I Missed The Destruction

Started by eor123, March 10, 2010, 11:15:20 AM

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Haven't played Far Cry II in a while.

After finishing Bad Company II which was a fun but linear game, I thought I'd play FC2 with a little different strategy -- different weapons, approaches, etc.

I was on a weapons convoy mission in the north. I approached an ambush point in the dune buggy, passing close to a guard post -- close enough that Mercs from the post activated. It was late so I had he volume down and didn't hear the AT start up.

I parked the buggy in the road and got out, aiming the explosive tipped arrows at the lead AT as it came over the hill. As the AT exploded I heard the jeep from the guard post crash into the buggy behind me and I started taking fire from my rear.

In front of me the second AT in the convoy and the weapons truck crashed trying to avoid the burning wreck of the first AT.  I started taking fire from those guys as well.

I got off the road and ran up the hill to get  to cover. Two Mercs who were charging on foot from the guard post. I started taking fire from them.

And then one of the roving Datsun Dummies crashes into my buggy and the AT.

I had seven Mercs shooting at me from different directions. The sound it made was like nothing I have experienced in many play throughs of FC2. I sprayed bullets and kept injecting myself like a madman trying to stay alive.

I managed to get off a couple more arrows which caused the AT and big truck to explode. I tossed a few grenades onto the road below me causing the buggy, AT, and car to explode.

When the shooting stopped, there were 3 AT's, a big truck, a dune buggy, and a car in various orientations burning below me with eight bodies scattered among the wreckage and a couple more on the hill next to me.

I wish there was a way to capture scenes on the Xbox. I would have made it my Desktop.

Played most of the big FPS's -- no one does destruction like FC2.


"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

I misinterpreted your headline: I thought I was about to read something how you were late for say, the train getting wrecked or so  :)

Now I see, nice situation you got yourself into  ;D :-X And yes, I did play a little FC2 the other day after spending more than a week on Stalker CoP. It was nice to be back to FC2, and I thoroughly enjoyed burning everything and indeed, blowing up cars. It is very satisfying  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I think it also has to do with the randomness and variety of the situations you can get into.  This "living, breathing" world that is FC2 produces such a wide array of circumstances.
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Space... you expressed exactly my thoughts (again  ;D )

FC2 has a randomness factor that makes everything so unpredictable... one of the best features in this beloved game for sure!
I keep saying that no matter how much you plan something (like an ambush), it's when it goes wrong that you get the most fun in FC2. simply because you have to improvise and nobody knows what can come out of that!!

Great story eor123, keep'em coming  :-X :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Cheers JRD!

Some of my most memorable moments in FC2 were the best laid plans that went awry. 

I distinctly remember running alongside a convoy with a flamethrower trying to take it out (all other explosives gone)  -in the desert area on the south side of Leboa near the bus stop.

At the end of it all, my ride was destroyed, all the AT trucks guarding the convoy were destroyed.  I had to walk back to the armory on the west side to "borrow" the arms dealers truck.  That was such an excellent experience!
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You're right
I remember two great moments when things went plain bad
1 - Convoy SE Leboa... prepared an ambush at the bottleneck of that rock formation and was waiting for the convoy on top of those rocks... blew up all vehicles at once but the wrecked truck went sky high and landed on me as I watched, thinking "No, it's not gonna... no, wait... YES it is... THUD...  :D

2 - On my first playthrough I thought I could just ride a swamp boat in the SW lake in Bowa, near the brewery... silly me... little did I know what was waiting for me... barely had time to escape towards east with two GL boats after me plus a rain of mortar rounds all over... one of them sent me flying really, really high in the sky... like 30 seconds or more... landed unharmed on the shore (nasty/funny bug  ;D ) to realise I was between the brewery and the GP nearby and all mercs plus a patrol AT after me... didn't last long, but used all my ammo and grenades and took lots of them with me  8)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'm now trying to generate as much chaos as possible for fun.

My new strategy is to crash my vehicle into check points and objectives,  jump out,  and deal with what ever happens. 

Grenades and the grenade launcher play crucial roles in this strategy.

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

My middle name is grenade, lol -- I was always very fond of hand grenades and if the game setup was cool like in FC2, grenade launchers were my friends, too.

What I always liked was the combination of high explosive stuff and fire, causing a very nice disturbance among the unsuspecting mercs  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


To make the connection of the other thread regarding BFBC2.

My first major next gen games that I played were BFBC2 and FC2.  I think the closest thing to this random chaos and destruction that we love in FC2 is Bad Company MP.  The difference between it and other MP games is the amount of vehicles, explosions, and utter, beautiful chaos.  Much like mercs swarming you from around a corner, you'll have enemies charging your position in trucks, tanks, helicopters, boats (and now ATVs). - and of course you can do the same.  It helps that your assault rifles come equipped with a grenade launcher  ;D

Ok, now with that plug made...back to FC2.
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Quote from: Art Blade on March 10, 2010, 03:04:04 PM
My middle name is grenade, lol -- I was always very fond of hand grenades and if the game setup was cool like in FC2, grenade launchers were my friends, too.

