
Started by Binnatics, November 27, 2014, 01:14:53 PM

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I'll just keep on being that persistent ba$t@rd and will indeed keep you guys posted :-D

For once I'll quote our dear friend Fiach, who unfortunately isn't amongst us now:

BinnZ, testing tents and grenades so you don't have to ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

Bin "Boom" Natics  :-X :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Binnatics on December 02, 2014, 08:49:07 AM
I'll just keep on being that persistent ba$t@rd and will indeed keep you guys posted :-D

For once I'll quote our dear friend Fiach, who unfortunately isn't amongst us now:

BinnZ, testing tents and grenades so you don't have to ;)

:laugh: :-X +1 for that, Binn.  I kind of miss good 'ol Fiach

Art Blade

I miss his obsession with foundation garments. :-D
(insider joke.. check L.A. Noire topic  8-X )
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I remember that exchange :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

+1 for throwing yourself on the grenade for us Binn :-D



I still got to figure out how to ignite it AND throw it to distance 8-X
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Back on topic; After my recent experiments with grenades, trucks, killer stairs, zombies and other proven to be deadly affairs I finally made it back to my tent location. And guess what; after dying at least 5 times on different servers, I found back my tent. With everything still in it ^-^ :-X
I stashed away some more stuff, and am planning to get better gear. I will keep a safe amount of good stuff in my storage so that whenever I might die, I have something to come back to. I am beginning to like this persistent thingy 8)

[smg id=7458]
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I reckon it'd almost be a good idea to stash away all the good stuff that you'd need if you spawned as a Bambi. Only problem is, you might have to cross the map to get there and might get killed in the process.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



I now tend to stash away the stuff that should be part of my ideal loadout. With the changes in pistol appearances it's extremely hard to get a good set together of the pistols we know are good quality. The only pistol that's easy to find both ammo and magazines for, is the Makarov, but that really is a crappy pistol. I have a Magnum stashed away in my yellow case. Despite it's loud bang it offers reliable firepower and I happened to find a snaploader for it. They are rare, but findable.
Every time I spawn and try to get fully equipped, I come along great rare stuff, but to find the exact combination is really hard. The tent can help me with that ^-^

I hope to achieve a fully equipped Molsin, including the new and extremely rare snaploaders, with an AKS-74U (small assault riffle that fits in backpack) for descent punch in close range encounters.
It would be nice to find a good assault rifle as well, like the AKM or an M4 with matching scopes and magazines. That could come in handy when visiting crowded areas for looting and stuff ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


It's Tuesday night and tomorrow morning the maintenance will (maybe) reset my tent and its contents. I do believe that it remains there, as it did last time, but I still keep reading the messages warning me to get my stash back into my backpack if I want to keep it on 0.51.
Well, since I've found a pretty decent loadout all together, I don't want to risk loosing it tonight. So I went back to my tent and collected the stuff I really want to keep. The rest of the stuff, still interesting but of less importance or just not as rare, I kept in the tent. I will check what remains tomorrow.
Here's my current loadout listed:

Primary riffle:
Mosin Nagant 9130 (pristine) - With the following attachments;
M44 compensator (pristine)
M91 bayonet (worn)
5Rnd clip (pristine) 2x

Secondary weapon (inside backpack):
MP5-K (pristine) - with the following attachments;
Plastic handguard (pristine)
15Rnd MP5 magazine (pristine) 2x

Extra weapon (inside backpack as well):
Engraved 1911 - with the following attachments;
Pistol Flashlight (pristine)
7Rnd 1911 magazine (pristine)

I also have a Magnum with a single 6Rnd snaploader. I keep that just in case. Don''t want to throw it away since the combo of both the gun and the snaploader is rare, and pretty effective. Could come in handy as a decent firepower when in a dangerous area with lots of other players. Can afford to loose it, but it will probably keep me alive ^-^

I also have the usual stuff of course, like a compass, a map, a rangefinder, some morphine auto-injectors, bandages and a lot of ammo of all sorts. I have two yellow protector cases. They are very valuable to me, as they give me extra space in my backpack (turn 4 slots into 6).

