Uplay bullshit strikes again

Started by JRD, January 27, 2015, 06:24:40 AM

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Yeah, everything was going well... too well.  :angry-new:

I tried to play some Black Flag a couple days ago and I got prompted by Uplay asking me to activate the game  ??? ... as if I wasn't playing it on a daily basis lately. Sure enough when I entered the code it said this game was already assigned to someone else's profile even though I was using the same profile I use at uplay.

So I logged in to uplay website only to see I have zero games on my list... ZERO!!!!!  >:((

I then decided to get in touch with support but their interface is built to keep you away with your annoying issues like all your games not showing any longer on your list... the ones you paid for  >:((

After getting through several FAQs I found a place I can send support a question. The only problem is that it doesn't show as a question I sent on the "my questions" list so it seems it went straight into oblivion and I doubt I will ever get any reply from their crappy support.

Finally I saw a "send feedback" icon at the corner of the page and sent them some feedback all right. Only thing is that when I try to submit the said feedback I get a "connection error - try again later"

Can you freaking believe this? They just let your games disappear overnight and give you the worst, lamest, crappiest support ever!!!!!!

Anyone else know how to actually get some answers from them?

They don't seem to be willing to allow you to tell your issues with games they force you to play through them. How I fucking hate uplay.... I wish I could sue them from here.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


That's awful, JRD, so sorry to read of your difficulties.  I've experienced something similar through Origin, but not Uplay yet  looking forward to it.  :D  My Origin issue was a stupid one - I had two accounts and was looking at the wrong one.  8-X

I don't have an answer for you other than to try again - sometimes I think there is a server-side glitch that resolves when you give it time.  Today you might be able to log in and everything will be fine, since your account is likely still present behind the scenes (as evidenced by your attempt at entering the code again)

Maybe someone else who has experienced the same with Uplay will have some advice

Good luck, my friend, nothing worse than being cheated by a system through no fault of your own.


That really stinks, JRD :angry-new: Hopefully, like PZ said it'll come good again, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

That's one of the major drawbacks of having to be online to play - if something clags out at the other end, you're screwed.

Can Black Flag be played offline?


Quote from: fragger on January 27, 2015, 08:08:47 AM
Can Black Flag be played offline?

Good question.  I am skeptical however, because I remember playing AC2 which initiated a starting applet that controlled the start of the game - if you were offline, the game would not start.  I have not yet seen Ubi do anything that will make gamers happier rather than angrier so for them to allow the game to be played entirely offline would truly astound me.


In - F*@#ing - credible!!!! \:/

The worst of all is their complete lack of support. If only there would be a phone number you could call to explain to someone what was happening, even if it made you wait for 15 minutes, even if you would end up explaining your issue to a complete incompetent, even then it would at least give you an option to solve the issue. This total lack of respect for their customers is what angers me the most. >:((

I think PZ is right, there will be a restore moment soon and the hiccup will probably last for a very short time. The best help is probably given by gamers who had the same issues.

Oh, how I wish there was an easy way to let these shitheads pay for their arrogant attitude towards people paying hard earned cash for their product.  :angry-new:
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Well, turns out it was some sort of hiccup. I just managed to log in and access saved games. Support, however, never got in touch with me and if the issue was to persist or if it ever strikes again, I'm doomed.

Didn't try to play it offline yet but I guess PZ is right. Not sure if we can launch the uplay interface if offline.

I'm crossing my fingers so I won't have to go through that again.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Art Blade

Quote from: JRD on January 27, 2015, 03:14:20 PMNot sure if we can launch the uplay interface if offline.

you can. Under settings is an option to launch u-play in offline mode.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

By the way, FC4 just came up with another 31.4MB download..
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



I must be flying lucky - no update on the console


I prefer the small updates anytime, mine only took a minute and a half, It's the one gig and up ones that annoys me


Nice, Ubisoft released a new update for the uPlay platform, and what do you know, it doesn't start anymore.

Topic on Ubisoft's forums

Art Blade

they've gone too far already and now that.. I WILL NOT support their arrogance and incompetence anymore by buying anything from UBI.  >:((
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 >:(( I agree Art, FC4 will be my last purchase from this mob.

I haven't gotten the last two game updates because I've been running the "skip intro" option from an icon I created myself - at least, I think that's why I haven't. After reading the gripes on that forum, I certainly won't be changing it back. Not that I would anyway.

But those were game updates, not platform updates. There's no way I want to risk that happening, so from now on I'll be disconnecting my internet entirely whenever I play FC4, going well and truly offline.

Don't they test these things before they release them? Or do they test them by releasing them?


Ok I agree, even though we having to put up with a lot of crap from UBI we still enjoy their games more than those dished up by other developers   >:((

So the question is, where else are we going to get games like FarCry, FarCry2,3 and 4 from ???


