FC2 - Completed

Started by GPFontaine, March 31, 2010, 08:08:38 AM

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Lol, eor ;D ;D

I'd like to know how your best buddy knows when you've done something they've asked you to do prior to a main mission. As soon as you've picked something up, bumped someone off, or blown something up, the phone rings and they say something like, "OK, you've got the <whatever>, now go to the <whatever>". How do they know? Shouldn't you, as the picker/bumper/blower-upper, be calling them?

Art Blade

haha, same when you didn't pick something up, bump someone off, or blow something up, the phone rings and they say something along the lines of "You didn't do as you were told, now I'm really annoyed"  ;D

Even better, how on earth do they know we just went to a HQ and took on a mission? They always call us moments after we took the envelope.  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Hey, the main character (you) is a great physical combatant, but lets be honest, for the number of times he is duped, his spying abilities aren't exactly on par with James Bond.

The buddies seem to play the game well, my guess is that they have a bug on you and video surveillance everywhere.

Art Blade

 ;D Good thinking. I reckon I can live with that  :) Only the mysterious cell phones remain mysterious (as to why they w@&k just when your buddies need them, and no one else is capable of using them apart from assassination job givers).
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on April 03, 2010, 09:57:48 AM;D Good thinking. I reckon I can live with that  :) Only the mysterious cell phones remain mysterious (as to why they w@&k just when your buddies need them, and no one else is capable of using them apart from assassination job givers).
Think back to Die Hard 4.

The bad guy takes out the cell networks, but the old Satcoms are still working.  They would have limited communication amongst just those who knew how to use them.  At least I think that is how it would w@&k.



Quote from: Art Blade on April 03, 2010, 04:28:33 AM
haha, same when you didn't pick something up, bump someone off, or blow something up, the phone rings and they say something along the lines of "You didn't do as you were told, now I'm really annoyed"  ;D

Even better, how on earth do they know we just went to a HQ and took on a mission? They always call us moments after we took the envelope.  :)
My buddy called me immediately after I shot the Police Chief to death haha ;D ;D
This game is so funny, that's why FC2 is my all time favorite FPS.

Art Blade

@GP: I remember that film, yeah... why not :)

@ninzza: Indeed, they always know what we do and give us a ring just the moment we did well or screwed things up :) I too like this game best, next to HitMan:BloodMoney, which has a similar variety of weird stuff and freedom during missions to offer.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Oh Art, I've just found "the sniper's paradise" rock in Shwasana thanks to your direction and screenshot. When I sat on that rock and Use my SVD to pick them off, one after one, they never spotted me. Thanks a lot for this very helpful tip, Art.  :-X
BTW, anyone has a full list of good sniping spots similar to this rock in Leboa and Bowa ?

Art Blade

Thanks a lot, it feels good if someone actually tells me something like "I found it, used it, and it was good" -- gives a feeling of shared fun, else it'd be just me enjoying it.

(By the way, for those who don't know what we're on about, that rock can be found in my journals, locations of interest, see my signature)

There are two more that I know, one was found by comrade (lol) fragger, a rock opposite of Polytechnic in Bowa, and one near the Fort / Oasis in Leboa, also originally mentioned by fragger, see here.

There is one more that I discovered, good for an assassination in Mokuba, to be found here.

At least those are the ones that immediately spring to my mind. Enjoy  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hey ninzza,

Another one is the rock ledges north-northeast of Weelogol Villiage. If you start down the road that leads into the villiage and go to your left (west), there are some rocks you can climb up onto (you basically have to start from where the rocks begin). From there, you can make your way towards the villiage, climbing higher and higher up the rocks to your left, until you find yourself with a panoramic view of the villiage. You can actually get up quite high, and it's a great spot to snipe from as the mercs can't get to you up there. You can tag the solitary rocket guy beyond the villiage from there, too.

@Art: I used the Shwasana rock some time ago after you originally drew our attention to it, and it worked beautifully. I forgot to say thanks for the cool tip at the time, so - a belated thanks :) :-X

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'd like to encourage those of you who haven't, to play FC2 on Infamous. It's been said before, but it really IS a different game. You'll figure that out pretty quickly when you die trying to liberate and unlock the first safe house in the tutorial section.  ;D

A lot has been said about how things are different -- less ammo, less health, more aggressive and accurate AI, etc. but the best way I can describe it is to give you some examples of what happened to me last night:

You know that little GP close to Cock Fights you always blow through on your way out of and into Pala?

