Ooooh, pretty

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 17, 2009, 07:50:28 AM

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Nothing special here, but just a pretty shot of a waterfall showing off how good the game engine looks. I bet with a bit of tweaking, I could print this out and display it with my other, real world, waterfall shots and people would ask, "Wow, where is that one?"

[smg id=4815]
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


And yet, I hear people saying the water effects in FC2 sucks....
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


You know, the funny thing is that there are many people that complain about bugs, glitches, FC2 doesn't do this right, that right...  it's a shame that they don't have the game play experience that our group has had - they really don't know what they are missing by letting the F-word (frustration) get the better of them.  After playing through the game 8 times, each without a single problem I'm wondering why I've been so lucky. This is pure conjecture, but I've been a programmer (ages ago) and this is a plausible explanation. In each interaction with someone (buddy, APR, UFLL officials, etc) I let them competely finish what they are saying before I move on. Also, when returning from a buddy quest to report to the buddy at Mike's, I always wait the few seconds to see the Mission completed message, and then the Reputation increased message before I move on. It is possible that if the person you are interacting with does not complete their programmed routine, the next mission you attempt will not w@&k properly, thus introducing a flaw into your current saved game that you will not recover from. This also would explain why an earlier save did not w@&k.

As I mentioned, this is purely guesswork, but it might explain some of the "glitches" that some people experience while others do not.


I believe that's a good conjecture.  I too have had no problems with this stuff and I always stand still and wait for the processes to finish.  It's just a shame if other people missed out on enjoying this awesome game.  forums and member created pages


Those complaining about FC2 are, in most cases, fans of Crysis.
Just let me tell you something... I'm in my first playthrough Crysis and the second level scripted scene just never happened...Ohh a glitch!... and you don't interact with anybody else, so its a game glitch, not a gamer glitch!
Reloaded level, nothing, reloaded again, still nothing... deleted profile and restarted the whole game. Than it worked.
On the 3rd level, image glitches, which I never had in FC2... although I must admit it might be due to overheating, but the point is... played FC2 flawless and Crysis bugged (not finished yet, hopefully no more of those).
Will post about replay values of those games when I beat Crysis
And to keep to the topic... water... I think muddy rivers in Africa are just great. I never expected cristal clear waters there.
To watch a sunset shinning over the water like you can in the safehouse near the southeast bus stop in the southern map is breathtaking!

Oh... and by the way D_B... I can't see your hands or machete on that pic.
Did you edited it or is there a way of taking a screenshot without your weapons?
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I love that safe house on the cliff above the southeast bus stop in Bowa - sometimes will take a nap just to be able to watch sunrise or sunset.  Maybe we can get D_B to take a screen cap when he eventually arrives there.  By the way, the quick way to the bus stop is to simply go over the edge.  Don't just jump (you'll crash and burn); rather, ease your way over the edge and keep the stick pulled back to slow your descent.   One of my favorite ways to stock up on supplies or change the time of day after receiving a mission.


I liked Crysis very much, but you really need a fast rig to play it, and if your video card and drivers aren't 100% you will have problems. Overheating is also an issue since it really taxes your hardware. Make sure all your fans are working and you have no dust in any of your cooling fins. The water in Crysis is a different setup thatn FC2. It has currents and there are actual streams and rivers in it. Drop a body into a stream and it will float with the current until it hits something. I've had 3 or 4 dead bodies jammed up at the top of a waterfall, with the blood streaming out of them into the water. Pretty cool. The water in FC2 is mostly all one level, "global sea level" type setting sorta like Battlefield 1942. There seem to be a few water type objects that can be used to make puddles and small lakes, but most of it is all at the same level. Both are really good though, just different.

I took the screen shot using the machete, and while the blade was swiping back and forth, there's one spot where it's completely off screen, with the right timing, you can get a clean screeny that way.

I've been to the safe house near the bus stop in the south, the one near the marina, right? I'll have to see what the viewe looks like there, I never hung around long enough. BTW, I've opened all the safe houses, retrieved all the diamonds and unlocked all the guard posts now. I'm now working on cell towers and predecessor tapes. Already turned in all the Jackal tapes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


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