Far Crying out loud!!

Started by JRD, December 07, 2012, 03:38:43 PM

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Quote from: PZ on January 05, 2013, 06:41:10 PM
We might also need to create a Vaas folder, just for fragger  :shocked oops... did I say that?

Oi! Who said that? By gum, I'll get my SPAS out, I swear... \:/

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Jim di Griz

Quote from: fragger on January 05, 2013, 11:16:20 PM
Oi! Who said that? By gum, I'll get my SPAS out, I swear... \:/
SPAS isn't a euphemism...is it?

Quote from: JRD on January 05, 2013, 05:18:22 PM
I knew there was more ...... just don't tell me more, please, I like to be surprised when I play games that I like!  >:D
That's why I left it at that JRD - not even being specific about which part I was commenting on  :)
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



You guys...  :laugh: :-X

Back to topic....  ::) ... I found my little brother Riley, and took a swing at him!  >:D

My next mission is to play poker with Hoyt. Not far from the end now. When I look back at the main missions I can see, not only linearity, but also a lot of "defend" missions: Attack the drug fields and defend Sam. Blow up the antenna and defend the charges, then blow up the fuel depot and, again, defend Sam. In the northern island there was the mission to defend Willis at the air strip and a few "defend the vehicle" missions like when you and Liza escape the burning temple or right after rescuing Oliver... on both occasions you man the gun while the NPC drives. Enemies will come from exactly the same locations at the exactly same time... that's exactly  the kind of dumb mission I find offensive. How dumb devs think I am to enjoy a memory test where I can do things EXACTLY the same way no matter how many times I play the mission?

The other missions, apart from the intro/tutorial ones, are Buck's knife hunt - waaaay linear - and the convoy mission, ending in the chopper and getting your loadout back (those I like  8) )

I can name two... TWO... open world, sandbox missions... the Medusa and the Drugfields Jah Rastafari burnout!

No news to all of you guys playing FC3... but I had to vent.... sidemissions are where the fun is at imo. Worth another playthrough.  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Absolutely agree JRD :) I would add that I don't mind the mission at Pirate's Cove or Sunset Cove or whatever it's really called - the first, outdoor part of it anyway before you go into the cave and find the video playing. You can go stealthy or blam it up as you choose, and there are several ways in. This go around I went the stealth route and got all the outside guys, including the dude with the key, without alerting anyone. But, as soon as I started into the cave, some pirate in there with x-ray vision saw a body outside because he said, "Hey! Is that a body?", apparently managing to see said body right through rocks and containers and what have you. Then the jig was up.

I hate the timed missions as well, even though there is nearly always ample time to get them done. They just bug me. I'm getting on, I don't like to be rushed :-()


Quote from: fragger on January 08, 2013, 04:11:48 AM
I don't like to be rushed :-()

I think this is the key reason I've not jumped into the coop missions with the guys that are enjoying that part of the game.  I'm too slow. I poke at everything flipping rocks, eliminating aggressively hostile wildlife from the immediate vicinity and looking at my approach to an objective from all sides weighing options that give me the best chance of success before committing to a course of action.  Where the coop missions occur in settings I've not had a chance to pre-explore I'm sure my deliberate approach would drag down a coop team and annoy everyone.

The side missions have been fun. I've typically enjoyed the medical supply sprints, interactions with the locals missions, Wanted Dead outings and capturing outposts but some of the Hunter missions have been so obnoxious that I've left them uncompleted.  First off the bow (for me personally) even with the upgrades is next to useless.  It's my FC2 mortar reincarnated in another form in FC3.  I couldn't shoot myself in the foot (if I had them) with the FC3 bow.  Running back to the hunting mission area initial check in point to grab more arrows is just bloody annoying and what it takes 12 arrows to kill an enraged tiger.  In the end I have taken to popping an untouchable syringe at the last moment before one of these ridiculous bow encounters and slashing the target to death with my tanto but not the crocks who live in water where the weapons are disabled in normal play.  ???