Full speed. Daytime. I never made through the Cock Fights area. Died on the road. Never even had a chance to inject myself.

Second try. Must have caught the guys at the GP napping. Blew through the GP and Cockfights without taking a hit but heard a Datsun Dummy pursuing me. After I was safely away from any GP where I would take fire, I slammed the brakes and shifted to the AT's turret. Swung the gun around. Never got a chance to pull the trigger. Dead from DD's shotgun blast. Killed by a DD....a veteran of several Hardcores and one Infamous play through. How humiliating.

You know that valley in the NW region of Leboa, between Cattle Crossing and North Railyard? -- with the sniper on a platform at one end the safe house with a hang glider at the other?

I shot the sniper with a silenced pistol and took out one of the mercs guarding the shed at the bottom of the valley but had to play musical chairs with the remaining merc guarding the shed with the diamond. We went "round and round" the shed swapping fire until I finally got him. I retrieved the diamond and thought I heard footsteps.

I did. The three mercs from the safehouse on the hill had run down the hill in response to the gunfire and had surrounded the shed.  Almost didn't make out out.

I've played several popular FPS's on the Hardest difficulty setting but none of them have been as immersive as Far Cry 2. I takes me quite a while to adjust my tactics and get "in the groove." Stick with it and adapt. It's very rewarding.   

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

Thanks for the very descriptive post, I like how you made it virtually visible to me what it actually means to play on Infamous. I'm one of the guys who nearly always plays games on easy and sometimes on normal. So Hardcore is already something I tend to skip, let alone Infamous. On the contrary, once I've finished a playthrough, I'm very, very likely to find some cheats and play it again, then perhaps on normal or hardcore but that doesn't make sense anyway because it simply won't be hardcore. FC2 is something to me I play to relax, not to freak out over it  ;D I find it amazing that there actually are people who play games on hardcore or even one step further up the difficulty level. I never did that while playing shooters. If there are racing games, I might acutally advance voluntarily in difficulty as I really like to beat other drivers, and once I won a racing game, if it was any good, I try to beat them on higher levels. I only remember one race, ever, that took weeks of repetitions to manage, it was the ultimate race against the final opponent in RaceDriver:Grid when the only possibility to win was to drive smart enough so you could actually propell yourself out of his slipstream and overtake him, you still had to win though, and not a single mistake was allowed if you ever wanted to make it. That was a challenge I hated, and when I had won, I thought "YES! Never again!" lol
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks comrades Art and fragger for sharing the tips  ;D .
Like Art, I almost always play games on easy since I'm not a good gamers (slow reflexes).

Art Blade

I like to relax while playing games, not fight competitively (those days are over, thinking about MP world league gaming... bah  ;D ) I still have good reflexes, but computer generated movements are somehow different from human movements. Have you ever been up close and personal with a FC2 merc? I am currently wreaking havoc in Port Selao (FC2 in the taskbar now) using ignore player cheat. Like that, I can stand right in front of a merc and empty my entire clip of my 6P9 not hitting once because the merc in front of me moves in ways no human ever would. So there is nothing wrong with your reflexes, I suppose, it is simply AI vs human. They do funny things like facing 12 o'clock, I am like 10 o'clock from him, and he'd turn all the way around passing 3, 6 and 9 o'clock, but like on steroids. Or he'd move left, right, left, right, as if not knowing what to do, and he always jumps like a yard when he moves from side to side. I could never do that with my mouse and keyboard... Crazy AI, that's all ;D On the other hand, I can perform like 8 headshots in a row with that pistol, like from 20 or more yards away. No (FC2) AI can do that  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: eor123 on April 04, 2010, 12:53:46 PM
... Killed by a DD....a veteran of several Hardcores and one Infamous play through. How humiliating.

lol, that's a great line - I can totally relate  :-X

I'm mostly like the other guys though, I always play on easy/casual because I'd not make it through the game a single time on anything higher.  As it is, I barely make it from mission to mission,and am thrilled when I accomplish something simple like blast through the GF arena without taking damage!

In fact, when I watch some of the videos, I'm amazed at how some people can play a game  :-X

🡱 🡳