06-30-09: COJ2 first impressions

Started by PZ, June 30, 2009, 04:38:54 PM

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Impressions after playing the game for 20 minutes or so:

Well, with bated breath I installed the game onto a virtual drive (Vista x64), and everything installed correctly.  Fired up the Logitech Rumble Pad configuration editor and was able to get the controller to w@&k the way I like it.  Started the game, and it ran fine although the defaults are for low everything.  I manually changed all settings to the max and restarted the game.  The graphics are good so far, not better than FC2, and in some ways, not as good.  (FC2 is simply beautiful.)  If you have played Call of Duty 5 (World at War) then this will appear similar in graphics.

COJ2 is certainly not an open world game - it has chapters similar to COD5 in which you w@&k your way linearly through the story.  The saving grace here is that the story is good - it is about the McCall brothers (Thomas and Ray) in the Civil War, and the story progresses until at some time in the game, they fight over a woman and eventually hate each other.

You play as one of the brothers, starting with Ray.  Evidently each brother is capable of doing different things.  For instance, Thomas can use sniper rifles and climb things, while Ray can not.  But Ray can do things that Thomas cannot, so i can see playing through at least twice, once as each brother to see how the story develops.  Although I cannot say for sure, it seems that the plot will be much more story-like and significant that the story in FC2.

OK, the game starts in the Civil War and you play as Ray on the Confederate side.  You are in the trenches (I forgot where, perhaps Antietam) and your first task is to defend the right flank.  Your weapons are two six-shooters (look like Colt Navy) revolvers that Clint used in "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".  If you hold both at the same time, then you can't aim like in FC2, but if you hold only a single revolver, then you can slightly zoom in and focus on your target, much like weapon aiming in FC2.

There is much story and instructions given by the characters in the game.  Sort of like what you experience with the FC2 faction leaders in their headquarters, except these are interactions throughout the game play (even during battle) rather than in just a tent or building when things are quiet.

Shooting is fun, and the enemy (blue coats) bleed and die as you would expect in a shooter.  After defending the right flank successfully, I had to kick in a door in the trench to get to another area (your target areas are highlighted by a bright yellow arrow)  Follow the arrow and you will get to your destination.  Even though the game is not true open world, it does allow you to cover rather large areas in getting to your destination.  Along the way, I found a wooden box which contained ammunition, and another that contained dynamite that I could throw to open blockages, or to inflict many casualties.  Along the way, I also managed to obtain what looks like a Henry repeating rifle, although I have no idea how I got it, it simply appeared as one of my weapons.  Points accumulate but I am not sure yet what they do.  Ammo does run low, and you need to find the ammo boxes to replenish, although if a fallen enemy has what you need, you automatically pick it up.

You can do saves and quick saves on the PC, but the game automatically saves at checkpoints, again, like COD5.

The next objective was to mount a Gatling gun and defend the trench from hordes of blue coats storming out lines.  It was kind of fun using that early machine gun.

To sum it up in a nutshell for a quick cursory impression:

  • It is linear like COD5, but more open than the WWII shooter.
  • It appears to have a good story line; one that makes sense.
  • If you like the old Clint Eastwood movies, then this one will make you feel like you are Clint playing in the movie - the "Z" key makes that part really fun, albeit not "realistic"
  • I know that I'll enjoy the game quite a bit because of the western theme, and what you are supposed to be able to do (like ride a horse and climb things with a rope), but I doubt that I'll have as much replay value as I have had in FC2.
  • The bottom line, I see it is excellent entertainment value for those that like linear shooters, COD5, and westerns.  :-X :-X :-X :-X

Art Blade

Thank you for the detailed "diary," PZ :)

I very much enjoy lines like "...a Henry repeating rifle, although I have no idea how I got it, it simply appeared as one of my weapons.  Points accumulate but I am not sure yet what they do" because it makes me feel as if I were playing the game for the first time myself. And I like your comparison with other games like CoD5 or FC2, I can relate to that. I hope to read more from you as you advance in that game :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks for the comments, and I'm sure to play again tonight to become accustomed to the controls.  Unfortunately, I need to do a few chores first  :'(


Well, after another hour or so of playing, I can reaffirm the fact that that COJ2 is like a western version of COD5. The action is intense, and timed - you need to complete your goal or you will fail that segment of the game and need to start again.  Below are a few more details:

  • You collect little sacks of money, but i don't know what to do with the money yet.
  • You evidently automatically pick up ammunition much like in FC2
  • You don't seem to run out of ammo when using the mounted weapons like the Gatling gun or the cannon.
  • The pace is fast for those of you that like the COD series - not much time for thinking or exploring.  Oh, one time, I wandered off, and that part of the mission failed because the game claimed that I had abandoned my brother.  Overall, I like the way you have time to think in FC2, which is lacking in COJ2.
  • The music track is good, like in FC2.
  • The dialog in COJ2 is probably a bit better than FC2, especially considering that you w@&k with other characters in the game.
  • I have not seen a pattern to the movements of the opposition yet when you repeat a section of the game, but when I loaded saves a few times, the outcome was different.  For instance, in one of my saves, my gray-coated colleague died when I reloaded the save, and in another reload of the same saved game, he did not.
All in all, I am glad that I purchased the game because the story is rich in detail, and you feel like you are immersed in a good book.  The continuity of the story line seems to be good so far, and you can see how the character motivation translates into behavior of the characters in the game.


