Dark Zone (music)

Dark Zone.7z
Filesize: 4.8MB  Views: (254)  Downloads (60)  Last Download: July 24, 2024, 03:00:04 AM 
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Description: A melodic and dreamy and spherical song which I created back in 2005, it is one of my favourite tunes I ever created with MadTracker. Unfortunately I had to compress it down to 128kbit mp3 which causes typical acoustic artefacts. Also I needed to use 7zip to compress it even further to get it onto this site, yet you'll get an idea of what I am capable of when using MadTracker when you listen to it. Enjoy :)

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Keywords: MadTracker MP3 music Art Blade 
Posted by: Art Blade January 24, 2011, 05:33:29 PM

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