movie recommendations

Started by spaceboy, May 19, 2009, 10:57:39 AM

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Just watched a movie playing off in your neck of the woods fragger, or rather in and around Dampier, WA.
Based on the true story of a dog by the name of Red Dog.
The movie started off a bit mixed up but then I realised the people from the area were busy telling a stranger about this dog, mrs nex went through a number of tissues.  :-(


Thanks nex, but I actually already covered that one here.

It's a cool movie, I'd like to watch it again some time.


We don't get to watch much modern day movies, just don't know what they achieve from all the faul language and sex scenes  >:((
They don't make movies like this one anymore  :-(


Yeah, it was like an old-fashioned family film, but not childishly schmaltzy, nor did it talk down the adults. I thought it was a lovely film for everyone.

I agree, I don't know why there has to be so much vulgar language in so many films these days. I'm no stranger to blue language, I use enough of it myself (although I don't punctuate my speech with it, like some do. I use it sparingly and for effect :-()) But I don't use it if I'm out in public, if there's kids around, or if I think someone might hear it who will be offended. I think it comes down to respect for other peoples' sensibilities in the end. I've heard some in the film industry who, when called on it, will say something like "What's the big deal? Everybody talks like that nowadays" or "Those words are no longer considered offensive". Well, no, not everybody talks like that nowadays, and some people do find it offensive, and they have every right to, just as those who employ that language have a right to use it. It all comes down to consideration for others.

So I think the reason I get annoyed by excessive swearing in movies is not because of the language itself, but because of the lack of consideration for those who don't like it. It's arrogance on the part of the film makers - they're like, if the goody-goodys don't like it, tough luck (although they wouldn't use the word "luck" there). It can even be counter-productive. I know people who will refuse to see a movie if they've heard that it has lot of bad language in it, so there's some potential revenue lost right there.

As far as I'm concerned, bad language rarely adds realism to a film, nor is necessary. I don't mind if it's occasional and if a situation in a movie warrants it, and in the right circumstances it can even be funny. There's nothing intrinsically funny about the language itself though unless you have the maturity of a 10-year-old, and I believe that excessive use of it demonstrates a lack of imagination and wit.

There is another Aussie film which I'm very fond of called The Castle, a comedy about a typical suburban family fighting developers who want to buy their house to make room for an additional runway to an adjoining airport. The first time I was enjoying it tremendously up until about the halfway point when the first F-bomb was dropped, and I thought, "was that really necessary?" There wasn't a lot of it for the rest of the film, but it still came up from time to time and it really did not add anything to the movie. It lowered the tone of the whole thing a little for me. I still enjoyed it, but it would have done just fine without the badinage.

I recommend that movie actually, if you can get it. The swearing isn't excessive and there really are a lot of laughs in it. No sex either.


Mrs nex grew up in an environment where cursing was alien. I also grew up with my folks teaching us boys that you DO NOT curse or use foul language in the presence of woman. I don't mind the odd curse word in the right place but when mrs nex and I watch a movie and they use foul language I actually get embarrassed and would change channels to watch something else

Art Blade

I like to swear when women and kids are around as they can still be shocked, at least way more than the blokes at the bar.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I would have liked to have seen Deadpool but even the trailers were so loaded with enough explicit dialog (too extreme to be called innuendo) that I couldn't even show them to Mrs. mandru.  ???
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I think it was inevitable that the relatively squeaky-clean superhero genre would eventually degenerate into a typical modern-day swearathon. They can't leave anything alone ::)

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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