL, the GL-A87 with a 8 round magazine. 
These weapons really kick a$$   >:D :-D   



I know what you mean by having the Mrs home, nex


Man, I hate the main missions in this game. Way too scripted, too linear, too much of "go to point A and do this, then go to point B and do that", too many drugged-out sequences, too much out-there mystical nonsense, too much unnecessary talk - too much of everything I hate in a game like this.

I hope there is a post-game free-roam option like there was in FC3, because if there isn't, this will be my one-and-only playthrough. There is no way I would want to go through any of these crappy missions a second time :angry-new:


I don't know how far you are fragger, I'm in the north now and those missions don't get any better  :D



Gee, that looks like a fun mission... :-\\ I so wish they could have kept all that silly crap out of this game. If it had been a down-to-earth shooter like FC2, with the same sort of open-ended main missions, it could have been a real ripper of a game. But no.

I'm not into the Northern Region yet nex, but I almost am. I think. I hope. I've got to be close.


I tried the chopper trick. When you get close to the boundaries of the map, the chopper goes berserko with the stall warning noise and it gets turned away. If you persist, the engine will die and the chopper starts to drop. Once away from the boundary however, the engine starts up again and you can recover. I took some piccies but it's nearly my bedtime so I'll post them later.

I feel that the animals have been overdone, there's too many of them around. Seems I'm always fending off wolves, big cats, bears, warthogs, honey badgers, wild dogs, eagles, etc etc etc. I can't swim in a river without getting attacked by a demonfish. The animals have screwed things up for me a number of times when I'm trying to be stealthy and sneak into some enemy-occupied place. I'll be all set up to creep into a camp or something when a bloody eagle will drop on me, or I'll get attacked by wild dogs and have to switch to some noisy weapon to deal with them, giving myself away. There have been a few occasions (too many) when I no sooner deal with one type of animal than I get attacked by another.

The eagles are a total pain in the arse, they're way too numerous and they're difficult to hit.


Agree with you about all the animal attacks, it just proves that the developers didn't have much of a story when they developed this game.    >:((

Oh and don't be too confident around the Elephants ok, I was standing close to a merc patrol vehicle when a Elephant charged the vehicle, head butted and flung it into the air then head butted me too, I had to run like hell otherwise he would have killed me.   ::)

The only way to kill the eagles I found, he flies away from you after his first attack, then watch him circling, you will notice he pulls his wings in when he's about to attack again, wait for him to get close to you, then nail him with your machete, works every time   :-D 

Art Blade

sounds like "serve and volley," nexor  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Dang, goes from bad to worse.  I really dislike that mission in your video, nex - if that was the only indicator fo FC4, I'd never purchase the game.  I also don't like the animals - I way prefer the FC2 way - you are a mercenary and you know what to expect in the environment.  It is ridiculous that you are attacked at every turn by cyber animals, and that alone is a disappointment.  Unfortunately the Far Cry series becomes worse with every version they publish.


So Art has succumbed and entered the game? It was only a matter of time. I had a bit of fun actually, over the weekend. Recorded some video that I have yet to cut together, but I've advanced past the starter area and now am wandering into the wider world. Art, don't be fooled by how easy you think it is in the starting area, it becomes much more tricky once you're out of there. I was used to just wandering around doing pretty much what I felt like, but that soon gets learned out of you as there are a lot more enemies out to get you in the larger map as a whole.

The gyrocopter is nice, and I tried to land it on the top of a bell tower to liberate it but either my landing skills are worthless or they have an invisible pyramid on top of the thing that makes you slide off, all the way to the ground, where you die. But you respawn right next to it so then it's fairly easy to get into it and go about your business.

I'd like to state now that my most hated animal so far are the bees, you don't even see the nest until you are standing right under it getting stung. But they are nice when you do see them and can shoot an arrow into it to mess up someone else's day.

Oh, that donkey like animal that I needed to make a bigger wallet? Turns out the picture in the crafting screen isn't so great, it's actually a goat like thing that I've been seeing EVERYWHERE and ignoring because I thought they were useless. One was around a firefight I had and got killed so I figured I'd skin it for some money and noticed the name when I got the skin and face palmed. I already had enough of the next type of animal so I crafted up to the highest level I could get. Same goes for the wolves you need for more holsters, it's better to do that first mission from the female rebel leader early, that sends you to the old lady's farm and help her with the wolf problem so you can get the skins to make holsters to carry more weapons.

Rhinos. They are actually fun, and I have some nice moments in the video I'll post. The secret? C4. Lots and lots of C4. Ruins the hide and makes it useless more times than not, but the best way to kill them I think. Don't try the bow and arrow. Believe me. Same goes for the devil fish, just spot one and toss a grenade or C4 in the water, just be sure it's not directly under your boat. You'll see that in the video.

So far, I actually like the game. The main missions I've done haven't been too annoying yet and are taking place in the open areas of the map so they aren't too linear. I most likely will delay any more of them in order to liberate outposts and open towers before I go on. Some of the areas though, according to the map, need better weapons or gear that you can only get by advancing the main story, so there will come a time when I will have to do some of them.

There's also the aspect of following one or the other of the two rebel leaders and which missions they give you and is it worth going back and playing again to follow the other leader to get the other missions?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Interesting point of view Dweller! Looking forward to your video. Wonder how a C4 ruins the hide of the rhino, after seeing some guys fool around with a dead elephant making in bounce :-() It didn't look too damaged after a dozen C4 pirouettes in mid-air 8)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 22, 2014, 10:54:35 AM
So far, I actually like the game. The main missions I've done haven't been too annoying yet and are taking place in the open areas of the map so they aren't too linear.

I like the game too, it's mostly just the story missions that get my goat, and one or two other things. Some of the earlier missions take place in the open, and some of the later ones do too, but they have a habit of narrowing up. Wait until you get to Shangri-La, or the mission where you have to escape from Yumi's prison...

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 22, 2014, 10:54:35 AM
There's also the aspect of following one or the other of the two rebel leaders and which missions they give you and is it worth going back and playing again to follow the other leader to get the other missions?

That is something that might draw me back in, if I can remember which missions I did for which leader - I've kind of alternated them. Not very systematic of me I know, but I've tended to go with whichever variant sounded like it would be more fun. I have a feeling that they won't be hugely different even so.

Quote from: nexor on December 22, 2014, 08:00:23 AM
The only way to kill the eagles I found, he flies away from you after his first attack, then watch him circling, you will notice he pulls his wings in when he's about to attack again, wait for him to get close to you, then nail him with your machete, works every time   :-D

Good tip nex, I never thought to try that :D He still knocks a health bar off with his first attack though. I've noticed that when he starts to make his attack and comes diving down, you can't actually shoot him even though there's enough time to draw a bead on him and shoot - your gun just won't fire until he's had a piece of your face. Once he gets off and flies away, your gun will w@&k again.

Art Blade

I've been hanging around at OWG for quite some time and I think everything considered, D_B's posts usually are both rare and short. Reading more than half a screen full of ONE of his posts is fun because of the "I recognise that, I know exactly what he's talking about" aspect as well as the smirk aspect when reading those dry comments about the f@#k-ups that also have that "I did just the same / it could have happened to me" aspect -- all in all, a very entertaining read and damn worth a fat slap on the back.   :) +1 :-X

D_B, you always make me grin big time with that type of posts.  :-D

I will try to play some more over the upcoming holidays. Maybe I can find some fun in it and I hope to be able to deal with the story.

Generally speaking, I like reading from you guys about this game much more than I anticipate playing it myself. We'll see how it goes. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




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