It´s a great game but...

Started by deadman1, May 23, 2009, 07:33:49 AM

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Great tip - I'll be excited to try that one the next time - thanks, Art!


The LZ fight with all your past buddies "Superbuffed" with tons of health was the absolutely stupidest ending of any PC game I have ever played.

But...that's one of the few things I find annoying about this game.


I think many of us agree with you Burawura... that's why we shoot them all right after doing their quests  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

 ;D ehehehe! Only the crazed out peeps, who know but don't, are likely to be looking forward to hollering "Well, look what we got! It's getting-even time!" once they've reached the LZ  ;D

This time I will kill each and everyone there with great dedication and pleasure  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


The only time I felt bad was when Nasreen was the lone buddy standing there and almost came to my defense.  Felt bad taking her out with the AS50.  The irony of it is that the better you are at saving your buddies in Leboa, the more of them there are at the LZ to gun you down.  I guess that the developers were trying to teach those with honor a lesson in being a back-stabbing merc.

These days, I'm just a heartless cold-blooded merc that will gun down anything and anyone, animals, women, children (just like William Munny).


Quote from: PZ on September 07, 2009, 08:26:03 PM
These days, I'm just a heartless cold-blooded merc that will gun down anything and anyone, animals, women, children (just like William Munny).

Who says computer games don't build character? ;D


Quote from: fragger on September 08, 2009, 05:14:49 AM
Quote from: PZ on September 07, 2009, 08:26:03 PM
These days, I'm just a heartless cold-blooded merc that will gun down anything and anyone, animals, women, children (just like William Munny).

Who says computer games don't build character? ;D

hahaha.  :-X  forums and member created pages


Yeah that ending is a bit tough,especially with 3 Duke shots entering their fat little craniums and they yell "Take cover'. Geez, that's a given, isn't it? And Peter sounding like it's coughing up a lung and they just act like thy're getting mosquito bites.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

I'd bring my battle axe if I were allowed to. ;D

and have to reply to this:
Quote from: fragger on September 08, 2009, 05:14:49 AM
Who says computer games don't build character? ;D

huahahaha!! brilliant  ;D :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Ceres Tauri


Inability to upgrade body armor choices.  I'd put just a Kevlar vest and a helmet on if I could, as IRL.  Gives vital protection, is lightweight and still quiet when moving.

The low power of the assault rifle class entirely. 

The low power of the PKM and SAW, those should kill with my 5 count bursts and they just wound.  Thats just wrong.  Same for chest shots with the Dragunov.  Should always be a K and a down wounded on leg hits..  They really do seem to be pushing us to headshots.

Merc AI should have them using cover even when my rep is low.  Bullets are bullets.  Any smart Merc should dive for HARD cover asap as rounds start coming downrange.

Constant aggro of everyone on the map.  Sheesh. if I choose to w@&k one side for a series of missions they should stop shooting me and help me take out the enemy.

The ending.  Come on man.  Let me do what I came here to do.  Should be the option.  I guess we could... but we have to do one chore or the other and cant do both by ourselves... damn I hate that.   I'm gonna choose the other this thru and see what happens.


Quote from: Ceres Tauri on October 12, 2009, 08:56:17 PM
The ending.  Come on man.  Let me do what I came here to do.

I agree CT, I always thought the ending was an anti-climax.
How about if instead you had to top the Jackal in a one-on-one, then go back and wipe out ALL the mercs on both maps, only this time they don't respawn, and the game's not over until every last one of them is pushing up the daisies? Cleansing the country of all its Jackal-funded filth, in other words. Or something along those lines.


Yes I agree with you guys about the ending. Both times I gotta box load of diamonds that I didn't use on weapons. I favoured about just 8.Now when I look back on the ending I should be able to do as suggested but, being the nice guy I was, give Reuben some of them to help rebuild. There's some nice property there I could buy and while away my Merc retirement looking at the scenery.
I guess the devs just don't see an ending where things could be different than death or total disappearance from any sequel. With a live ending good old Far Cry dude could show up in another game, healed or feeling better and help rid another small country of their infestations.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Quote from: fragger on October 13, 2009, 02:36:38 AM
Quote from: Ceres Tauri on October 12, 2009, 08:56:17 PM
The ending.  Come on man.  Let me do what I came here to do.

I agree CT, I always thought the ending was an anti-climax.
How about if instead you had to top the Jackal in a one-on-one, then go back and wipe out ALL the mercs on both maps, only this time they don't respawn, and the game's not over until every last one of them is pushing up the daisies? Cleansing the country of all its Jackal-funded filth, in other words. Or something along those lines.

