Raid the Northern Airfield

Started by JRD, March 21, 2009, 08:51:19 AM

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Approaching from the east, watch out for the sniper at the tower near the airfield, use trees for cover as you approach for a clear shot. Enemies won't hear you shooting the sniper, but be carefull with an assault truck patrolling the airstrip.

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UUuuuhhhh that hurts............

Go up the tower and you will have a nice overview of the airfield. AI won't see you up there, so take your time and enjoy

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There goes the AT patrolling the airstrip.
Usually they will stop and help their comrades when you start shooting.
I like to pick one guy, shoot him in the leg or anywhere not to kill and wait till someone comes to help him.... and then shoot again and again. There are plenty ammo by the tower, so shoot at will.

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There is fuel pile and a large propane tank to the left you can shoot to make it even funnier.
I was carrying a grenade launcher and managed to fire one grenade at their jeeps parked by the hangar, which caused a beautyfull mess

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pzrzao, you suggested a standard name for this kind of post, but I think that "Raid the ..." can do it cos sometimes you have 2 or 3 different missions in same areas, but the way to approach the area, as a suggestion, can fit any mission.
What do you say?


After I did those screenshots I got an assassination mission in the airstrip...
... an there was the target, on his nice suit, all alone, holding just a makarov and waiting for me to kill him. Nobody around!!
Point is, if you do the defoliand mission before finish all cell phone tasks, the assassination mission becomes much easier (and less funny too).
And even if you are to do something at the airfiled, AI won't respawn there.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I agree about the title "Raid the..." because it is generic enough so that it will fit any mission that goes to that area.  Then in the body of the post, one could always be a bit more specific as to which mission was being described.

Fantastic job on this post by the way, what you have done here and what D_B did in the "Journal entry" are exactly what I had in mind.


Nice description. I always approached that airfield from the west bus station, driving across the desert along the tracks. There are a bunch of big rocks just to the south of the field that you can crouch in and snipe practically everyone and hardly get shot at. If they do shoot, you can just scurry back down the rocks facing away and reload or take off in your truck.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well D_B, you could grab a few screenshots of this western route to add to the maps page
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Here's the spot I like to snipe from before entering the area. A couple of assassination missions here can be done with one shot from this spot and you're on your way. Approach from the bus station / safe house to the west. Have a nice peaceful drive across the desert along the tracks to this spot, get the job done, return the way you came. There is also another rock just to the right of this one as I recall, that gives you a better shot into the hangar, now that I think of it.

[smg id=4840]

Beating the sniper at his own game from this spot

[smg id=4841]
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


If FC2 had a co-op mode, two guys could make the fastest assault in the history of MP games using the info on this post!!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'll have to try those.
A non sniper way is to start from the east and sneak or run if the sniper sees
you to the base of the sniper tower. Once your at the base he can't shoot you.
Go up the tower and take care of him, and back down and get the guys with the truck
patrolling the airstrip, they usually come to investigate the gunfire. Curiosity killed the cat boys, bam bam.
Don't wait too long, more will come. Grab the truck then drive to
a point just short of the building and use the trucks gun to take most everybody out.
Cleanup anybody else with your AK47. rearm, water, cleanse with fire is optional.   :)
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Here's the other rock location:

[smg id=4842]

You need to jump from a little rock up onto the bigger rock to get there:

[smg id=4843]

Then you get a nice sniper view into the hangar where the assassination targets hang out:

[smg id=4844]
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Great pics D_B, I'll add them to the airfield major location map.

🡱 🡳

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