Uncharted 2

Started by spaceboy, September 02, 2009, 09:30:49 AM

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From what I've seen and read about Uncharted 2 will certainly be getting it when get my PS3, its said to be one of the best games out for it. Really looking forward to checking it out.
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game was pretty good, more movie than game for me , the bridge ending was lame , i hate 'random' rubbish like that .

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Quote from: Fiach on January 07, 2010, 06:50:34 PM
game was pretty good, more movie than game for me , the bridge ending was lame , i hate 'random' rubbish like that .

I'd agree - was very much like a captivating movie in which you are the main actor.  Action was non-stop from beginning to end, and the variety of activities (plus great graphics) kept it interesting.  There were puzzles much like in Assassin's Creed 2 (without the race concept), but you did have your share of getting a task accomplished before the floor fell from beneath you.  However, like Fiach said, the end was a bit of a letdown, in which you knew that the game should be over but had to ask yourself "is that it?"

The game cover claims 25 perfect review scores.


Quote from: spaceboy on January 07, 2010, 09:27:00 PM
...  Ever wish they made a good Indiana Jones game?

When playing the game, I was thinking that this is a relatively good version of an Indiana Jones movie  ;)


Not wanting to knok it too much, typing with a ps3 controller makes my posts seem terse, so apoiogies in advance :)

bridge a boring rehash of the wooden one in the first game, learning route by trial and error = no fun or skill.

GFX wernt really tht great when you consider the tiny little maps the game has to render, one review was bigging up the 'lush borneo jungle' its just tiny little corridors with tree walls.

Story was a rehash of first game get treasure map, partner kidnapped, get new partner, mediocre shooting and platformimg (jump to yellow blue or white ledges, depending on map), kindergarten 'puzzles', find the treasure turns you into a zombie type creature, roll credits.

Voice acting was very good (really liked british guy) not in same leagueas Dragon Age for example.

Perfect scores... lmo , were not deserved, i played many games last year, better than this, i think advertising revenue and hype generated alot of those scores, if a reviewer gives this a 10, they need to play more games.

8.5 for me, because the sum is actually greater than its parts, but in all fairness the shooting and platforming have been done better in many games over the last couple years .

I did enjoy the game and it was well worth full price, but i hve played many, much better games both ln and outside its genre. :)

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Quote from: Fiach on January 08, 2010, 12:36:46 AM
Not wanting to knok it too much, typing with a ps3 controller makes my posts seem terse, so apoiogies in advance :)

bridge a boring rehash of the wooden one in the first game, learning route by trial and error = no fun or skill.

GFX wernt really tht great when you consider the tiny little maps the game has to render, one review was bigging up the 'lush borneo jungle' its just tiny little corridors with tree walls.

Story was a rehash of first game get treasure map, partner kidnapped, get new partner, mediocre shooting and platformimg (jump to yellow blue or white ledges, depending on map), kindergarten 'puzzles', find the treasure turns you into a zombie type creature, roll credits.

Voice acting was very good (really liked british guy) not in same leagueas Dragon Age for example.

Perfect scores... lmo , were not deserved, i played many games last year, better than this, i think advertising revenue and hype generated alot of those scores, if a reviewer gives this a 10, they need to play more games.

8.5 for me, because the sum is actually greater than its parts, but in all fairness the shooting and platforming have been done better in many games over the last couple years .

I did enjoy the game and it was well worth full price, but i hve played many, much better games both ln and outside its genre. :)

I disagree Fiach.  I thought the puzzles were just right for the flow of the game.  I might agree they were easier than some other games but I preferred them that way.

The story wasn't original?  Name a video game/movie/book story that is 100% original.  It doesn't mean it's not a good story.  I liked it and it kept me interested the whole game.  Besides, this story is a continuation of the first story.  Their relationships are part of the story.  Afterall, Drake is a treasure hunter who knows how to shoot guns, fight, and climb.

