Possible alternative for smoking

Started by mandru, June 04, 2011, 12:32:44 AM

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Over the years whenever I've been on vacations or w@&k trips and have needed to stay in a motel I've had to try to find one which has smoking rooms, and if I couldn't find one, book a non-smoking room and go outside to have my cigs. Usually when I did manage to get a smoking room it would turn out to be one of the lousiest ones in the place, essentially a one-star room in say a four-star establishment. So earlier this week I had to go on a three-day w@&k-related trip and for the first time I could just go ahead and book a room without having to ask for a smoking one, or even if they had any. Imagine my surprise when I got into my room to find that it was equipped with a balcony complete with an ash tray on a little table. I thought, how ironic - I finally get a smoking room without having to go through the hassle of tracking one down, a very nicely appointed room at that, and here I was no longer smoking ::) I had an amused fleeting thought that it was a pity I didn't smoke anymore. While I was out at w@&k during the day I was fine, but afterwards, being by myself in an unfamiliar city at night in a motel room with nothing much to do and a balcony and ash tray right outside, the temptation to go out and buy some smokes became very strong. But I held, by doing what I've been doing since I quit. I bore in mind how angry and disappointed with myself I'd be if I caved in and knew how weak and humiliated I'd feel if I allowed myself to be bested by a bunch of stupid tobacco.

Anyway, hang in there Binn, you have the right attitude. JRD is correct, WHEN is the word to keep in mind. He's done it and knows, as have many others, and we can too :) :-X

Art Blade

nice to see how all of us who decided to quit almost at the same time still haven't snapped. And apparently don't even want to  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


When I wrote my alst post I was close on giving up. I thought I'd at least let you guys know that it was eating me.
Doing so helped, and of course your nice replies. I can imagine how that night in the motel must have been, fragger.

Yesterday I had a funny experience as well, I was at the birthday party of my sister's. There were a few others who quit smoking for a while now (including my sister) and others who stil smoke. They went off to the balcony to get their nicotine and 'quiting smoking' was the 'talk of the town' inside. I had a pleasant chat with two gays who also quit smoking 5 months ago. They told me that everything went fine until a few weeks ago, a girlfriend visited them. It was kind of a tradition for them to enjoy an evening with the her spending the time playing boardgames, drinking and, of course, smoking. So they felt the urge of getting some smokes 'just for that night'.
They told me that after this ocasional smoke they left it aside and it was all fine. Once more they repeated that 'one-day-smoking' and they told me that it was a very pleasant way of 'handling it'.

What I thought about it was double: Of course I thought "I wish I could handle it like that". But on the other hand I thought; "That's where it starts again for them".

Anyway, I kind of grabbed myself together again and I feel better as a non-smoker. There's still a lot of doubt running through my mind, but I gotta just focus on the daily business and stop thinking too much.
Glad I got some nice distraction in Gotham City ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

Even if smoking was nice for socialising it still is bloody unhealthy and your gear stinks like an old ashtray.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hang in there guys, all of you are doing great.......................... :-X


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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