Hey PZ, thank you for these informative comments. From what you write and from I have read elsewhere it does seem like the game is a Western themed COD installment: intense and story-driven albeit short(ish) campaign and quite robust multiplayer. I am on the fence here, given I have splashed out on Arma2 and there is Fuel coming out in a couple of days. :(


Hahahaha that's how I feel gvse... like a kid on a candy store.
"Pick one dear, you can't have'em all"  :'(
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Although I like the game quite a bit, I'd hold off on this one right now and do the ARMA2 first if you like the sand box games better than COD style.  Also, as I mentioned in another thread, there may already be a significant graphics problem, at least with my card.

I'll do more detailed reporting, especially for those of you that are on the fence with this one.

On a good note, I really love the western theme - the scenes are quite reminiscent of the old spaghetti westerns!  :-X


Thx for the info PZ. I'm still holding out hope that ill find something close to FC2 sometime, but im definately still on the fence on COJ2. The timed missions would annoy me to no end, and i've never been fond of babysitting a buddy thru a mish, never mind a whole game.

The length of the SP, and replayability value is still unknown to me as well, so looking forward to more reporting on your progress. :-X
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Well, I kind of have a feeling for what you want Ricamundo, so I'd hold off on the game - if you're looking for the FC2 replacement, this is definitely not it.  However, I finished the Civil War chapters and am off to the far west where I completed my first quick draw gun fight - was quite fun actually.  That and the "concentration" feature where you can do the Clint Eastwood style gun play  are the most fun so far.  I'll keep you posted.


So, I guess it's out, then. I may wait on this one until it drops in price a bit, end of summer maybe. Right now I'm in the middle of COD5 and still playing another round in FC2, so that will occupy me until Wolfenstein comes out, then when I'm done with that, I'll see what's coming up and maybe get COJ2.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Ricamundo, definitely put Red Dead Redemption on your radar.  That one is open world and an "old west" theme.  It's done by Rockstar (GTA series) so I'm thinking it'll be good.  I believe it's slated for fall, but haven't checked in a while.

Thanks for all the info PZ.  Although I prefer openworlds but a good storyline in a linear game can be an excellent experience.  I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars Force Unleashed with great gameplay and story, and BFBC was "COD" style missions but very good. 
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My pleasure to report to the membership about my experiences.  Always remember though, the opinion of one person may not necessarily be the one you share, so take it all with a grain of salt so to speak.

I found out yesterday from the GameSpot guy that Red Dead Redemption is supposed to be out in early November.

That one is a definite purchase for me, as is Warhound (which is probably the closest to FC2 that I've seen yet)


I'd consider BFBC way different than COD. Besides the (almost)completely destructible environment, you get vehicles and have to fight vehicles, and there isn't just one beaten path you have to follow like in cod. You can decide which flank to attack. (because theres always wiggle room and big valleys full of trees/shrubbery) There's also gold to collect in BFBC (which is also kinda hard to find most the time if your just rushing through). Most importantly though theres actually bullet drop in BFBC (while that's pretty much non-existant in COD, and FC2 for that matter). So you actually have to time your shots and shoot ahead of moving targets with pretty much any gun (especially sniper rifles). Sorry for the mini-rant, I just really liked BFBC, and I think it's a jewel in comparison to any of the latest CODs.

Anyways now on topic, I'm a lil iffy about this new COJ, simply because it doesn't seem very different from the first. (which had 2 characters to play with as well). I think i'll probably just wait for Red Dead Redemption because IMO Rockstar's one of the few companies who knows how to do sandbox the best. (even though UBI made FC2 and COJ/COJ2). Thanks for the impressions though, I tried to rent it yesterday but just opted for Little Big Planet since they didn't have COJ2.  :P


Quote from: tehsam016 on July 01, 2009, 10:40:27 AM
I'd consider BFBC way different than COD. Besides the (almost)completely destructible environment, you get vehicles and have to fight vehicles, and there isn't just one beaten path you have to follow like in cod. You can decide which flank to attack. (because theres always wiggle room and big valleys full of trees/shrubbery) There's also gold to collect in BFBC (which is also kinda hard to find most the time if your just rushing through). Most importantly though theres actually bullet drop in BFBC (while that's pretty much non-existant in COD, and FC2 for that matter). So you actually have to time your shots and shoot ahead of moving targets with pretty much any gun (especially sniper rifles). Sorry for the mini-rant, I just really liked BFBC, and I think it's a jewel in comparison to any of the latest CODs.