Graphics were beautiful, I agree the jungle was the least impressive to me though.  But what about Nepal or the snow in the Train Wreck level.  Everytime I see blowing snow outside I've got Uncharted on my mind - may have something to do with the soundtrack playing in the car lol  ;)

Back to the bridge, I think it took me a total of 3 tries to pass it.  I didn't mind because it looked cool as hell.

Final score.  Funny, it seems there was a lot you didn't like but in the end we're not too far off.  Single player alone I'd give it a 9 (I really liked it but it wasn't a 10), BUT the whole package gets a 10 for the very well done online MP and co-op added on.  Not that every game requires multiplayer, but this MP and Co-op especially feels like an extension of the single player campaign and is a great time.
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For my game playing style, the puzzles were very enjoyable, mostly because I have little patience to figure out a complicated path.  For instance, in Assassin's Creed2, the glyph puzzles for me are a bit much - I tried on this morning, and finally gave up because I was becoming bored trying to find the solution - wanted to get back out and do sword play  ;D

Perhaps it is the difference between the gamer that truly enjoys the role playing games versus the ones that like the linear FPS shooters.  Me, I'm in the middle - either of the two extremes are not my personal cup of tea, but the ones I would describe as being in the middle that contain elements of both are my favorites.  Oh well, I guess that is why there are so many different games available, each having it's own merits, and each having it's own fan base. 


Just finished first play through of Uncharted 2.

This was the first time I have played a third person game to completion.

I was really impressed and understand why it won Game Of The Year accolades. Graphically, it is a beautiful. My wife who doesn't care for gaming at all commented on how "pretty" the scenery was. The voice acting is excellent. The game is a nice mix of action/adventure/puzzle solving. It has become a cliche' description but it does seem more like an interactive action/adventure film than a video game.

I played it on Normal Difficulty and found it to be pretty challenging. The hardest difficulty level seems  beyond my skills.  I didn't keep a running tally but estimate it took me approximately 15 hours to compete it. Fortunately it auto-saves often. I died a lot -- usually from falling. You spend a great deal of time climbing at dizzying altitudes in the game, which is ironic since I am afraid of heights.  ;D

I only had a couple of glitches where I was unable to exit from from a swinging bar and had to restart from the last checkpoint. The game froze completely one time, requiring a reboot of the PlayStation.

I may attempt it on a harder difficulty level in the future. I only located 17 of 100 hidden treasures so I still have a goal to shoot for.

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


I got about 2/3 through a playthrough on Hard.  I did find Normal challenging enough but decided to try Hard.  Didn't complete it before AC2 came out which meant maybe this summer I'll get back to it when the gaming scene dies down a bit.

Yeah, when you feel the pit in your stomach from way up high you know your being sucked into a game.

It's funny you mention the 3rd person thing again, until I read some folks here not liking it I never really thought about it.  I like both 1st and 3rd and just see them as different, kind of like a shooting game vs. an action game are similar but different.

Glad you liked this one. - If you're into even more lurch in your stomach heights/jumps/falls I'd recommend inFamous.  The heights are higher in AC2 for instance, but there's something about the way the camera moves when Cole falls/jumps or that gets me everytime.
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Quote from: spaceboy on April 18, 2010, 07:29:22 PM
It's funny you mention the 3rd person thing again, until I read some folks here not liking it I never really thought about it.  I like both 1st and 3rd and just see them as different, kind of like a shooting game vs. an action game are similar but different.

I'm the same - became accustomed to 1st person in FC2, but quickly adapted when playing Uncharted2 (I just loved the very first part in the snowy train wreck).  In fact, I didn't even know that there were 1st and 3rd person shooters when I began playing about a year or so ago, so either is OK for me now.

Art Blade

The very first games I played used either a setup where you would look at your character from the top, like "bird's eye view" or diagonally down like "isometric display" or as if observing a doll house, like "frontal view". Later it turned FPS as in DOOM, and last but not least TPS. Because I played FPS a lot and several of the aforementioned styles, for me it was difficult to get used to TPS. I do play them, but I still prefer first person view to anything, even when racing cars or piloting aeroplanes, I want to see through my virtual eyes. I simply find it more immersive.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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