What I always liked was the combination of high explosive stuff and fire, causing a very nice disturbance among the unsuspecting mercs  ;D

You really should be able to lob grenades while driving or flying, or use a pistol, or any one-handed weapon.... now wouldn't that be fun?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

You are SO right  ;D

Man, there was only one game which I remember immediately and very fondly: "Racing Destruction Set" back on the Commodore C64 (lol) -- it was basically a duel between two drivers (splitscreen) and you could create the tracks (hence "Set") which could be pavement, dirt, ice... the fun part was, you had to decide to arm your car (both players had to arm their cars independently) with either tons of oil or a few mines. When leading the race, it was of course utter fun to dish out loads of oil so the car behind you would slip off the track, or even better, mines, which of course disabled the opponent immediately when he hit one. The tricky part was, when one lap was over and the next one was on... you had to manoeuvre yourself through the ba$t@rd obstacles you had just layed out the lap before... absolute fun and I can't count the hours my best mate and I spent playing that game back then, some 25 years ago  ;D

By the way, a wiki link

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Interesting, from the video here http://www.download-full-games.com/c64/games/racing_destruction_set.html looks like you could also change the gravity & other options. Pretty advanced for "back then".

Also a download there, too, which might w@&k with this emulator http://www.ccs64.com/
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

haha, nice finds  :) :-X Yes, you could change the gravity, and had different vehicles to choose from. It was really great :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Cool story, eor (at the start of the thread) :-X :-X

Art's comments on Racing Destruction Set reminded me of this - Did anyone play a game called Re-volt? (PC, not C64). You drove a little radio-controlled car around various locations (suburban backstreets, an old western ghost town, the Titanic) racing against a bunch of other RC cars. The twist was, you could fire rockets and water-filled balloons, drop oil slicks and bowling balls behind you to thwart the other "drivers". Really funny stuff (the physics were top-notch) and very addictive. Plus you could make your own tracks courtesy of the track editor. Much, much fun :-X

Actually, the C64 was a pretty amazing little machine for its time. I remember having a flight-sim for it called "F-16 Falcon" in which I spent many a happy hour. I also remember playing:

Gauntlet II
Aliens (from the James Cameron film, sort of 6 games in one)
Tetris (yeah, I know)

Then I upgraded to an Amiga 500, and I was really into the big leagues with such titles as:

Cannon Fodder
F-18 Hornet
Dune II
Their Finest Hour
And probably a swag of others that I've forgotten.

Ah, the days of yore... thank God they're gone, and I can now get into things like FC2 ;D

Just joking, they're fond memories I have :)

Art Blade

I never had an amiga, but a friend invited me on occasion, and we played Ports Of Call. I loved it  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Funny thing is: THESE (and many more) are the games that turned me into a gaming aficcionado... and yet, if I play any of those titles again (anyone from my early years as a gamer) I get bored in 5 minutes!!  ::)

It must be something genetic... it takes only a bit of virtual reality to trigger that gene that codes a gaming addiction... and BANG, I'm in ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I can dig it, JRD ;D

A couple of years ago I had occasion to have a go at the original Doom - man, what a butt-ugly, eye-killing game it seems nowadays (it came out before there was any such thing as AGP cards). The graphics were surprisingly crude, and they weren't fully 3D because the baddies and things like ammo pickups were 2D images and animations superimposed into the 3D play environment (so I call it 2½D). The weapons looked kind of blurry, it was really, really rough on the old eyeballs, and it just seemed so lame. I'd forgotten that you couldn't crouch, jump, swim, or even look up or down in it. It's hard to believe that my mates and I were all so agog over it back then ::)

But it did break ground at the time, and as rough as it appears nowadays, it still has a place in me old gaming heart. A bit like an old girlfriend - there may be fond memories, but no way would you want to stick your toe into those particular waters again ;D

Art Blade

Reminds me of a line by my then girlfriend who, remembering an ex-boyfriend, said "what I have puked out once, I don't want to eat again."  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah, the original Doom was bad by today's standards, but think about the old Wolf 3D; talk about crude graphics - it's so old the full version is available for free now.


any iphone app is way better than doom today  ;)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

Today, any mobile/cell phone is more potent than any computer was back then :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Didius Falco

The very first PC game I played was Kingdom of Kroz - on an orange monochrome monitor, under DOS 3, with a walloping 20 meg HDD, a 5.25 floppy disk drive (and those suckers really were floppy!!), 640K of ram and a 300 baud modem. Kroz was, for those who've never heard of it, an ASCII character game. It was the very first release from Apogee, and was a 3D Realms predecessor to Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem 3D to if I remember correctly...


Art Blade

Wow.. although I'm a gamer from day one, I must have missed out on that one.  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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