Raid the OCC growers farm

Started by PZ, March 22, 2009, 01:33:48 PM

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Warren Clyde Buddy Quest:  Steal the illicit drug from the OCC growers farm

Entering the cool, dark interior of Mike's from the blazing afternoon heat was a relief... saw Warren sitting at the table... with a chuckle he wanted me to steal a substance called khat, a mixture of pot and coffee from between the main greenhouses at the growers farm.  While this area is not too heavily patrolled, it can be a bit of a challenge, and I don't have the diamonds to purchase a Dragunov SVD yet.  I could have settled for the M1903, but the rate of fire is too low - oh well, the golden AK hasn't failed me yet...

Exiting the bar into the sweltering sun, I left Mike's intending to drive the route, which I have done many times before - only two guard posts, one with only 3 mercs tending the shop, and another more dangerous one with a half-dozen mercs patrolling, one in a sniper tower.  Started rolling out of Mike's area and drove past the intersection to Pala - the old white Datsun is still sitting on the route out of town to the east.  Stopped my truck at the bend just before the first guard post (3 mercs) and crept in from the west - they were all flapping their lips not paying attention - took out a lone sentry with the 6P9.  The other two alerted and began their search for me - another couple of head shots and they were all gone to meet their maker.  Relieved them of a pistol clip and continued on my way.

Like a fool, I was too absorbed in the beauty of the sunny day and ran smack dab into the second (dangerous) post - the mercs descended on me like flies on stink - nearly bought the farm when Quarbani saved my bacon.  I was suspicious of his behavior, and rightly so because after saving me, he tried to kill me - nervy guy...  Luckily I was ready for him, and managed to gun him down instead (I'm running out of buddies here...gonna get a bad rep...)

Made my way to a sweet sniper position south of the farm and darted the closest sniper - he cried out alerting the horde, but they couldn't find me.  Took out a few more and then went loud to attract them to me.  A couple of well-placed grenades in a couple of different groups and most of them were gone...

Strolled down to pick up the bag and then walked along a path I'd not used before heading toward the western exit of the area.  Another GPS hit took me down a ladder into a shack to pick up another diamond - took the assault truck on the road back toward Pala to debrief with Warren - was  a bit more careful at that well-defended guard post though...

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Here PZ, found this on my last visit to the Private Property... think you'll find it usefull...

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Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


That's just what I need jrderntl,

I don't suppose that it works....


When I did that mission, I took the bus over to the south east station, then took a truck cross-country avoiding all road patrols & GPs to the safe house by the weapon dealer. Then, I went cross-country again to the path that leads into the farm.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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