Reminds me of a scifi story I read a long time ago, don't remember the title or who wrote it, but in a nutshell, an alien comes to earth and generates this energy field that turns everyone on earth into a homicidal maniac, the ultimate goal to find out who would be the last person standing. Weird story. Anyway, your idea of clearing out the mercs reminds me of that, the first few are fairly easy, your average mercs like always, then once you get them down to a couple dozen or so, they get harder to kill. The last one's a real pain. Also, in the story, the alien provided tracking devices to all the "hunters" once the world population was down to a few thousand, so they didn't spend all their time just looking for each other. Same could apply here, once there are only 50 or so mercs left (or maybe just all of them from the beginning) they are marked on your map so you can find them.

Where's the mod kit when you need it?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I'm with you guys on the ending, "anti-climax" is the perfect term.  It had potential though, I think they just didn't develop the idea enough.  It makes sense to me that everyone ends up dead, just look at how bad things have gotten by that point - the heads have all been cut off, no loyalties are left, and there is nothing but a war-shattered country filled with leaderless, murderous pirates.  It makes sense to me that everyone ends up in a body bag.  The ending on the cliff was a good start - holding the sparking wires in your hands, the moments hesitation before touching the wires together and the immediate cut to black when you do.  I was in to it.  But the border crossing ending BLOWS!  I was anticipating seeing your character take out their sidearm as they crossed the border, pull the slide back to chamber a round, and with trembling hands raise the gun (to what would be their mouth so you can see it onscreen) and one final squeeze of the trigger to send it to a similar cut to black - roll credits!!! No showing the cliff explosion, no Reuben, no happy civilians crossing the border, because it's all over for you and you'll never see the fruits of your labor.  That would have been the best ending, but they friggin softenend it.  A shame really.  :'(

Art Blade

I remember when I got there for the first time. It was so intense, that jungle, those mercs, taking out the two leaders across that bridge in their hut, the jackal sloshing gasoline all over the stuff in the safehouse, the decision gun or battery (gun), the landing zone... all intense. Then the last march to deliver the diamond. On the way were patrols, many it seemed, and I killed them, heart pounding because of the anticipation of more to come, the sound of the voice over those loudspeakers telling everyone to surrender their weapons (which I kept pondering on how to avoid that at all costs while getting closer)... And man was I disappointed at the fact that the rest was all scripted. I was willing to conquer that place, kill a guard, take his weapon and so on... disappointing, really. I only tried the battery to see how that was different, but thereafter I skip that end sequence. I quit early to spare me that embaressing end and start a new carreer :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: mmosu on October 13, 2009, 02:56:04 PM
I'm with you guys on the ending, "anti-climax" is the perfect term.  It had potential though, I think they just didn't develop the idea enough.  It makes sense to me that everyone ends up dead, just look at how bad things have gotten by that point - the heads have all been cut off, no loyalties are left, and there is nothing but a war-shattered country filled with leaderless, murderous pirates.  It makes sense to me that everyone ends up in a body bag.  The ending on the cliff was a good start - holding the sparking wires in your hands, the moments hesitation before touching the wires together and the immediate cut to black when you do.  I was in to it.  But the border crossing ending BLOWS!  I was anticipating seeing your character take out their sidearm as they crossed the border, pull the slide back to chamber a round, and with trembling hands raise the gun (to what would be their mouth so you can see it onscreen) and one final squeeze of the trigger to send it to a similar cut to black - roll credits!!! No showing the cliff explosion, no Reuben, no happy civilians crossing the border, because it's all over for you and you'll never see the fruits of your labor.  That would have been the best ending, but they friggin softenend it.  A shame really.  :'(

This is exactly what I had expected; sitting down on the side of the road/trail, producing the pistol, loading a single round into the chamber, releasing the slider, raising the gun to your mouth/head, and then one final input to pull the trigger, similar to the animation for the car battery is split into two.  Or, have the option to continue to roam both areas for an infinite amount of time, free to further explore the landscape.  I was hoping for the latter, but I release now it's far more enjoyable to simply start a fresh game with a different character.


I'm at the stage now where I pretty much just start a new game once I get to the prison to meet the Jackal, before I enter the place. I've never been crazy about the way you're funneled into a linear path from there on, after all that open-world freedom.


