Interesting non-respawn event when attacking the Dogon village

Started by PZ, April 11, 2009, 07:54:22 PM

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I just experienced a first:

Nasreen asked me to kill the suit at the Dogon village - OK, have done that one before, nor problem: started by riding the bus to the northeast bus stop, then stealing the grenade assault truck.  On prior attempts at this mission, I parked the truck by the tree near the intersection of the road to the village and the road to the rivers edge where you end up when you take the glider out of the village. This time however, I parked the truck right at the rivers edge.  I then did the mission and took the glider out of the area toward the truck like I've done many time before (usually the truck has spawned out of the area, probably to it's original location).  Imagine my surprise when I saw the grenade truck still there - it had not re-spawned to it's original location!  The point is that I was able to drive a grenade truck to the mission location, complete the target elimination and then still have my truck for the ride out - kind of cool...  and, I've noticed other strange non-respawn times.

Art Blade

sounds familiar, the first time I lost my favourite grenade launcher jeep (apparently parked it too far away from the combat zone) I decided to keep it always inside the GPS/handheld map, especially when you get into a zoom version of like a city, airfield etc. I never lost a vehicle again due to spawn issues (or rather: vanishing due to "out of range" issues)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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