Anyways now on topic, I'm a lil iffy about this new COJ, simply because it doesn't seem very different from the first. (which had 2 characters to play with as well). I think i'll probably just wait for Red Dead Redemption because IMO Rockstar's one of the few companies who knows how to do sandbox the best. (even though UBI made FC2 and COJ/COJ2). Thanks for the impressions though, I tried to rent it yesterday but just opted for Little Big Planet since they didn't have COJ2.  :P

tehsam016, I should have been more clear sorry.  I never actually played any of the COD games hahaha.  I absolutely LOVED BFBC (glad to hear your a fan too) I just meant it's not a true open world - you have to get your objectives done and move on.  But yes I've said before BFBC gives the FEEL of openworld - I still remember crashing through the small fence going up the first hill and just driving around.

And LBP - what a great fun game for whole family really, I love sackboy (he's on my desktop)  Anyway, didn't know you are a PS3er.  We should go online for BFBC or FC2 - I'm spaceboy21 on PSN.

Sorry for the off topic PZ...
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You know I don't care about being off topic spaceboy - In general, I don't want new members (or any members) to hesitate to post because they think that it is not normally considered on-topic - have fun is the main thing.  Much more important than being on-topic  ;)

Art Blade

...and if the off-topic continues in one way, special interest so to speak, we sometimes make it a new topic (split and move). Like that we've got quite a number of interesting topics of their own :)

on off-topic, I'm almost certain that today I've seen Red Dead Redemption  sittin on the shelf of my game vendor... I think it was a PC game... again, different countries, different releases?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'm not really a true PS3er, my family owns one, I dont. =P I just use the families PS3 whenever i wanna try an exclusive for PS3 and what not. I play BFBC/FC2 on 360 though (sorry) =P. The only PS3 game I really own is MGS4 (which is my fav game on ps3 next to LBP).

Art, there's pretty much no way that was RDD, because the release date hasn't even been set yet =P. Was most likely Red Dead Revolver (which wasn't too bad of a game either).


Just saw your reply tehsam (I was going to say it was probably Red Dead Revolver - I don't know much about it though).

That makes sense on the PS3/Xbox (I thought I remember you mentioning x360 before)  Ah well, great game on either console - still good to have another BFBC fan around.  Anyways if you use the PS3 once in awhile I do recommend at least renting inFamous (or download the free demo) - it is a whole lot of fun.
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Yeah just checked the wiki for Red Dead Revolver and it couldn't have been that since that only was released on PS2/Xbox. The only game left I could think of that he saw is maybe GUN (which was a free-roaming western by Activision, wasn't too bad, pretty fun actually)

Art Blade

thanks guys, I was kind of in a hurry when I quickly viewed the merchandise, it was probably console, and it had "Red Dead" as part of the title, so no doubt you're right :) Sorry for the confusion
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: spaceboy on July 01, 2009, 09:26:16 AM
Ricamundo, definitely put Red Dead Redemption on your radar.  That one is open world and an "old west" theme.  It's done by Rockstar (GTA series) so I'm thinking it'll be good.  I believe it's slated for fall, but haven't checked in a while.

Ahhh, its a console only game, and third person, so it's not on my radar, sry, but thx anyways. ;)
Are you listening to the wind now? Tell the wind to bring me some beer. F*ck the beer, we need women!

Art Blade

By the way, I was in the shop again. The game I saw yesterday probably was "Damnation" by codemasters, the package read "open world" sort of stuff, was rated 18+ (mature) and looked a shooter... anyone heard of it?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It has gotten terrible reviews from what i've seen. Idk what it is about westerns but so many companies just don't do them very good. See if you can pick up GUN for PC, it should be pretty cheap now(since it was released in 2005). It is open world however also 3rd person, but that changes if you zoom in with your weapon or use "quick draw mode" (slow mo). It isn't super long like FC2, but will keep you busy for a lil while with it's Wanted Posters and other side missions. I just recently re-installed it and forgot actually how much fun it is. For instance I was gunning up towards 2 bandits shooting at me on my horse. I slide attack into the one in front with my horse (killing him of course) and then went into quick draw to shoot the 2nd guy right in the face right after, felt quite cool =P. Seems very reminiscent of CoJ, or maybe CoJ picked up on quite a bit of their ideas, who knows.


yeah, D_B and I talked a bit on some thread here about it.  I just read a couple reviews that were not flattering - I think it's an alternate "old west" with space age guns and jetpacks - something like that.
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Art Blade

haha, alright, cheers to you both  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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