Sorry, I have zero interest in killing an 20 foot albino saltwater crocodile through infection by stabbing it repeatedly in the cloaca with my personal toothbrush when a judiciously placed C-4 charge would easily concussion kill the bugger without damaging the hide.  :D

OK, none of the Hunter missions require that but there's a few that make that scenario seem reasonable.  I have many better ways to kill critters and the collector/taxidermist that requested the undamaged skin never shows up to collect them as they always end up cluttering up my inventory.  Offing 15 wild dogs with an RPG?  That was fun.  >:D

I didn't like the made for console Quick Time Events (QTEs) in AC3 why would I ever enjoy them on a PC in FC3?  :knockout

UBI said something along the lines of "Outposts won't respawn once cleared" but twice now when I've gone back to the Northern island and while roaming around polishing off uncompleted side missions I've encountered my previously captured outposts that have been repopulated with twice as many pirates as I originally encountered in those locations.  Maybe the numbers were due to inflowing reinforcements but there was no disable the alarms or once spotted the alarms start blaring with radio reports of timing for reinforcement arrival.

I could have left these intrusions unanswered but as I wasn't really engaged in anything more important it was easy to accept these opportunities as unexpected entertainment.  >:D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


My play style is likely much as yours mandru.  I like to poke around as well sizing up the environment and whatever threats I have to deal with.

Strange about the outpost spawning pirates, however there are a few areas that some of the chaps report never are lacking for the red-suited guys.

Art Blade

mandru, outposts are those that will contain a fast travel sign on the map and at the time a safehouse. Once liberated (blue flag gone up and Rakyat homing in going, "who's the man? ME!") there will be a safehouse available, hunter/wanted dead missions available and they won't go back to enemy hands. I think you cleared a random location that wasn't an outpost and yes, there are a few of those locations that will get repopulated with pirates/mercs :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art the outpost that I first noticed as being repopulated was one of those I had cleared and switched the flags.  That's a certainty.

It was the Outpost that is a lumberyard/sawmill on a river (I can't remember the name but there's an abundance of hewn board footage stacked and bundled ready for shipping with lots of heavy machinery making a quite a maze out of the conflict zone) and I distinctly remember having the pleasure of knocking the first pirate at the onset of my assault off the elevated pier that extended out into the river where I had noticed he stepped out of view of his companions about once every three minutes to relieve himself.

I'd even considered posting that story in "Funny moments" but so much time had elapsed without finding a proper way to frame and relate the event of the pier patrolling pirate potted while peeing that it seemed less and less like a good idea.

My initial encounter at the lumberyard where it is such a large area (it even had its own free roaming leopard that managed to stay out of the mix) and the pirates were spread so widely that it turned into one of the rare (at least for me) run and gun situations because I had failed to document all of the enemies positions leading to a situation where there were twice as many pirates as I'd imagined before attacking.

The reinfestation I later encountered at that location may have actually doubled the number of pirates over my original encounter there.  It was only my improved skills, better syringes and superior weaponry (I swear by the Bull and the "Esc Key" quick reload to conserve ammo) that allowed me to prevail the much tougher rematch.

It is possible that you may be right about what I though was a second outpost reinfestation as I can't recall the location or name of the outpost.  It all happened so fast and became so frantic from there that it remains a blur.  So I'll give you that one.  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

hehe and given the game is not entirely and completely bug-free, I give you the first one  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Finished FC3 last week.

I can say I'm quite disappointed with the main missions, just lik everybody elese in OWG. It didn't stop me from starting a new game immediately though!  >:D

Getting to the point where you kill Vaas and then Hoyt should be the climax on this game but instead was a couple of boring knife fights. Hoyt was a lame opponent as was the click RMB, now LMB, now SPACE mechanics. From reading the forums I was expecting a booooring sequence but I only died once. Second time around and down goes Hoyt. Getting to the airfield on a hurry was also a pain in the nuts and the whole Valkyries sequence with my young brother flying a blackhawk for the first time and trying to memorize where the threats were coming from was even more painful.

Overall the game was quite good though. I still miss more open world-ness and the buddy system but I'm very pleased with what the game delivered. There's still lots to do on my first playthrough and on my second one I can try new stuff and approach all outposts using a different strategy.

Only thing is I'm back to Assassin's Creed 3 this weekend so Rook Island may have to wait for a while!  8)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Totally agree mate, outside of the story the game is bags of fun :-X


Agree too; I'm in various stages of a 4th play through (second on each the console and PC), and am playing with various aspects of the game that I did not realize on my first plays - for instance the sparkles in the camera view.

🡱 🡳

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