Don't bother modding camo suit stealth value

Started by aleeque, February 04, 2015, 06:12:02 PM

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...or buying the item at all, for that matter.

I just spent like three hours testing all possible values (from 1 to 100) and it never works. Basically, what the description says is that you are hard to notice when stationary and crouched in tall grass. Okay, this might very well be true, indeed I had enemies walk up very close to me and do nothing. But guess what? As soon as you do ANYTHING, everyone immediately starts shooting at you. And by "anything" I mean even something as subtle as shooting someone with a silenced 6P9 and missing. Sure, if you actually land a headshot, no one will be alerted, but guess what? You can do that perfectly fine without the camo suit.

Don't waste the 45 diamonds.


Thanks for doing the research - I thought as much because I stopped purchasing the camo suit years ago, and never noticed a difference I could really believe.

Art Blade

indeed, thanks for bringing up this one. I have never truly believed those who claimed that it did w@&k because to me it never felt as if it did.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I couldn't detect any appreciable difference either. There never seemed to be one. At times I felt as though I may as well have spent my diamonds on a Day-Glo vest :-()

Thanks for your efforts aleeque :-X


You can make the camo suit do something useful though (even if it isn't hiding you).

The DLC weapons don't have operations and repair manuals, but you can add their effects to the camo suit. This is what to add:

         <Plan name="stealth_camouflage">
            <bonus attr="stealth" value="1" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="crossbow" />




What is the object name for the ATV and the Utility truck? I'd like to drive them wrecked :-D >:D


I believe the object name that the vehicle manuals use is in XX_vehicle.xml, in the element with hash "F1B1D97B". So probably "quad" and "unimog".


Nothing in 40_vehicles. :( But there is an item called quad_single in the dlc1 entitylibrary.


It's in the DLC entity library, in file 2_vehicle.xml, although you may need to convert from the hex to read it.


The game crashed when I added repair bonuses for the Unimog and the ATV to the camo suit  :'(


Not quite sure why it wouldn't w@&k. I did something slightly different though.

I added the repair bonuses to other vehicle entries, ATV on the buggy, and unimog on the big truck. Here are those sections:

         <Plan name="buggy_vehicle_manual" object="buggy">
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-50" type="percent" object="buggy" />
            <bonus attr="repairtime" value="-50" type="percent" object="buggy" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-50" type="percent" object="quad" />
            <bonus attr="repairtime" value="-50" type="percent" object="quad" />
         <Plan name="bigtruck_vehicle_manual" object="bigtruck">
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-50" type="percent" object="bigtruck" />
            <bonus attr="repairtime" value="-50" type="percent" object="bigtruck" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-50" type="percent" object="unimog" />
            <bonus attr="repairtime" value="-50" type="percent" object="unimog" />

On the camo suit, I added the manual stuff for the DLC weapons:

         <Plan name="stealth_camouflage">
            <bonus attr="stealth" value="1" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="SawedOffShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="SilencedShotgun" />
            <bonus attr="accuracy" value="20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="recoil" value="20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="degradation" value="-20" type="percent" object="crossbow" />
            <bonus attr="unjamtime" value="-35" type="percent" object="crossbow" />


Nice  :-X :) I'll test that. The camo suit trick worked great for the DLC weapons  >:D >:D The game works now, thank you  :-D :-D :-D :-D 1+

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