Possible alternative for smoking

Started by mandru, June 04, 2011, 12:32:44 AM

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You absolutely right on that one mmosu,  unfortunately my wife still smoked so it was there all the time, she went out in the garden when she wanted to smoke scared that it will make me want to smoke also, but I insisted she smoke in my company and that I have made up my mind not to smoke. The funny thing though, my wife has four sisters and for four years after I stopped, every New Years day when the family get together the four brothers inlaw would each have a sigar. But we stopped as well


Thanx mmosu, and indeed; for me, quiting, is something like saying goodbye, farewell. It's ritual. Last time I quit for 3 months, I cleaned up the entire house, threw away all tabaco related things, and cleaned my car, scrubbed my fingers to get rid of the yellow spots and brushed my teeth 3 times extra.
This time I won't do all the cleaning. That way I will remind myself to the bad things this habit involves. I WILL be sure to undo myself from any tabaco left around the house. Just to ensure myself that there's no need to go searching in a hard moment.
I even remember, back in the days, when money was scarce, I opened finished stubs to roll a sig with the leftovers, yegghh 8-X
In prison I see guys doing that every wednesday, just before the grocery-boxes come in

I'll keep you posted about my boss-battle against 'the tar monster'
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Binnatics on September 21, 2011, 11:56:13 AM
In prison I see guys doing that every wednesday, just before the grocery-boxes come in[/spoiler]

Are you typing from jail or do you deliver groceries at the local prison?  ????

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'm typing from jail. Well, at home, but with the warder experience ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics




Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

I had this last pack and smoked the last cig before quitting (hey, they were expensive, hehe). I agree, not having anything to smoke helps a lot. If I had found a cig during the last days I would have smoked it. Not that I would have wanted to start over again, but I would have smoked it. Since I didn't have any, I didn't smoke any.

It's about one week now. I haven't smoked anything since and now I would even refuse a cig if I found one like in/on my desk here.  :-()

I do have a little craving sensation once and then but I just shrug it off thinking, "what the.. why?? I don't need it."  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Every day without it is a record broken my friend, it sounds brilliant  8)

Art Blade

Thank you, old friend :)

It's nice to see how you guys support us and show interest. OWG simply is the best  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :-X :)
Next monday will be my quiting day. The european monday that is; GMT +2 Amsterdam: monday september the 26th, 0:00 h.  ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


That's a well-scheduled quit plan :-X All the best mate, hope the wife doesn't sock you around too much if you get cranky :-()

In the meantime, make room on the bandwagon guys - I smoked my final butt last night. Like Art, I timed it so that I'd wake up in the morning with no cigs in the house. Already I want one (I usually have my first one of the day right after brekkie). So I'm going to throw myself into a bunch of slightly overdue yardwork today to keep my mind of it. When I crave, I'll try to keep in mind the fact that I don't want to be enslaved by these things anymore - and the money I'll save without the financial drain of bloody tobacco. Quitting should save me about $5,000 a year ???

Who would have thought that joining OWG would end up benefiting my health and finances? Without reading here about other smokers' efforts to quit, it might not have even occurred to me to try. I thank all of you "quitters" for providing the inspiration :) :) :) :) :)

This is probably about the only occasion when being a quitter is a good thing :-D

I know the first few days will be the hump, once I'm over that it will get easier. Hmmm... I may have to buy a box of Chuppa-Chups to deal with my oral fixation and rot my teeth instead of my lungs. I can get new teeth, I can't get new lungs. Nah, just joking (so stop rubbing your hands together mmosu...  :-() )

Right, here we go (deep breath) - wish me luck :-\\


Wish you all the best in that quitting effort, mate!  :-X

Keep in mind that it's not about luck but about  making up your mind. Luck would be an external factor whereas strong will comes from within. It's up to you and you alone to go on and get rid of smoking once and for all!

It's easier than it seems once you get through this initial phase.  :-X

Hang in there and stay tobacco free, mate!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Good, good and all good, Fragger!!!!

I wish you strength and joy. Just in case the craving gets heavy: Remeber the bad things. In my case for example I had a frequent stress feeling in my chest, I had reduced sense in my fingers when it's cold. It's easy to forget the benefits of quiting due to the craving. When I stopped last week, only one day, the stress feeling was entirely gone. And I only realised it after I let another :-\\ It was back.

Feel liberated all the time. That should kill the monster!!!!

Edit: My current pack of tabaco is finished. I'll buy one last pack of sigarettes today. And when that's finished, I'm ready for it!!!! :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade



Guys, good company here.

Yesterday a friend visited and I allowed her to smoke on the balcony (sunny warm day so we sat outside with coffee and cake). I wasn't distracted or disturbed or tempted by her smoking. I just smiled (internally and externally)  :-()

One thing I notice is my heartbeat is significantly lower now.

When I was overweight about more than a year ago I used to easily have a pulse of 100 and quite often up to 120 bpm.

Since I lost weight and am slim again, my heart rate went down to 80 - 100 bpm.

Now, slim and non-smoking, my heart beat is between 57 to 77 bpm.

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


All I know of the heartrate in relation to smoking, is that smoking a sig will temporarily increase the heartrate. Just like other things do; sitting on a balcony with a nice lady drinking coffee for example >:D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

The only rate increasing in a situation like that would be coffee-related. As in how fast and how many coffees I'd have.

Excuse me.. one more coffee, please. :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


fragger my mate. may the forces from above be with you every step of the way in helping you to stop, remember the first 48 hours is critical from there it's downhill all the way.......
as I said to Art a day or two ago, our thoughts and prayers are with you     :-X :go


Quote from: fragger on September 23, 2011, 05:39:51 PM
I can get new teeth, I can't get new lungs. Nah, just joking (so stop rubbing your hands together mmosu...  :-() )

^+-+ :-X

Good luck fragger, I know you'll do just fine!  :-X

Art Blade

yep  ^+-+ :-() :-X

From my point of view, somewhat more than a week now since I quit smoking, I feel pretty normal.

I remember the discussion about lab rats and green rooms. The green room effect is only noticeable for me right here when I sit at this desk and use this computer because it's here where I used to smoke most of my cigs. Some of you already know that I'm relocating (which is why I'm not around often these days) so returning to this place and sitting down here basically automatically installs one thought: "grab the pack and light a cig." The ashtray is still here but I emptied it a week ago. I could just get up and out and buy cigs from across the street but no. I ain't needing 'em no mo'  :-()

However, this entire old apartment is one single green room or should I say, one big smelly ashtray.  :-D That's why I prefer to spend my time in the new neutral and smoke-free apartment despite the fact that it's still lacking a lot of furniture (all new furniture, none from the old apartment will make it). I'll get my land line and internet connection relocated around October 13th and hopefully will be able to reconnect here without problems. Going to upgrade from 6MBit to 16MBit, too.  ;D

So, for me it's kind of easier to get rid of old habits because I literally leave it all behind. That was part of the big plan  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That sounds like an excellent plan - getting rid of the old sights, smells, and triggers all at once  :-X

Art Blade

Indeed -- works like a charm :) Maybe not the cheapest way of buying oneself a ticket out but certainly one of the best. We cannot start over as in respawn or reload but we may draw a line, drop everything and go from there, "from scratch" which is what I do. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Hey waiter..

                                                                                                                               ...make it a Can please :-D
By the way, I'm a little ahead of schedule, I just smoked my last. That's good, I was longing for it allready. Pushing it down in the ashtray of course. This way, when I wake up for w@&k tomorrow, I'll have my first 12 hours without nicotine allready. Good start for a good new week, ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

🡱 🡳

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