Here's some screenies of my gear and the stuff that remains in my tent. As you can see I still have an SKS inside. I like the weapon because it holds 10 very deadly and accurate rounds, with a decent scope attached. You find the SKS everywhere but the quickloader, containing 10 rounds, is very rare. I happen to have one, which makes it a good life saver.
On a side note: Most guns now allow you to simply 'eject' the bullets you put in. That makes the Mosin a better alternative for an assault riffle, since you can eject the 2 (or 1) remaining bullets and fill it up again with 5 new ones. I hated it that I had to fire the last 2 rounds in order to fill it up again or walk around with a half-loaded weapon. The 5Rnd clips make the Mosin even more threatening, since you can rapidly reload your gun without having to dug into your backpack searching for bullets. That is a great plus for any sniper.
[smg id=7464]

Here's the MP5-K. It is extremely rare. I feel really lucky having found one in a police station, and even have found some 15rnd magazines for it. Of course I hope to find a scope fir it (you can attach all M4 scopes, found at helo crash sites) and it would be very nice to find some 30rnd magazines in the future. But so far, it is ready to use and bursts a high rate 9mm rain on anyone who dares to come close >:D
[smg id=7465]

Look, Art: They fixed the appearance of the 7Rnd clip in the 1911 8)
[smg id=7466]
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


I kept experimenting with tents; I have two of them now. :-()

I put the second one on the same spot, but in a different server. This new server I chose is a much more stable one. I've been wandering around in it for quite a while now without it ever acting weird, and it seems to be pretty persistent. So; two tents with all good stuff in it, and I continued looking for even nicer stuff.  ^-^
After a couple of days I came back to my tents, and they were still there. Only, the tent I left primary, with the MP5, the Mosin and the 1911 in it, was empty this time. The second tent, in the new server, was exactly the way I left it. So two things may have happened to the stash in my first tent.
#1   Someone found the stash and looted the tent. Apparently he didn't have enough space to carry the tent as well, or he didn't care for it.
#2   The server somehow messed up and made the content disappear.

Both possible options are unlikely, but one of them must have been true. I tend to think it was the second scenario. I can't imagine someone taking all the gear inside (even arrows and a cooking pit) and I also think that even if someone had no room for taking the tent with him, he would move it to another location. That's at least what I should do. Tents are rare, and it costs hours to find one if you know the right strategy. If you don't know that, you may search for days until you come across one. Plus, you can hold a tent in your hands like an extra riffle, so it's easy to just drag it to another location and pitch it there.

That means the persistence still has its flaws. Or it means it's the crankiness of that server the tent was on.

"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Omg, I found another one:
[smg id=7475]
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


You be careful with that, young man \:/


Your old HP avatar is back, fragger!   :-X

Art Blade

yep, I like that avatar, too  :)

Binnatics, as to the grenade.. try to do exactly the same as you did with the first one so we may find out whether or not there is a flaw in their design. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


hmmm, that might be an idea. To make it a proper scientific research I'll put it on a workbench this time before I pull the pin out :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


[smg id=7490]

Right now I have both tents on the same server. I don't want to waste time on searching for another reliable server, and I want to keep it simple, so I planted the second tent next to the other.
I separated the content into "Foreign military" and "The Rest". The first only holds stuff that can be found at Heli Crash sites; for example an M4, an Amphibia, ammo and attachments, that sort of stuff. The second one I try to fill with full weapon sets, so that whenever I spawn as a Bambi I can max out any weapon I find along the way to my stash. So far I got gear for the AKM, for the AK101 (with the AK101 including) for the SKS and for the crossbow. I also try to gather stuff for good pistols and eventually want to get a full set of Mosin attachments. I carry my best gear with my now, the Mosin and the MP5-K. So if I find extra clips, scopes and other useful stuff for these, I will also keep them.

[smg id=7491]
[smg id=7492]

Kind of funny how I keep myself busy collecting and trying to get backups for my best weapons. That's practically my basic occupancy in DayZ atm.  ^-^

"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :) Thanks fellas, but it's not quite the same avatar. I upgraded it for FC4.

This was the old FC3 one:

[smg id=7504]


Nice; much more detail!  :-X


Funny that we all thought it was the same. Now I can see the snowy mountains in the background. Nice eye for detail Fragger! :-X :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Art Blade

 ??? :) +1 :-X :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