Farcry 3

Started by DKM2, November 25, 2009, 03:51:21 AM

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I think they know that the bar is high for the next one.  Heck, the bar is high for sequels in general, and especially for games that have such a devoted (read "rabid") following as this.  So yes, it won't be worse than what we've got, and I'm confident that as long as the devs don't go collectively insane and stray too far from the formula, we will soon have a new muse  :-X

Art Blade

Quote from: deadman on November 26, 2009, 02:19:01 PM
Alleluia   ;D


Quote from: mmosu on November 26, 2009, 02:29:07 PMas long as the devs don't go collectively insane

Indeed... I think it was a tough decision to take FC from Yerli brothers (Crytec engine) into Ubi's hands. They came up with a different approach, from my point of view it only shares the name (FarCry) but not the content nor the graphical impression. Now that Ubi has gathered experience with the Dunia engine and the game FC2 itself, and hopefully payed some attention to what "the community" had to say, it is quite likely the next step will be ahead rather than back. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


OK, the initial woo-hooing elation has abated now, it's been replaced with cautiously optimistic anticipation (wipes drool off keyboard).

JRD has a point, it's when you really look forward to a new game that there's the potential for disappointment. I too bought Far Cry 2 on impulse when I spotted it in a shop without having even heard about it. But I think that if the devs have paid attention to sites like this one, they'll know what FC fans like and want, and will act accordingly.

I'm still excited though ;D


If they do keep to the Africa setting it would be good to see more wildlife in the game, maybe even predatory ones that can attack the player. Imagine sneaking through the long grass, getting to nice sniper position but also having to beware of snakes. Big cats are an obvious choice too, can you imagine the fun in taunting mercs then legging it only to have them stumble upon a Lion or 2, or Vultures gathering in the skies over an outpost after a  merc or two gets killed or wounded. Then there is always roving packs of hyenas to make it more colourful during a night time mission. After all Antarctica could be an interesting setting but there is not much in the way of a threat level to be found in Penguins :) .

Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eithwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othila.


I think one if the main reasons I loved FC2 so much was the Africa setting.

As regards the wildlife, in FC2, I was driving near a rail track and saw a zebra, I was so gobsmacked .... I actually ran him over  :'(

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Quote from: Art Blade on November 26, 2009, 03:14:26 PM
...and hopefully payed some attention to what "the community" had to say

community, i.e. - us

@ Raven: Yeah, unless they went with something like the former U.S.S.R. idea I had for environment, it would be pretty hard to include much in the way of wildlife interaction and do the cold environment thing


Quote from: Fiach on November 27, 2009, 01:30:57 AM
I think one if the main reasons I loved FC2 so much was the Africa setting.

As regards the wildlife, in FC2, I was driving near a rail track and saw a zebra, I was so gobsmacked .... I actually ran him over  :'(

What little wildlife there is in FC2 is generally very passive. Will write up the story behind it and post it up in Memorable Moments where it belongs :)

Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eithwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othila.


Personally I'd like to stick with the Africa theme but my talent at vision is not sufficient to predict nor suggest how the developers might go, but here are a few of the characteristics I appreciate about FC2 and would like to see expanded upon in FC3.

  • The way the flora bends out of your way as you walk through - rather than your body just magically passing through.
  • The beautiful environment - sunsets weather, shimmering lights, etc.  Any game in which the gamer stops to watch the scenery is one that was done beautifully.
  • Mercs rather than monsters - I love the merc chatter, angst, humor, etc.
  • Realistic weapons - the ones that might be used today.
Although admittedly I don't have all that much experience with games yet, I've not seen a winter-based game that was eye appealing - can't imagine that an Antarctica-based game would hold a candle to the beauty of FC2


I've said this before, but Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 4 are the only two games I have ever played that did a good job of bringing the effects of a cold environment to bear on the gameplay.  MGS4 especially did this well, because at one point you are in Alaska, and jump from a helicopter to the floor of an open forest in the middle of a whiteout and have to use thermal goggles to navigate to your objective, as visibility is like less than 20 feet.  In addition, the temperature effects you as well, with your stress meter increasing whenever you are exposed to extreme cold or wind.  If you haven't played this game, "stress" in this case is a game statistic that effects things like ability to perform certain stealth maneuvers accurately, stability of your aim, mistakes during reloading, and back pain (as Snake is quite old in this game and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, emphysema, and a bad back).  It really makes for good emersion when you are crouched next to a building for the sole purpose of escaping the howling wind  :-X  Later on in this part of the game there is a boss battle in which the opponent is actually using a cybernetically enhanced sense of smell to locate you in a huge snowfield, and you have to take direction into account so that you can manuever upwind from her so you can get the upper hand.  And of course this battle takes place in another raging whiteout, which makes the fight that much more intense, as both visibility and wind direction change chaotically throughout. 
If they were able to make the weather conditions of FC3 have that much of an effect on the gameplay, then I am all for a cold location, but if not, well then back to Africa it is  :-* 


Also in MGS, I seem to remember your footprints in the snow and frosty breath could give you away, not sure about this,either it was wet feet from the water leaving prints that guards could see, or was it prints from melting snow..... I forget now, but it was an awesome game.

I remember after you were tortured, you were told to hold the controller on your arm, then the controller vibrated to sooth the aches and pains.

Yep, what a game!

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Yep, footprints and breath could give you away, both in the snow and if you walked through water.  Also some of your supplies could become frozen if you were outside for too long.  So, for example, you would have to get inside and wait for your rations to thaw before you could use them.  That's the kind of stuff it takes to pull off a game like that in a location like that, otherwise it becomes just a superficial feature and nobody cares.

Art Blade

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[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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