I was also expecting to pull the trigger, maybe have Rueben run up and try to stop you.   Taking over a guard's gun is a good idea Art.  I too liked the ending playout at first (I did the battery first).  That ending is better.    But I've only played out the end game once for each option.  forums and member created pages


Unfortunately I think the devs hedged at allowing the player to commit full-metal jacket on screen. Maybe they felt the video game world just wasn't ready but the problem was they were designing a game where such and ending was pretty much mandatory.  Anyone remember the ending of Shadow of the Colossus?  It was devastating, especially after feeling like I had really bought into the main character and empathized with him.  I had hoped to feel something similar at the end of FC2, but the border cross ending just doesn't allow it.  I wanted to feel the last horrifying moment as the last bullet comes bursting from the muzzle, they could have even squeezed in some sort of "life flashes before your eyes" moment that would be different depending on your character and gave little glimpses into their back-story, now THAT would have been cool! 8) Imagine seeing Hakim's wife and daughters right before BANG!! SPLAT!  Come to think of it, Metal Gear Solid 4 pulled off a suicide ending (sort of . . . I guess . . . at least until the end of the credits  :-[).  If Hideo Kojima can do it so can FarCry!!!!

Art Blade

FallOut3 did that too, a flash back of the things you did well or bad during the game, before you croak :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Now that I think about it, MGS4 had flashbacks for in-game deaths too.  One was a cool shot of Snake saluting in front of the unnamed grave at Arlington where The Boss was supposed to have been buried.  On the tombstone it reads "Here lies a patriot, who saved the world" - cool moment in that game :-X


Thinking about my surviving buddies at the LZ.

One of these times I'm going to just scoop up the case and concentrate on getting the hell out of there with out firing a shot, just to see how far they are willing to chase and give them a chance to find their own fate instead of me being the reaper.

On a recent play through I had Xianyong as a surviving buddy but when I reached the LZ he didn't show!  He was alive in my buddy list but he didn't show up for that final confrontation. I wandered around the area for a while searching and thinking maybe he was hiding but then it dawned on me, "Do I really need to whack him if he's here and not being aggressive?"

I turned and slipped North out the LZ egress as I sent a mental well wishing back to Xianyong, where ever he was, "Good on ya kid, Be well". Then I pushed onward for my appointment with Jackal.

Also, I always go to Father Malia's assistance instead of Mike's at the close of the first half of the game. My buddies are mercs and they should be able to care for themselves. It's their chosen occupation.

Somewhere just once through the second half of the mission when transporting passports to an underground cell I would have liked to have met an underground contact that confessed something along the lines of:

"So it really is you! Frankly you scare the Hell out of me and I wouldn't have anything to do with you but Father Malia has told us of what happened to you after you assisted him and his followers' escape in the North.

While I'm unable to have enough faith to believe that there is good in you somewhere, I will lean on the good Father's faith that you are someone we should help.

I feel that I should thank you for allowing me to look Death in the face and live and I know that by this hand," (hands you the bottle of pills) "I am part of some unknown Higher plan than is my place to understand."

... Oh well it would have been nice. Even Greaves' comment "Be careful, We'd hate to loose a good man." was one of the few positive moments in the game.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru on October 20, 2009, 07:29:49 AM
I wandered around the area for a while searching and thinking maybe he was hiding but then it dawned on me, "Do I really need to whack him if he's here and not being aggressive?"

I turned and slipped North out the LZ egress as I sent a mental well wishing back to Xianyong ,where ever he was, "Good on ya kid, Be well". Then I pushed onward for my appointment with Jackal.

I like that.  That's the immersion of this game.  I would have felt the same way - you can allow yourself to develop the storyline in your head because the world in which you've been in is that good.  forums and member created pages


Quote from: mandru on October 20, 2009, 07:29:49 AM
One of these times I'm going to just scoop up the case and concentrate on getting the hell out of there with out firing a shot, just to see how far they are willing to chase and give them a chance to find their own fate instead of me being the reaper.
I've resorted to that mandru, they don't seem to want to chase you any further than that watery area you encounter immediately after leaving the LZ. Guess they don't want to get their feet wet... Mind you, I haven't hung around or tried to entice them into pursuing me any further than that. If I had, they might have.


Quote from: fragger on October 21, 2009, 02:35:14 AM
Quote from: mandru on October 20, 2009, 07:29:49 AM
One of these times I'm going to just scoop up the case and concentrate on getting the hell out of there with out firing a shot, just to see how far they are willing to chase and give them a chance to find their own fate instead of me being the reaper.
I've resorted to that mandru, they don't seem to want to chase you any further than that watery area you encounter immediately after leaving the LZ. Guess they don't want to get their feet wet... Mind you, I haven't hung around or tried to entice them into pursuing me any further than that. If I had, they might have.

Cool!  :-X

Good info fragger! Thanks.

By any chance did jackal's dialog change or the notes in your journal for that matter when you color that far out of the lines?

I look forward to checking it out and as for "Guess they don't want to get their feet wet..." I've noticed that about my buddies. Most of them will promise either a drink or a bottle to split back at Mike's when rescuing them but all I ever get from them is a shopping list and instructions for running their dry cleaning. I guess cut scenes, with an actual sit down and tip back for all the buddy missions briefings, would have added too much to UBI's overhead.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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