Using Hang Gliders

Started by retiredgord, March 19, 2009, 05:04:43 AM

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Art Blade

LOL@crumples up (you) -- like myself...

I also remember how much I hated it whenever I found a glider and started off, out of nowhere I heard those famous last words "look what we've got here!"

A shame really that the glider doesn't steer up as it used to in FC1. There you really could pull up.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yea, that comment " well.... look what we got here!" sounds a bit condescending, almost like he thinks that he's talking to a child - little does he know about reputation level...

Art Blade

I've just had my first time of minutes of hang gliding in one single go at Goka Falls (escaping).

And I'm still halfways sick.

I jumped off of that cliff with my glider and nosed it down ("W") to gain speed and hit "S" (nose up) which really whipped the nose upwards. Then turned slightly until I was close to that little peer, downriver with a hut on it (I had killed those two or three mercs stationed there before I climbed up that mountain and my car was waiting there).

I for some reason remembered that real gliders do circles to climb up or down, so I tried that myself. I used both "S" and "A" (nose up and left) and moved around and down in very, very narrow circles. Took me like two minutes spinning down at an angle even a full-blown pilot would want to be sick  ;D Found my car and nearly drove into the river. Gee, must not stand up now (vertigo) hehe

Was quite an experience. Forget rollercoaster  ;D

(I want to do that when someone is standing next to me, watching my 26'' screen... because I want to watch said someone fall over sick  ;D)

[smg id=470 align=center width=400]

on a 26'' wide screen at 1900x1200 those hands are as big as in real life.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

took a better picture of that adventurous flight :)

[smg id=471 align=center width=400]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol, I'm becoming a bit motion sick just looking at the images!

Art Blade

maybe someone can make a vid of that and post it. would make a great ad for puke bags  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Long time ago I asked about hang gliding and got some good advise of keeping the nose up.  With the PS3 it's the circle and I hold it down . The glider drops gradually but in all cases (now done it about a dozen times) by keeping the nose up, you have enough glide to reach your intended spot.  I did Goka Falls diamond in one try today.  Just easy corrections and aim a little higher or farther than the target.  Sometimes it's an OOOF landing or crunch.but still worthwhile.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

I noticed that too, you can't seem to get higher up than from where you started. Actually it's a more or less delayed fall :)

Today I thought this time I'll give it a go, and it was fun. Once I recovered from the vertigo LOL
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


When you see the horizon going vertical... there must be something wrong!!  ;D ;D ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

hahaha! And, let me tell you, when the horizon stays vertical for minutes, you'll have a hell of a time walking around straight once you OOOFed down somewhat less graceful than an anvil would ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I took a nasty flight once trying to get the diamond north of the rail xing. I had god mode on, but forgot to turn on AI ignore, so the mercs immediately shot at me, which made me lose control of the glider (death-spin) but didn't kill me. I tried like hell to pull out of it, but couldn't. Maybe I'll go do that again and save the video next time, just to make people sick.... lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hahaha, yeah, excellent  :-X :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I've used the glider up behind that Doggone Village twice now to make a quick getaway after blowing up the kilns. I did have problems with controlling the turns, as it oversteers a lot, with rather painful(ie canyon walls) results. ;)
Are you listening to the wind now? Tell the wind to bring me some beer. F*ck the beer, we need women!


I have found the slight subtle touches w@&k well to keep the steering..and not holding the direction control . The gliders are a keen transportation device to Goka Falls, the rock by North Railroad.  They can be reached with some practice.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

It's a pity you don't have any bodily functions in FC2. Else I'd grab a glider, hurl myself at the nearest guard post and puke all across the mercs from high above, for a change ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeeeewwwww!!!!  Isn't that a Weapon of Mass Ejection?
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


There are diamonds that can also be reached without the need for the hangglider. I am not sure but I think I managed to get two diamond cases without the hanglider.


I forget, but I think there are only 2 or 3 diamonds that absolutely need a hang glider to get. See my diamond videos on one of the other forums, missions, maybe? Forget exactly.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I have never been able to manage that one near the G/P at the bottom of Goka Falls on the ledge.  One of the memebers has apparently mastered the art of jumping up to it, but so far, not I. I need the glider for that one. It's not too bad now but I try to get it in daylight to better see the layout.  The other is is the South near the Crash Site.  Couldn't get that other than by using the glider near the Safe House there.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Which one retiredgord? The one right at the bottom of the falls,
or the one D_B's map (west of the falls) indicates you need the glider for?

edit: both can be found here;
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

I've been playing around with hang gliders a bit. This time Rail Xing.

I wanted to know if you get farther by forced gliding (constantly "nose up") compared to the form where you gain speed by nosing down, then pull up again to prevent you from face-planting...  Both times I got as far as the broken bridge near the safehouse and softly landed (was like walking on while the kite flew over my head). Now, without "nosing up" all the time, just gliding, I still got as far :)

Then I tried these very narrow turns again, only I didn't spiral down but changed directions. It allowed for 180° turns and over again, quite fun actually. You have to stay calm and keep turning. If you release the grip not much happens but if you change directions too quickly, you'll start loosing control :) It was such an experience I even started a topic where you can see a couple of screenshots, here.

I think the only problem is if you panic (eeeeeek a wall is up ahea...BANG) or try to deep-dive out of the sun hehe

here you can see there is a way under the bridge to the waterfall near Rail Xing :)

[smg id=552]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Great instructional posts on using the hang gliders, Art - keep 'em coming; I know that I'm learning from your experience!   :-X

Art Blade

cheers, glad if it helps.

Additionally I have to remark on small corrections. I think usually you start off of a rock and need to do very slight corrections to your general flight direction. Once you're out in the open, you may start doing the severe stuff :) I have to admit that a savegame just where you are about to grab the glider does help a lot while practicing. Fortunately there are some safehouses with a hang glider right next to them, so even console players may give it a try.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


at first found the gliders very difficult to use, even over short distances (i.e. just north of pala), but after countless deaths-by-dive bombing managed to get the hang of it (no pun intended!), the one i enjoyed the most to practice on is the goku falls glider that gets you to the diamond, took at least a dozen attempts to actually land on target but after that they all seemed pretty easy. Totally agree with Art about a save pre-launch. have found its better to make many tiny adjustments to direction instead of trying to do it in one turn (cliffs kill as easily as bullets!) its almost the opposite of the cars which you can hammer round corners at full speed, slam into things etc, the glider is very delicate. think "butterfly for gliders and bull for cars"
shame you cant drop grenades as you drift over out-posts tho.
(p.s. tho not strictly on-topic, found the best way to pilot the swamp boat is to keep it at full speed but when you wish to turn let go of the accelerator, it goes round corners alot better that way, as soon as your pointing the way you want to go hit the speed again.
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