Assassination of the Mokuba Suit.

Started by retiredgord, May 31, 2009, 05:03:42 PM

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I had just finished having a rest at the Safehouse south of the Private Property and decided I should get to w@&k and earn some more moolah for the camo suit I wanted. Ah, thee's a cell tower nearby, so I'll go and listen to The Voice.
   Out to the .50 Cal A/T I have outside with Duke, Peter and a new friend, Silent Sam the 6P9. Into the truck towards the tower near Private Property to see what's happening. I'll be driving thru a g/p that's shouldn't be and isn't of any concern really as the .50 cal chews up and spits out merc meat like a grinder. After passing thru this g/p I hear a ping or two from rounds from a handgun.  Cya later sport.
  When I get to the cell tower and connect with Voice he tells me there is a target northwest of the Oasis. Back into the A/S and off on another ROAD TRIP to my target area.
It's that group of ramshackle shacks they've named Mokuba. Oh well, been there and got a layout of the area in memory but I should get there and do a recon anyway.
  I drive down thru a pass and remember there's a safehouse just ahead whee I can rest. Short rest tho cause I have that mission and I need time to scope things out. There is bound to be a good number of "protectors" for Suit and I need to prepare myself. 
  I leave the safehouse on foot and travel close to the base of the cliffs on the right side that almost surround the area. As I get closer I hug the cliff and use stealth until I get to a point where I will not have much cover. Time to stop. Monocle out,view, note set-up and possible position of Mr. Suit. He's on the left side so I gotta get across the road.  As I sneak, across I thought, I'm spotted by some eagle-eyed merc that starts shouting that they're being attacked by a bunch of guys. They start shooting and one round hits nearby, but it's not theirs, it's the guy  sniping  me from a platform.  I fire a burst with Peter to stop one, throw a greanade to kill and discourage others. and snap  2 shots with Duke at the sniper.  He goes down for good. Time for a relocation to maybe a better position.
  As I dart across the road I hear that sound the A/T makes when starting and just get around and to the other side of the cesspool  on the right near the first buildings.  Poor truck guy misgages his speed and slams into the fence gets stuck and givies me two nice targets to aim at with Duke. With those guys down the camp is in chaos and I heal my wounds and look for Mr Suit.  The GPS shows he's really close and I start a slow careful walk towards his position, in or around one of the shacks. There is a fence and a door opening just ahead..maybe he's in there.
      I approach the door and several shots ring out and I'm hit by a couple.  As I turn in the direction from where they came I'm almost bumping into Suit who's by the fence in the corne.  He almost ambushed me.  He goes to fire some more and either his gun jammed or he was reloading.  Igrbbed for Pter andgo to finish him off..Pter decides it's a gun coffee brak and jams also.  Grab Slent Sam, he's been just hanging around my hip and unload a clip at the guy. He doesn't go down..body armour? He and I both get loaded again and start to trade shots but I start mine 2 neck, 2 head and he's down and ready to be planted in a bone orchard later.  I heal up and wait for any more fun..All is quiet. The mission is accomplished, my payment has been made and I got the run of the place.  Rumours are there is a diamond somewhere so I track it down and score it as a tip for the job.
   Gotta go to the safehouse and get some rest.  Gotta get this written down while the memory is fresh.
   I kinda know what they mean when they say "Cut me deal", or "Spare me" or " I wanna go home".  I wanna go home sometimes too, but  I've a mission. The Jackal has to go first..To Hell.

The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


I always chuckle when I read your stories, Gord!   :-X

Art Blade

yeah, alwas sitting tensed up while reading his stories :)

Gord, you've got speed in your text, I give you that. Sounds like the mission takes only a few minutes all in all, and I think when you say walk you mean jog  ;D

I don't know what gives me the impression, but were you a soldier of some sorts?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Marathon, I'd say - I'll bet that he's on a new mission, else something in "real life" is messing up his game time!

Art Blade

yeah... glad he doesn't use a tape recorder and have a heart attack on tape, as he once said LOL
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah, we'd better be careful, lest we take a chance on losing him...

Art Blade

No way! He's one of the old school guys, tough and hard-boiled. He'd headbutt fate if he could  ;D ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks again.  That mission took roughly 2 1/2 hrs game time. No I've never been in any armed forces. It's just a good imagination and being  Master Chief in Halo  1 and 2, Gordon Freeman in Half-Life, a couple of characters in Mercenaries 1 and 2. I'm just trying to get into character in the game. What would he do, how would he do it. Some of the strategies has been borrowed from you folks.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

well done, Gordon :) I have to admit, nice immersion there. I don't try much to get into character... it's more like "you gave me that job, I do it my way"  ;D ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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