Nex, I've thought about it from that point of view also, and I think that what it comes down to is that if we, the gaming community, don't make our displeasure known then things will only get worse. If Ubi gets away with shabby treatment of its customers, other devs will believe that they can get away with it too, and the whole market will ultimately turn to crap (if it hasn't already). It may sound rather overly-dramatic since we're discussing computer games here, but as the philosopher Edmund Burke once said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent".

The only way things will get better is for consumers to speak out, or vote with their feet. If Ubi continues to treat their customers with contempt, and if enough customers shun them as a result and take their custom elsewhere, then they'll realise that they need to raise their standards in order to woo their customers back or risk going belly-up. It's the customers who determine the success or failure of any retail enterprise, and I think Ubi needs to be reminded of that fact. Their bottom line is the best place to aim the hardest kick at.

As you know I generally love the Far Cry games, but my life wouldn't exactly become a barren, existentialist wasteland if I couldn't play any of them ever again. As much as I love to game, I have other interests. If the only way to get companies like Ubisoft to lift their game is to give them the bum's rush, then I for one am prepared to do that, and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I might even find more time to develop my creativity, and I might get more of the housework done :-()


Remember my SimCity rant?  EA/Maxis forced you to log in to their server AND store your saved game on their cloud.  If anything happened to your connection, you lost all of your progress to that point.  Talk about angry gamers.

I recall some sort of petition site that even I voted on - unfortunately can't recall the site, but that would be a way to voice user opinions.  It might have worked, because EA finally rolled out a patch that took away the online all the time requirement.

I philosophically agree with you fragger, but like the difference between most gamers and our bunch on OWG - there are way too many 12-year old gamers using their parent's money to purchase games.  They don't know or care about protesting to Ubi.  I have the feeling that our collective objection in the form of not purchasing the game won't even be noticed.

I think the e-voting method might give Ubi more of an idea how the collective gaming community feels about their practices.  After all, the 12-year old gamer will simply throw the FC4 disc aside and play something else, using parent's credit card of course.

I wonder just how many adults have had games purchased using their credit, and are not even aware of the titles they have.  8-X


I agree with you wholeheartedly fragger, I sure as hell won't lose any sleep over it. As it stands these big name people like UBISOFT, EA and Activision are developing their games to suite the under 20 lead-them-by-the-nose, shoot'em to hell, one playthrough, wait for the next game, gamers.   :D

Unfortunately gamers like us are in the minority and I recall how fruitless our attempts were in getting the UBI's devs to take an interest in the aftermarket likes and dislikes of their games, I even supplied a link to visit OWG in the emails I sent them, none ever bothered  ::)

So yeah, it will take another FarCry 2 to get me interested again  :-\\


When I log into FC4 and there is an update pending the UPlay launcher has a popup window that gives me procedural choices by clicking check boxes asking (something like):

[ ] "Do you wish to proceed with the download?
     [ ] "Launch game when down load is complete"

[ ] "Do you wish to play off line?"

After my initial install and set up of FC4 I don't believe I've experienced an update with a download time lasting longer than a minute.  I'm sorry some of you guys are getting beat up so bad over this issue.  :(

And it wasn't UPlay that killed me on the AC series.  It was the direction they took on turning the damn series into a freaking Pirate romp.  I hate pirates and have several ideas on wiping them off the face of the earth once and for all.

That is if it were possible to get anyone in a position to listen and with the inclination to act on them.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thing is PZ, we have a company called BTGames, They have branches in most shopping malls, you can order and pay for your game online, kids know their parent's credit card details, so they pay online and tomorrow after school get mommy to stop at the mall, he rushes in and collects his game, done. 
Neither mommy or daddy checks bank statements end of the month  ???


After the initial 6 hour install download, I had only one that was 3GB, the rest are as you say mandru, a minute or two and it's done


I think there's choices all over. I refuse to spend big money on UBI titles. That's my silent protest. I don't feel the need to shout all over the internet that I hate UBI for their customer support. It's too much of a waste of time and effort from my point of view.
I play other games and am willing to spend the full price for titles that deliver good and solid gaming. I will sign any petition though, if it's not too much w@&k and registering  :-D
FC branch will farther fall when they keep focussing on the youngster rush-gamers with the brains on top of their crosshair. Making the games even more pointless.
We will choose other titles. The good thing is that we will probably enjoy these for a longer time.  ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


And Civ V. For me, there's always Civ V :-X

Good points, all. I guess we can huff and puff all we like but we'll never blow Ubi's house down. Not with all the kiddie bricks shoring it up.

Best to save the huffing and puffing for where it might actually count for something :)

🡱 🡳