What games are you waiting for 2011

Started by Fiach, January 14, 2011, 07:14:32 AM

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Well, Marty might still be alive - he's my dude  :-X

Art Blade

I'm going to dust off my racing wheel and all that quite soon for TDU2. That game's predecessor was so amazingly well done, I loved to race with the proper gear.. my good Logitech G25 :)

Here you can see it on YT.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I now want to add RAGE to my list of most wanted games in 2011. But id software has not revealed much about it except a few screenshots and that it will be an open world FPS with post post-apocaliptic setting like Borderlands.

Art Blade

I heard it was going to be linear? Good if not, I like open world.. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


A long time ago, D_B posted a pic or video about a game that I can't recall the name of now, but it looked very promising - it was some kind of post-apocalyptic place with a large clown or something.  The graphics looked great, and reminded me somewhat of FC2.

That game would certainly be on my list if I could remember the name of it  :-()

Art Blade

BRINK (topic here at OWG) was a game I was looking forward to, estimated "Fall 2010" - err, did we miss something?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Rage is going to be great.  The first vid shows some gameplay with a dev talking, the second is a trailer.  I am very much looking forward to this and I'm not sure why since neither Fallout games or Borderlands really appealed to me...but the article I read last year and what I've seen of it really get me excited.

Rage GamePlay Part 1/2

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I`m also looking forward to see WARHOUND... but I seriously doubt we`ll see it in 2011... if we are lucky, maybe some trailers for late 2012 (if it ever make it to release, that is  :-( ).

A pitty... that one could be a nice replacement for FC2 till we hear from FC3!  :-(
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I was thinking the same, JRD!  In fact, I did a search yesterday, and it was still listed as having no release date.

@Art - after seeing the movies in the post you referenced, I recall that game as well as being one I would want, but that's not the game I was thinking about.  It's a shame that I can't recall enough detail to do a proper search - all I recall is some kind of clown (building I think - abandoned amusement park? ... perhaps an old plane wreck?


Quote from: PZ on January 26, 2011, 05:36:15 AM
- all I recall is some kind of clown (building I think - abandoned amusement park? ... perhaps an old plane wreck?

Batman Arkham City??   ;D
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Dang it, not sure - I wish I could remember more, but I thought D_B had posted the pics.  I looked in his album, but didn't find it so either it wasn't him that posted, or it was a link that he'd found.

I think it was around the time when you posted the first pics on Uncharted2 or thereabouts - my problem is that my memory is not nearly good enough - wish that I had Art's memory!


Quote from: PZ on January 26, 2011, 08:53:49 AM
(...) my problem is that my memory is not nearly good enough - wish that I had Art's memory RAM (8MB)!

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

OK PZ, I'll try to find out what you were thinking about.. but I'm not psychic  :-()

There is a game that starts with an amusement park, it was HitMan:BloodMoney, and there was a clown in it, too. You're not thinking about that, are you?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I would have sworn that you are psychic - you know every shred of anything that has been posted at OWG  :-()

No, it wasn't HMBM - I remember that game quite a bit with the discussions you've posted.  This one was a game that had not been released yet, but reminded me of a cross between FC2 and FO3 - the pictures (or video) was entirely outdoors, and everything appeared dilapidated, broken, worn, etc.  I think it was a desert-like scene because of it's sandy nature.

I wish I could remember more, but now I'm even starting to doubt that I saw it at all.  :-()


Maybe Rage ?
Right now I cant think of another open world FPS that's similar to FC2 and FO3


you sure it wasn't RAGE?  All except the clown seem to fit, and maybe there was some mutants who looked rather clownish.

...Or maybe your thinking of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal...  >:D

Twisted Metal Demo: Team Deathmatch - E3 2010
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Yeah  I thought the enemies in that game look clownish when I first saw the screenshots.
I'm pretty sure the game PZ's talking about is Rage.



I think you guys may be correct - I just did a search for "Rage" and came up with what I recall D_B reporting in 2009 in this post

Today was the first opportunity I had to watch the videos that spaceboy posted - there was a problem with my internet for the past day or so which brought it down to slower than dialup - less than 1 k/sec at times.

Thanks for all the assistance, guys - it's much appreciated!  :-X


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lol PZ I just found the same thread as you and your comments are spot on.  I think we've found the game!!!    RAGE it is.  add it your list, it will be awesome!
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It's on my official list now (as long as it comes out before I forget it again) - too bad the original video is no longer valid, although the new ones make the game look just as promising!  :-X


Art Blade

PZ, I think the game you were looking for was RAGE.

^+-+ ;) ;) ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Those screenies look great, don't get me wrong, but I've got to state the obvious - from what I've seen so far, this game reminds me of Borderlands a lot.  Can anybody comment of what sets the two apart? 


You're not the only one who think Rage looks like Borderlands but I think one of the differences between them is that Rage has racing combat ?  Some other differences: Rage doesn't have bazillion weapons and character levelling up.

🡱 🡳

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